Picky - Chapter 15

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I was growing frustrated by the end of Wednesday having gone through a whole row of reasonable activities only to be answered with 'no', "How about just at your supposid cabin?"

"My cabin?"

"Who else's is there?," I balled up the paper throwing it into the trash, "I've learned that you don't like being in big spaces or anything in public really so how about a neutral place."

"I don't hate it. It's just that I'm not fond of being with too many people and well- I'm not used to it."

"I did say the library didn't i?"

"That seems like a waste of time. I already have plenty of books in my own collection to finish."

"So is the cabin a yes or a no?"

"What would be the point of going there."

"We can have some nice quiet scenery in a familiar place you like. And to top it off I'll be there."

She was contemplative and that meant she wanted to say yes, "It's decided as of now i'll spend all tomorrow and Friday convincing you until you say yes. And trust me, as you already know, I'm very good at convincing people."

She rolled her eyes not saying a word as she went back to work. She mumbled a few things here and there but otherwise didn't give any objection to the idea.

I'm honestly happy with myself in the way I'm pushing this. I've never been overly comfortable with people except Cherry.

I didn't mean to act uninterested but it was hard to act the way I'm not. I can truthfully say this was because of my parents though. With moving around to different locations for their careers that came at the loss of wanting to meet new people since I knew I wouldn't know them for long.

"Aren't you going to get that?"


"Your phone is buzzing," after zoning back into reality i heard the sound too reaching to the other end of the couch where my things were. At the sight of the caller's name I quickly apologized to Hart, going outside to take this call.

"How's my favorite love stricken aunt in the world."

"I'm your only aunt and you best believe that. Plus I'm not love stricken."

"Right more like head over heels for miss glasses."

"I send you one picture of her and after countless times of telling you her name you stick with that?"

"She adorned the brightest and boldest yellow glasses i've ever seen."

"I think they're cute. God, every time you do this you distract me from what i originally called you about."

"And that is?"

"Our project that we've been laboring away at is close to an end. I think by mid January I can come visit and stay with you for a while."

"Thank you but you should spend that time with glasses. I know you two have been too busy to even have a proper date even after she agreed to it."

"She assured me she isn't going anywhere and I already told her about coming to see you. And remember you're more important than anything I have going on."

"Oh I will never forget... thank you"

I stop myself thinking about not telling her about my other parent issues, wanting to just focus on her. But panic started to settle since we always told each other everything no matter the consequence, "Don't get all quiet on me."

I could hear her sniff making me squat, feeling saddened by also not seeing her for so long, "And you stop crying."

"I am not going to, I just miss you a bunch," she sighs and I hear some clutter start to erupt from the end. Even at this hour they are still going?, "Look i'm supervising some people and they couldn't just give me a couple of minutes. I gotta go but I love you Clo."

"Love you too, you'll call me sometime this week again right?"

"I most definitely will, I promise, talk to you later hon."

"You too," hanging up felt like the most emotionally draining thing I'd had to do all month. But at least with her I knew she'd uphold that promise.

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