Sunshine - Chapter 40

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I hopped off the bed quite as a mouse to sneak up behind Faye as she dressed. I snaked my hands around her waist and she did jump a bit but paid me no mind, "You kick in your sleep you know that right?"

"It's nothing you can't deal with. Good morning sunshine."

"Mmh good morning to you too pumpkin."

"I've never been called that but I like it," A vibration went over her as she hummed again and I just enjoyed the view as we stood in front of the mirror. She had only put on her stockings and skirt leaving her chest bare with her bra.

I traced over her stomach before taking the necklace she was obviously struggling with to help her out. After I put it on I caught her gaze and just pulled her back into me loving the warmth. Following that I tried advancing past her stomach but got striked.

"Hands off will you. While I adore it, your gonna make me late with all your touching. Maybe I need to go see that doctor and get your excuse revoked."

"You know what, I normally could have some of your morning time, why not now?"

"Hun the walls are paper thin we cannot do anything of the sort. So get your mind out of the gutter."

"Can't help it that you put me there. And you need to add some soundproofing for future incidents."

"I will?," She was all smiles looking off to the doorframe i traveled to after putting on a blue silk shirt that fit effortlessly around her. I swear this woman just does things to me without even trying.

"Afraid so. Do you atleast have time for breakfast?"

"Mmm if you make it quick sure. Are you staying in today?"

"I'd hate to leave mom alone so i guess so."

"Well go on then I'll be down in a few."


It didn't take long before someone came down. With an open kitchen like this it was easy for someone to get swept in if the food smelled good. My mother yawned in greeting me still with her pjs on, "Good Morning love. How'd you sleep?"

"As good as anyone could with this chest pain," I hadn't wanted to frighten Faye so i didn't exaggerate on it but the medication isn't doing much to help.

"Maybe we should get you checked again today. As Faye said, the police won't be here until after she gets off. We have time."

"It's not that bad. It might just take a while for me to get better, that's all."

She went quiet but it was a fleeting instance, "Has your aunt even called you? Shouldn't she have been notified of what happened?"

I haven't even thought to call her up till now. Maybe I should use Faye's work phone again to reassure her. I know for a fact they most likely called her and in the chance she picked up she's either freaking out or on her way, "Without my phone I can't really say anything. She's well who knows how many miles away but she tries her best. And don't worry, she never left me alone on her excursions. I was always the main priority growing up."

"Maybe I should unblock her and see if she tried for me."

"You have her blocked? For what reason mom?"

"She just pisses me off so much. Cleo it's like she's your second mom. I may be responsible for not being there for you but that doesn't mean I have to like who took care of you. And I didn't like her in the beginning anyway."

I didn't know what to say but thankfully Faye came in at the right time, "Good morning Mrs. King."

"Oh please don't call me that, It's just Marsha."

She nodded immediately, going to my side to whisper in my ear, "Was she talking about me?"

Guess she only came in at the right time for me. And I couldn't help the smile forming as I just started to finish up, "No it was about my aunt. And Here you go," I quickly made her a plate and passed it on then doing the same with mom.

"Thank you."

"Thank you dear," It was quite silent but peaceful through breakfast and after that Faye kissed me on the cheek and quickly said bye so that she could leave.

When I looked back at mom beamed contentedly at me, "You two look so happy. So now let me hear about you. We've only been going over the far past but I want to know who you are now."

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