Sharing Is Caring - Chapter 26

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I was totally not going to let her answer the door alone. I don't know why she thought that was a good idea especially since she lives out here alone. I wasn't obvious in doing so, opting to just peek around the corner to watch her interact with some guy. He was covered head to toe in protective winter clothes with a single shovel. He pointed outwards and nodded and I took that as my que to run back before she shut the door.

I played it cool as she came back with her arms wrapped around herself, "By the way you weren't so slick. And turns out my dad sent whoever that was to clear out my driveway and the roads clear too," The sofa dipped beside me and I couldn't help the smile seeping onto me at the thought of seeing Cherry's cousins again, "So I can drive you to your original destination for thanksgiving. And we should go quickly so that nothing freezes over the road when I come back."

"Who said you weren't staying? Once you meet Cherry's mom she'll have your heart wrapped in her kitchen. And trust me that is a good thing."

"You do realize I would be an acting stranger to them."

"I'll vouch for you."

"I don't want to. I have work to do that I need to finish."

"Why would you be working on the holidays? You can fight me all you want to, but be prepared to meet the cutest kids at your driver side door ushering you inside the house."


"Running out of objections to say? You'll regret not staying. I mean what miraculous coincidence it was that your dad knew you were here and decided to send someone to clear our path. I'm sure he wouldn't want you here by yourself."

"I'm surrounded by nature such as the deer who sometimes comes so I'm not totally alone."

"We'll revisit that amazing fact as you pack. Now go or there won't be any desert when we get there!,"


The old timey ranch was in the same condition when I saw it last summer. Though coming up the driveway I was greeted by Cherry with one of her 'we need to talk' looks. I'd texted her on the way that we were coming and luckily the roads were clear for a safe ride. But i didn't know there'd be a blockage such as herself in the way, "Should i just park in front of that woman?"

Dammit she is so stubborn when I actually need her not to be, "I guess so because it seems the idiot will not move. And that's the one and only Cherry by the way."

"I thought you said I'd be greeted by the cutest little humans in existence."

"I did too but not everyone gets what they want so it seems. But you are still not backing out. So I'm going to get your bags first and just wait till she goes past your door."

"Why do I have to wait in the car?"

"Because there's no limit on Cherry's mouth and I'm indecisive in whether to fully trust she won't say something embarrassing," I was quick to leave the car knowing Cherry would be on my tail. And she was even faster with the questions that followed.

"Who's that in the car? Was the famous Hart I've been hearing about? You two were alone for two days and you're letting her come to see my mom?"

"I'm calling in one of my 'be quiet' tickets so shut it," She didn't let up as i shut the trunk with Faye's packed bag and the bookbag I brought finding her now standing by the door. I had given her a rundown on Cherry's family but again to each their own with their uncontrollable personalities.

"You can't do that! This overrules that ticket!"

I groaned, stopping to plead with her so this doesn't go south and make Faye feel too uncomfortable to stay, "Can you please do this just one time?"

She sighed, throwing on a smile muttering under her breath before leading the way, "Who knew Hart could make you break out the puppy eyes."

I carefully watched the two interact exchanging pleasantries swiftly before Faye's attention turned back to me, "Everything ok? And you know I could carry my bag right."

"I'm sure you could but your about to be engulfed in a hug whether you like it or not and this could be in the way. I just want you to enjoy your time now go in, I already know you're freezing."

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