The Lost Family - Chapter 62

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Faye pov

I groan at the sun, most likely giving me an unwanted tan. I glared in a direction not caring who was on the other side since I could even see. I stopped taping my heel against the ground when Cleo's hand snaked up my thigh. I turned to her fiddling with the cute flowery sundress she had on, wishing to just jump past the little fence and run back to the apartment, "I really don't want to meet her."

I sigh, going to take a swig of the wine I ordered only for it to be snatched by Cleo, "So you've said. And no drinking."

"We're only a short walk from the apartment so why not."

She winced most likely off my strong taste and gathered my hand in hers, "Because I said so love. You can do it after having a level headed mind throughout this whole thing."

"Fine, you're right. I don't know why dad is so adamant about this. Even after the fact of blackmailing and holding a secret like that."

"Your mom must've had her reasons."

"For telling her?"

"Yes. And since your father wasn't there she must've been there as her support. Just think, babe, she lost her own child. She must've wanted someone to know at that moment."

"Maybe yea," I smiled, fiddling with her engagement ring. When I looked at her again she was already watching and she laughed when I pulled her by her collar to place a kiss on my lips, "I'm glad your here."

"I came because I don't want you to say or do something you'll regret."

"Not for the support?"

"That too as well. Will she look anything like you mom?"

"I don't know. It's gonna be really weird if she does."

"You'll be just fine. And if not we can just leave," She looked away and smiled brightly when getting up and I followed suit, "Now put on your lovely fake smile and be nice."

"I'm always nice," I gasped when her palm connected with my butt grimacing in trying to laugh it off as my dad came up to us.

"Cleo! Nice to see you again. I hoped that this one didn't run you off already," He was beaming, looking unfazed at the situation at hand. He somehow looked even better than when I last saw him. They hugged each other and I crossed my arms unwilling to just act happy.

"Oh not yet I guess I'm gonna be here long term then."

"And really thank you for keeping me up to date. Other than when we speak on the phone I never know what's going on with her."

"It's no problem. Just be glad your likable, otherwise I would've kept to myself. By the way, where is this woman of the hour?"

"Popped into the restroom. But I'm keeping an eye out in case she's trying to escape. I even had to convince her when she came that you wouldn't kill her."

"I just don't get why you let it go on for so long."

"Well it is my company. I just have someone being the face and acting the part. I phrased it wrong, sorry but that's the income earned that I gave her. I gave them a couple of ideas that worked and they I could use the extra money anyways. However, she needed it more than me."

A woman skin and bones came up to the table. I was taken aback as she looked starved and almost dead yet still alive and kicking, "Hello...," Cleo and dad went quiet as I stared at my... aunt? She looked like a shell of what she could have been.

"I don't feel comfortable with calling you aunt yet."

"My name is Shira. Your mothers name in hebrew was טַלְיָה."

"Why'd you take advantage of him?"

"I was in a bad place and needed help. I had no one else and it was my last resort."

"And bringing up the fact that I wasn't my mom was necessary?"

"...Your father was mad at me. I only left your mom after a fight we had. And I never got to reconcile with her. He had every right to reject me and i made the stupid decision to hurt him. And for that I am sorry to both of you. Talia wanted me to take this to my grave."

"You have gotten better, yes?"

"I'm going through rehab. I'm a month clean with many years to come. And might I say your just like her. She was such a strong willed person and you obviously inherited that factor."

"Thank you..."

She looked over to Cleo smiling her way, "Your dad said you were engaged. Are you the lucky lady?"

"Yes, I'm Cleo. Nice to meet you."

"You as well. I'm glad I got to meet you as he hasn't stopped boasting about you."

"Well I do have a very nice reputation. Will you attend? I would like for all of Faye's family to be there."

"...If Faye is fine with it..."

"Yes I am."

"Then your father will keep me up to date. Not to cut this short but I have a checkup meeting scheduled for today."

Dad was the first to stand and everyone else stood after, "I'll meet you by car."

She nodded and came over to me to take a hold of my hand, "Hopefully I'll see more of you and really I'm sorry about this whole thing."

Using the better half of me I pulled her into a hug albeit a short one in response, "I know that now. Have a great meeting."

She said her goodbyes to me and Cleo this time and walked away, "Thank you for not cutting off her head."

"Shut up old man and hug me."

His laugh loud and boasted came in between Cleo and I to pull us into a group hug, "Love you and you too Cleo. I gotta go before someone calls me and hopefully you two will meet soon," I double took him after that last sentence and he literally rushed away knowing I'd have something to say.

Cleo was laughing at my expression and I bumped my hips with hers and had to grab her arm so she wouldn't fully fall over after, "One issue at a time okay."

"Yea yea i'm getting a bottle then we're going home and i'm little spoon this time."

"A nice movie night in? Let me order before we leave so you don't starve. And get me something sweet. I don't even know how you handle that stuff."

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