Weird Day - Chapter 29

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I sat down with my plate happily about to devour the food until a certain someone nudged me from behind, "Can't I have a peaceful break? I'm hungry and Steven was not busy enough to make my supreme nachos and cheese."

"We work at such an expensive restaurant and the one thing you get to eat isn't even on the menu. Like really? All he did was put it in the microwave," She was all smiles while sitting down next to me.

"And I was gracious for thee not throwing it away after he did so."

Her expression changed into something I didn't normally see, "Did you notice some dude staring at you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Don't worry, I didn't see it either. But Janice, the new girl, said this girl has brunette hair and 'gorgeous' green eyes. Her hetero was showing and it was god awful that she started and convo like that. She was nice and respectful though when I mentioned my preferen-"

I sighed, smacking her shoulder, "Stay on track blabbermouth."

"Well excuuuuuse me. Damn. So anyways he was just staring at you wherever and whenever you went. You were so damn oblivious. However, since I didn't like my best friend being ogled at, I was gonna confront him. Weird thing is when he saw me coming at him, he slammed money on the table and just left. He better be glad it was over what he paid, otherwise I would've chased him."

I sat back with my arms crossed staring in disbelief, "That's really bizarre."

"I know right? You think you attracted the attention of a male?"

"You say that so quirkily but I don't think so. It doesn't really concern me anymore anyways since he's gone now."

"Alright then well I'll let you be alone and finally eat. Be ready when you get your shift so we can just head out."

"No problem with that boss," I saluted her on her way out and clasped my hands and rubbed them together for my great meal. I want my work pants to feel tight, that's when I'll know to stop.


"I in no way can convince you of your decision to do this. But I know you want to call them and if you just do it now, you'll get everything you want to say out and be done with it. And if you choose not to, we can continue with our night like this didn't happen."

We both predicted this might be emotional with tissues and hot cocoa on the nightstand of her bed. She'd never push me not once and I'm already feeling the need to cry, "I love you so much."

She hugged me quickly as I held the phone with my parents' house phone profile up and ready to be contacted, "Oh stop it, I love you too. But I know I'm going off this after you've practically been my therapist ever since we met."

"Yea but still... Ok I'm gonna do it. It's just the press of a button."

"You totally do. Do you want me to leave?"

"Heck no stay for emotional support," The other end rang like normal as if this was an ordinary call. I was all for cutting the call and that thought didn't even last a second before the line picked up.

"King residence Ava speaking."

Cherry whispered the same question I was thinking, "Who the hell is Ava?"

I shrugged wondering who this woman was too, "Um I need to speak to Mrs. King please?"

"Can I ask who this is?"

"I should be asking you that actually. But I'm her daughter Cleo King."

Her side was quiet and I was about to say more before a bitter tone spoke to me now, "Why'd you bother to call now? Weren't you doing so well alone?"

I was questioning my own existence trying to figure out if this girl was a friend of the family or something, "Could you just hand the phone to my mom or even my dad?"

"Your dad's moved out so no for him. Especially since she remarried to my dad. We're in a happy time of our lives and I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't call back. Thanks and bye."

Now for the second time today I looked at Cherry in disbelief of what just happened and her mouth hung open too. She was quick to speak, calling this 'Ava' outside of her name, "Call that bitch back and let me on the phone."

"No no I have my mom's cell phone, I'll call her that way. I just need to process this for a moment. ...She remarried? And so soon?"

I layed back in the bed hoping it could stop the oncoming headache. Cherry took her place beside me too which made this whole situation feel less sour, "Maybe this was in the works long before they even called to tell you."

"I guess so...," I felt around my phone this time going to my mom's contact information, "Welp onwards to the source of this potential information."

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