The Millers - Chapter 27

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Faye pov

This has to be some of the nicest women I've met. I'd immediately been taken into a hug after Cleo named me a family friend. Mrs. Miller had such kind eyes with a precise motherly tone. Her wife was the same and acted like a second degree of protection as Mrs. Miller moved around the kitchen. She's somewhat quite simply nodding as her wife makes conversation and the looks they share are just adorable. I can't say much about the younger generation, especially Cherry's brother who attempted flirting with me but their parents are wonderful.

"Sorry that i've been rambling, i always forget i shouldn't be the only one talking."

"It's perfectly fine Mrs. Miller."

"Oh please just call me Candice or Mrs. C. It can get confusing for us both since she's Mrs. Miller too."

"If I may ask how long have you two been together?"

"We're going on thirty eight years strong right Rosie?"

"Mhmm we met in college and my name is Rosalie. Though everyone eventually calls me Rosie since that's what's heard out of this one 24/7," we exchanged smiles but she immediately frowned looking at her wife, "Please watch what you're cutting."

"I am! Anyway she was in for her culinary degree and I was in for my medicine. We only met because of our core classes and it was just adorable seeing her face light up when I ate everything she brought me- shit!," The inevitable occurred and Rosie was prompt in steering her away.

"To the sink now," I stood anxious by how deep it could've been but ultimately she didn't seem disturbed.

"Do you want me to help?"

"No, I turned everything off to monitor her. I mean I only looked away for a second Candice."

"I know I know, can I get a kiss for luck?," She did just so still with a worried face on. Here I was thinking I'd never have something like that. Alina's wedding was a pretty awakening alongside her words that i shouldn't be alone.

I was so lost in my thoughts I only registered Cleo after she nudged me. She looked to be catching her breath maybe because of the little kids who'd started following her around since we'd gotten here. It was so sweet watching her interact with them and even more eye catching with a bead of sweat rolling down her neck even though it's almost negative outside, "Did Mrs. C get hurt again?"

I looked back to the situation not realizing Rosie had stepped out but by the time I engaged she stood leaning in front of the sink peering at me. She had a towel wrapped around her finger and was quick to respond, "Don't say it like it happens often which it doesn not," Rosie came back in scoffing at her wife with a old fashioned first aid kit. She didn't look back up at candice's stare, instead taking out needed items for use.

"The only time you didn't get hurt while I visited was last summer. But Cherry told me you fell down from something after I'd left so it doesn't really count," Some thuds up above made the room still and I even second guessed what it was after it repeated.

"Go stop them from breaking my things. Now I won't touch anything in the kitchen If and only if I don't end up crying over another vase. And you too Cleo," Rosie groaned leaving the room but Cleo only left after i poked her to go.

"So how long have you two been together? It seems new though so maybe not that long?"

I kinda thought she'd catch on. I'd notice when she's not speaking shes observing, "...I won't act stupid nor deny anything. I don't really have a reason to lie to you. You're right, it's only happened recently"

"Thank you dear."

"How did you know?"

"You two sure are good at hiding it but Cleo's sneaked in touches here and there. And the same dopey eyes Rosie had back then and now were affixed whenever Cleo was staring at you. It's honestly cute but since I see her as one of my own I respectfully have to tell you if you hurt her I'll have Rosie hunt you down and feed you my cooking."

I mirrored a shocked expression before laughing it off. It grew quiet before my resolve sort of crumbled, "I promise I won't. If anything , I'm scared about her breaking my heart. I haven't ever been in a stable relationship so it's gonna be a journey."

She'd traveled the short distance to place a hand on my shoulder then into another hug. And I haven't felt this type of warmth since my mother passed so it made my eyes water a bit, "We'll always be here no matter the situation. So dry those tears."

"Thank you..."

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