Explicit - Chapter 22

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Yea so this is just full of 18+ things and making this just mind boggled me.


New sensations rippled through my body causing my legs to twitch uncontrollably. Though two robust yet soft hands more than successfully kept them in place, I was oh so close to something my mind couldn't comprehend yet. And the sight of seeing Hart- no Faye as she said to call her on her knees in front of me skillfully tending to my soaked area added to the pleasure.

Her tongue pierced my clit unbottling pleasures I never felt before. And oh god the eye contact as if she wants to know what she's doing to me by my expressions. Her right hand left my thigh and while I was saddened by the missed warm touch she more than made up for it. Soon two fingers played with my opening as she still flicked her tongue. With another moan leaving me she plunged the two deep into me.

I was a bundle of nerves repeating her name through moans. I even felt the vibration of her sultry laugh adding more to the sensations. She'd stopped when I was close the first time, giving the reason 'I want to see' since she'd first just been stroking my clit as stimulation while kissing me.

"I'm close please don't stop," She hummed picking up speed then in the same rhythmic pattern. I was sure I was even seeing stars now from the over stimulation. My orgasm hit me fast and hard, making me quickly close my legs even though Faye kept on. My breathing was ragged and my eyes were shut closed with a few happy tears streaming down.

Throughout that I had to reach down to pause Faye's actions as it only resulted in more spasms that were far too much to handle for now. I was gasping for air feeling the couch dip on my right side. It was already warm with the heat of the moment alongside the fire but she still clamped onto me which honestly calmed me down.

She trailed kisses on my cheek and neck until I opened my eyes to look at her, "That was... wow."

She leaned in, capturing my lips in another kiss I would never grow tired of before responding, "I'm a little rusty but I take it you enjoyed yourself."

"Oh don't be cheeky about it. I've had better."

Her brows formed a crease and I winced realizing that joke might've not been the best, "Really?"

"No Faye, your the first to give me a real orgasm," I moved close to her, almost cuddling which I will never admit but I also remembered the betrayal she sent me through, "And you even made me hold out for it! But nevertheless I forgive you for doing such a thing."

Her other arm wrapped around my exposed side squeezing me shortly, "Oh what a world it would be to be on your bad side."

"...So where is your bed?"

"It's upstairs, why? Do you want to move?"

"How fast do you think you can tail me?," Faye was surprised but mostly confused by my questions which clearly showed on her face. I started peppering kisses onto her neck which resulted in music to my ears.

"I am not running after you in my own house."

"That just sounds like a loser talking," I started to pull my bra down with my hoodie which were the only things I had on. She only had her shirt off as she... distracted me into trying to get her naked. And the last thing i need is someone to see me running around here naked even if there's no one nearby, "And i'd really like to get all the articles of clothing off you while returning the favor. Though if you're not up to a competitive jog that's all you gotta say."

"Don't you think I deserve a ten second head start then?," She stood grasping at my shirt to do the same. She still had this seductive look in her eyes that made me want to melt.

"Whatever gets naked faster works for me," She hummed and i thought she was leaning in to kiss me again until she was gone out clasp towards the stairs.

"Don't be long Cleo."

"Oh this'll last long for you."

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