I'm not Mrs. - Chapter 2

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"I'm Cleo King," Her expression softened after while still holding eye contact with me.

"What happened to Shannon then?"

"She went to the vending machine."

"Are you going to explain why you're in her chair then?," It's taking all my might not to say it's none of her business but being defensive all the time helps no one.

"Well this one is more comfortable than the other one," I must say this woman is insanely attractive but who is she? Though i don't think the crease forming between her brows is a good indication that i'm in the clear right now.

"We actually have an appointment you and I, so it's good I found you though you're a bit early," She lets go of the door and it closes automatically. Then Miss fancy lady goes to sit and I do too now, a bit uncomfortable with the situation, "Your right this chair is awful."

"I've told her to get a new one but she has better priorities," Such as giving me a reason as to why it's taking her so long to just get a snack bar or something.

"Ms. King you are aware I'm the professor you'll be studying under right?"

"Oh... well i wasn't notified as to who it would be mrs..."

"Hart, Faye Hart"

"Well Mrs. Hart they told me last minute I got it; while I'm excited for the award they also didn't give me much information other than when you wanted to meet me. And um that's a nice name."

"It's 'Ms.' but thank you... Hmmm well i need to make it back to my own building and if you are ready to come we can go now."

"Oh yes yes let me just write something down first," I grab a sticky note scribbling to Shannon that i'd left before scrambling to my feet.

My actions were met with Hearts warm smile as she got up to open the door for me, "You don't mind if we take my car right? I was not planning on walking all the way there, especially since it's across campus."

"I don't mind though i hope you don't think i just get in any persons car," Were halfway out the main doors before i look back seeing Shannon with at least three different snacks and a drink. I quietly laugh, waving at the woman before again following Hart, "So what will my job entail Mrs. Hart?"

"Again sweetheart i'm not married," She looks at me with an amused chuckle as we near the parking lot.

I kind of mentally pause after being called the pet name as if that alone broke down the crumbling walls i set out for this lady, "Sorry, I just forgot."

"It's fine and you'll mostly be helping me grade things. I've gotten a bit behind with all the students handing in so many things last minute, and I needed some help. Though are you fine working some nights?"

"What do you mean?"

"My courses are mostly during the night. I also have some online classes but I always have things at night here. But I'll have you working days if not nights."

"I didn't even know there were any night classes. I thought they were a myth honestly."

"Yes, well for English majors I'm required to be in the final class. I'm also in the formal business writing sector so I have a few things there too."

"I've graded papers before so i don't see any difficulties with that."

"I knew you wouldn't especially since I fought so hard to have you as my student assistant," I was confused and unsure until she gave a vital piece of information, "I'm on the scholarship committee as well that's how i know. And with that we're here," It was a simple chevy painted in red that matched her shade of hair. It even had this new car smell as I got dressed in white leather almost proving how efficient her lifestyle is, "This shouldn't take no longer than ten minutes based on traffic."

"Well it's not like I'm going anywhere."

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