Early Morning - Chapter 12

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"So you would wax down there if I asked, right?," You know moments like these remind me why I feel so comfortable with Cherry. She'd always been so straight forward with me, something I'd always appreciated about her. Also It's just a plus that she gets midnight cravings so I get pancakes at almost one in the morning.

"Um, I'm over here slaving away and you've yet to answer my question."

"Can you not talk about your nether regions in front of my food please? But to answer I might need some goggles and an NDA agreement from you but sure."

I rush from her reach laughing but glad the spatula she nearly hit me with didn't make contact, "Do you need an NDA just to make sure the word doesn't get out?"

"Hey you're the one that asked so you can't question my requirements. Plus didn't you say somewhere in between New Year's you're going on this 'no shaving' adventure."

"Yea but I actually met someone nice. She's one of our regulars," I could see a new dreamy look as she must've been thinking of a mystery girl.

"Care to make a description?"

"Short hair with a curve at the end. Slight accent but speaks as if honey runs through her voice. Wearing those sexy one-pieces as if she created them," Cherry had a goofy love struck expression that showed no signs of leaving any time soon.

"Doesn't ring a bell."

She sighs dramatically pouring some batter into the pan even muttering some not kid friendly words, "Oh you blind son of a- I mean Ms. Shull."

"Oh now I remember. You made a fool out of yourself dropping her drink on one of those expensive jumpsuits. I mean how does that even happen?," I could perfectly recall the moment, since Cherry did the poor woman another favor by trying to wipe what had landed on her chest away though had a full smile in doing so. Though on Ms. Shull's part she didn't dare stop Cherry, instead smiling up to her as well.

"I was in a panic! She said something that a more poor heart couldn't comprehend right."

"All she said was, 'I think your shirt is on backwards'. And it was."

"And the rest was history."

"You have no history but I hope she clears your cobwebs whenever you finally get the confidence."

"I'll disregard that last part but now onto more important discussions."

"I think that was pretty important. The last person you'd dated as I recall was a few years before I came crashing into your life."

"You subtly did so also keeping me afloat," She looks unsure coming to sit next to me with her own plate, "I only came across this by accident. And i truly mean this because you left your phone in the break room."

So that's why she was stumbling around earlier before she brought me it, "Alright..."

"And you're also the only person I know who labels their parents in their phone as their full names. But the point I'm trying to make is that I saw your dad call. Are your parents back in your life Cleo?"

"No they've just been calling but i haven't answered them."

"Even your mom?," I can't say i was closer with her than dad, but i do remember she'd stay home a lot more before going back into the workforce. Not that that mattered since she just spent those days in her office.

"Yep and from the first text I got from dad, it seems their marriage is falling apart. Last thing I need is for them to see me as some project they need to fix because they couldn't do so with their marriage."

"If you're uncomfortable I can just drop it."

"No, no i know you only care in asking," She opens her arms with a sort of sad smile and i gladly take the offer of a hug, "I was thinking about talking to them after thanksgiving. I'd just tell them by text not to bother me until then so I can prepare mentally."

"Good and remember I'm picking you up the Monday after this week," She squeezes me tightly in letting me go starting on her own share of food.

"We're not even gonna finish this. I don't know why you made so much."

"You didn't stop me so shut your face and eat what you can."

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