The Plan - Chapter 51

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I can't explain the pure joy of coming home to someone. Especially when they're just waiting to jump at you when coming in, "You know I told you not to leave the bed."

"Yea but it was lonely and you were the only one keeping the bed warm so I was cold when you left," She kept me pinned at the door, not that I'm complaining, "And I'll take that off your hands," I was in a delightful haze when she kissed up my jaw before stepping back holding the bag of food i brought in.

"Ah, I was so blinded to think you weren't after the food!"

Cleo hummed and walked ahead in front of me whilst I slipped my coat and shoes off. By the time I made it to the table she'd had laid out all of its continents and left most likely getting utensils, "I love you and all but you left me to starve! We really need to stop getting takeout and just fill up your fridge with things," I was taken aback by her first words staring intensely as she scattered about my kitchen in one of the big t-shirts that barely cover anything when she bends over.

Her demeanor only changed when she noticed my full on staring, "What's wrong? Is it my tongue? I totally didn't eat those jolly ranchers, especially since you told me not to when you left."

She walked slowly over to me and I could stop the cackle that left me. When she held out a fork and knife to me I pulled her by the wrist into a hug and whispered into her ear, "I love you too Cleo."

She looked just as shocked as I felt when she said it, "Oh... I actually wanted to say that for a while now. I'd been holding it back since it was too early and it just... slipped I guess."

"Well I'm glad it did and no candy. It isn't helping your system. I am so hiding that jar."

"You practically left it out for me and who am I to deny myself the sweet pleasures in life. Such as yourself," She bumped shoulders with me and pushed me to sit down before taking her own place in front of me.

"You don't look all that sick anymore,"

"A good cup of tea fixed that. Otherwise I'd still be mourning the fact that you left me to myself."

"Oh and before you start eating...," I briskly went over to the briefcase i usually kept in my office for when i ever do take work home and pulled out her purse and brought it back over to her, "Here. Everything's in there right?"

"Yes! I was worried I'd have to get it replaced. Thank you so much."

"I could've just bought you another one."

"There were special items inside though."

"As you've mentioned, exactly what were they?"

"The recording for my undergraduate graduation and a gift for a loved one. By the way there was a threat against the ceremony and the school said they were going to postpone the event. Since I already went through it once, I don't really have a need to do it again. And when my mom comes back we can watch the recording together."

That explains the new meeting scheduled for friday. Usually I never have to go to them but it was of 'importance' that I attend, "As long as that's what you want."

"Also I called the new IT friend I made while working and he's going to retrieve the tape from the elevator. Once he figures out it's night mode thingamabob or whatever he said, I'm making a copy for Marshall and the police. Then she will be removed and if not I will fully take this matter into my own hands."

To say I was astonished downplays how clever she is. I had my doubts that she would let it go like what happened with the girls in Turner's case but fortunately she didn't, "This all happened in the little amount of time I'd been gone?"

"Well I told you I had a plan, you just have to have faith in me. Also, what exactly did you do to get this since I knew she took it."

"Er- uhm ok i did go to see her. And sure I could've just left after I got your purse but... Ok, I didn't do anything rash, I just gave her a warning... slap."

She didn't look enraged but fretful and leaned forward to grab ahold of my hand, "You bold woman... You won't do anything more right? Please for my sake and the integrity of my plan. I don't want anything bad to happen to you as the unknowing fact of what she can and cannot do is still a mystery to me.""...I can't guarantee I won't but I will make you a promise not to directly visit her again.""I'll take you up on that,"She squeezed my hand in letting it go briefly, looking at the food in front of her before speaking again, "So two slaps in one month, how do you feel?""Actually three since she had it coming."She gasped and put a hand over her chest in bewilderment, "Oh my savior! Who knew you could be so vile!""I'm that and much more darling. Now let's eat before everything gets cold."

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