Leaving - Chapter 46

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Cleo pov

"Yea i'm just leaving from my new job. I'm about to go into Faye's office now. I'll see you before you leave, right? And on graduation day?"

"I wouldn't miss that for the world. And, Yes I'm just going to a meeting and then I'll be at Faye's waiting for you two to return. Oh I have to take this call. I'll see you soon hun, love you."

"Love you too."

I walked into the English building only having waited to make a phone call to her. I heard a bit of bickering which was unusually rare in these quiet halls. I could easily figure out the sources and if i hadn't known they were past lovers i'd think they were sisters with the site i walked in on.

I gasped as Faye was in the process of slapping the other women and with all the yelling I'm glad it hadn't attracted any attention yet. Aella with a stone cold fixture didn't even react much to it, surprising me with a half wit smile, "I am so telling the dean you hit me."

"Oh shut it you winey baby."

"And you drank all my spark."

"Your so condescending, just buy some more, you imbecile."

Aella rolled her eyes and took a now empty clear canister which must've contained the 'spark' and spared her attention to the doorway where her eyes lit up upon seeing me. Actually now both of their eyes were on me, "Oh look who's here. Wanna guess what your perfect little girlfriend did?"

"Been the greatest behaved women out of the both of you?"

"Probably in your eyes since you two are hooked up. But she drank the rest of my alcohol in one go and then got the audacity to get mad at me and hit me for her own wrongdoings!"

"You kicked me in the process and made me choke! You did nothing at all to help me either and if I miraculously hadn't stopped you'd have watched me die and thought nothing of it!"

"Ah pish posh im outta here. Good luck handling her," Aella rushed past me at an uneasy pace and Faye was content that she just won a battle. Faye, having already forgotten the previous event, now had that haze in her eyes that I know all too well.

She beckoned me over and in doing so let her free my hair from its confined ponytail to let her nails rake through my scalp. I put my hands on her waist and helped her to practically lean on me as her feet must be hurting with those heels on.

Drunk Faye must have been fascinated with every aspect of how I looked as she moved from my hair to my face kissing every part of it to my neck and that's of course where she stopped, "Take me home babe?"

"I don't think there's any other choice."

~Time Skip~

She giggled happily with what must be a reddened picture of a face however the nibbling and touching ceased to stop until now. And it's not helping that my body is reacting in a way it shouldn't be before we get in, "Ok wait wait my mom will literally be waiting for us at the door."

"Mmh why just a little bit."

"She'll be leaving tonight so let me have a proper goodbye with her and we'll do everything and then more of whatever's going on in your nasty little mind."

"Alright fine and you can check in your tickets for tonight then," Almost as if she's fully sober she walks ahead of me as I finally unlock the door. And as I thought of my mom stood by the couch with her suitcase packed, "Good to see your back in one piece. Come here."I rushed the woman hearing an 'oomphf' out of her but that didn't deter the hug anymore then it would have, "Call if you need anything at all. I'm only a flight away dear. And I will be back for your graduation alright?""I know I've reminded you everyday this week.""I wouldn't expect anything less from my daughter. And you," She pointed at Faye and the poor woman looked stunned at her tone. Faye carefully treated her and with that mom softened and grabbed both our hands, "You two have something good going on. Don't let anyone ruin it. I love you Cleo and Faye so help me if i see a hair out of place when i see her again i'll have your head. Also, thank you for letting me stay and you have my number as well."Faye lent her hand out and this was the first no wait, probably the fifth time since my moms been here that she's shown her awkwardness. My mother however slapped her hand away and hugged her instead."And with that i leave you two with your selfs," She kissed me on the cheek and i walked her out waiting only until her car was out of view. I sighed, closing the door, gratified with her visit. I was prompted back to Faye who looked as calm as I felt, "So... what now?"

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