An Early Crime - Chapter 8

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After the small event on Monday I somehow felt more comfortable with Ms. Hart. I'd even stayed later to help, seeing as the walk back to my dorm wasn't far. And with Cherry working a bit more due to her manager role I wanted the company. And she didn't seem to mind unless it was too dark for me to walk back alone.

It felt as if she might be the type to keep to herself and though she doesn't seem so on the outside; after the almost two weeks of knowing her i'd like to think i'm right.

It was the evening of Thursday now and she wanted us to meet in her classroom at almost nine. Being precise with my time, I just came an hour early. Really i just wanted to see what her classroom looked like since i had so much time on my hands.

When i came through the back of the building i was kind of lost though. I know she gave me directions to the room but i ultimately forgot. After sourcing out Mr. Lui I was thankfully was on track.

A slight buzz from my phone attained my attention. I was hoping it would be Cherry as she's the only person in the town who has my number. But instead it was my father calling again. I ignored the call, not having the time nor mental stability at the moment to handle anything he says. It hadn't only been him but my mother too. Honestly a part of me is glad they're trying to get in touch but I don't want to just get hurt again believing in what's already shattered.

Sighing I follow the directions given leading me to a single door on the right hand wall down a hallway. I swiftly opened the door, finding a pair of blue orbs on me with a shocked expression. Her body though faced the board in which she'd been writing something but that i could focus on later, "You startled me"

"Sorry I didn't mean to"

"You're also early"

"Mhmm," She looks away, dropping a book she was holding beside the computer she's now using. I take this opportunity to look around at the empty room. It was like the lecture hall back in the business building except larger in width. I slowly made my way to the front glancing at the quiet woman.

Today she wore a pants suit that fitted around her legs with a crimson silk shirt that had a v neck a bit too low for me not to accidentally look at. She sighed once i made it to the front looking down at her phone before smoothing out her already wrinkle free clothes.

I leaned on the long desk on the front row simply watching her be. I felt the heat in the room increase suddenly as she lifted her hands to her hair pulling it into a ponytail.

"Are you hungry?," I felt like Cherry herself just entered the room to chastise me. I always ignore the feeling my stomach makes after getting used to it. I have a few breakfast bars in my room I'd snack on but other than that I usually ate nothing. In the moment however, I didn't even need to answer as my stomach growled.

She didn't speak on the unstoppable subject, instead just throwing me a quick smile in turning off the computer, "Let me grab my purse and we can go get something. I already assigned something for my students so they didn't need to come and those who do are welcome to work in the classroom."

"I can go wait by your car," She had a worried expression woven onto her just as the words left my mouth. I normally don't mean to make people worry, which is something else my aunt said to work on. She said i do it absentmindedly and truthfully i've started to watch my actions. This wasn't even practical since i only adorned another pair of shorts even with my hoodie.

"No Cleo it's too cold for you to be just waiting out there," She walks with certain confidence after collecting her phone and a folder only stopping right next to me, "Come on"

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