Unforgettable - Chapter 6

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I keep forgetting that there are a few things i shouldn't tell Cherry since she has absolutely no filter, "She sounds hot."

It would be impossible to ignore that since I'm going to have to stay the night. We've only talked about partners a few times only because we were focused on career advancement, "That's not what I was looking for from you."

"You just described to me how she looked the first time you met this woman. What was i supposed to say?"

"I don't know"

"So all your doing is grading papers?"

"That's the only thing she wants me to do for now. I don't know why they didn't have me start at the beginning of the semester since the scholarship is for the two."

"I am happy for you but if they're covering what must be half your full tuition then maybe you should slow down on working."

"Having extra cash never hurt anybody. Plus christmas is coming up and i wanna get you something nice."

"I know damn well that you know how to handle your money enough to have something saved already. All I'm saying is that you could skip a weekend every now and then."

"Fine I'll think about it."

"Have you talked to your aunt lately?"

"She's been busy with her research," That's only half true. She'd started working for this company that sent her to study some fossils somewhere and in the midst of that she fell in love with some other scientist. I know she puts me first in everything but she had also been alone as she raised me. So letting her live her life just as i'm doing so will let her focus on herself too.

"What about thanksgiving, it's coming up."

"She said she'd call," Cherry already knows about my parents. They hadn't died, they were just too busy for me growing up so I spent most of my time with my aunt even more so after what had happened with my sister. I see or hear from them every now and then but I consider my aunt more of my parents than them.

"Then do you wanna spend it with my family? Even my highschool crush will be there since my mom is overly friendly with any and everyone in her area."

"You wouldn't mind?"

"Though you know you're always welcomed, admit that this Hart woman is hot and I won't have any problems."

"I can say that she's attractive but you won't get any further than that. And it's time for you to go to bed."

I get up going to her side of the couch trying to lift the woman who just swats my hand away, "You're not my mom."

"And you're gonna regret having so many when i told you not to," She mocks me in getting up her self all while wobbling for stability. She looks back just as I was going to laugh but ultimately covers my mouth to hide it.

"See you in the morning Cherry"

"Yea yea, you go to sleep too," I clean up the place putting bottles in the trash and the little food she had here in the fridgerature. Once i finished i walked myself to her guest bedroom that was more like mine since i'd been here so often.

I was so close to slumber but a notification ruined it and it wasn't even worth the trouble of looking at it. It was from my dad with the simple wording of 'we're getting a divorce'. Did I read that right? The same two people who although didn't have time for their child were head over heels in love with each other are getting a divorce?

You know what, this seems like something for me to think about tomorrow maybe after Ms. Hart's work. And I'm glad sleep is taking over because who knows what thoughts will emerge because of that woman.

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