Plate Throwing Finale - Chapter 68

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I excused myself from the group of people having spotted Faye standing off to the side. It was dark out now and a lot of people were either drunk, passed out drunk, solemnly swinging to the music, socializing, or breaking things. I was a little tipsy myself and could fully hear it when I made my way to Faye and spoke, "Hello Mrs. King. I saw you from afar watching me."

"Mhm yes i was keeping an eye on you. You really know how to move in that dress," I let her pull me into her having this wonderful buzzing feeling spread throughout me.

"What can I say? Maybe I won't party but that doesn't mean I haven't shaken it before."

Out the side of my eye I saw Cherry approach with a stack of plates, "Dude, I love this. I've broken almost twenty plates and they love it! And they almost lifted me in a chair until I accidentally kicked a kid which wasn't even my fault since he was too close."

Faye laughed in the crook of my neck and I tried not to but failed, "Cherry... where's Sara? She should be keeping an eye on you."

"She's talking with some people and I took it as my chance to run. And by the way I kinda ran from that kid's mom so if you see an angry woman with a green dress don't mention me."

Cherry walked away yelling 'I have more!' to a crowd who only applauded her, "I just love her."

"Me too. I'm glad we made a cleaning deposit in advance."

"Yea they're going to go all night."

I pushed her hair from her face kissing Faye happily, "So Mrs. King how are you feeling?"

"A little light headed. They shook me a bit too much when we were in the lifted chairs."

"Aww poor baby. I took it like a champ."

She tickled my sides and I swatted her to stop unless she wanted me to fall out, "Oh hush. And I wasn't expecting them to go all out with the gifts. I slid my cousins a few twenties for them to take it to our house with your mom and aunt."

At the mention of 'Our house' my face lit up even more if that was possible, "I just can't believe your aunt got you a strap Faye. Like I want you to use it but it's just a bit bizarre."

"Well she had other motives for giving it to me. More like a hint of what she expects next from me."

"Oh and what's that?"

"Kids my love. Most definitely not now since I want you all to myself. But how about in a year or so we start trying?"

"We'll have to start thinking of names. Your kinda indecisive so starting early would be in your best interest."

"You never give me a straight answer woman."

"How about Eden or Aria for a girl. And for a boy Eli or Malachi."

"Sure as long as our first has my mothers middle name as theirs. It's Shiloh and in Hebrew it's tranquil and it's neutral for either gender."

"Yes, I can imagine it now. You think we can make a run for it before anyone else talks to us."

"I would like nothing more. I had our bags moved into the car and was waiting on you. Diana even said our room is waiting for us when we get to the resort."

"Ready to leave are we?"

"Yes, I want to get there fast and enjoy our honeymoon."

She hugged me and kissed the side up to my neck making something swirl in my stomach, "I love you so much."

She had hooded eyes and I didn't know if it was because she was horny or sleepy but who cares she looked so stunning anyway, "I love you too Cleo. Now let's go please. I think the woman in the green dress is trying to come over and talk to us."

I looked in the direction she was looking and saw a kid crying while being led in our direction, "Oh my god what did Cherry do the kid is crying again."

Faye grabbed my hand and picked up her dress and I did the same trying my best not to trip with these insufferable heels on, "Don't look back, keep going."

We got a few whistles on our way out and I was a laughing mess when we were outside. I was out of breath at the long pathway we ran in up to my car that was waiting for us. Faye was the first one who made it and she turned around for me. I was still in motion, having not slowed down and pushed her into my car.

I made sure i didn't hurt her and when i recovered due to our proximity I threw my hands around her neck starting to make out with her. She soon had to lean away to breathe something I hadn't even thought about doing myself, "Oh your going to be the death of me. And you're definitely not driving."

"This was our finale into a new chapter. Just wanted to finish it off with something steamy."

"Well you certainly did, Mrs. King."

"I just love the sound of that. Now let's go before I use this silt of your dress to my advantage."

"With pleasure my love."

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