Meeting The Parents - Chapter 37

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Faye pov

To say I was worried was an understatement. I was horrified when she fell and even more so when she wouldn't wake up. Any comments of reassurance by the paramedics, nurses or doctors didn't help calm me down. The only thing that would make me serene was the sound of her voice or even the wave of one of her fingers to know she was with the living. The beeping only reminded me of when I went to the hospital for my mother and because of false hopes from the beeping machines I no longer trusted the appliances to tell me the truth.

Heighted voices came from outside the room and I was a second close to yelling at a couple before a woman came in. She already looked damn close, screeching my head off but took a deep breath before talking, "And just who are you?"

I leaned back in the chair regretfully letting go of Cleo's limp hand wondering where this woman got off just going where she pleased, "Why should I tell you?"

"I'm Cleo's mother and since I know she definitely didn't get married I have precedence over who can be in here with her."

"Last I remember from the picture Cleo showed me, her aunt looks nothing like you. And that's her actual guardian. Not that that matters since she is an adult."

The woman- well her mother i think- no i know rolled her eyes and sighed, gracefully coming to sit next to me. If there were any other chair in the room I'm rather sure she wouldn't have done so though, "I guess I deserve that but save it for the asshole who's about to barge in here."

Just as she said a man rushed in the room letting the door hit the wall hard. And he definitely heard her with the scolding he's giving the lady, "Way to hack it in woman. Weren't you too busy screwing your new husband to come see her?"

"For Christ's sake, Harry , can we not even be cgical? Even if Cleo's not awake, I don't want her hearing the way you speak. We've already taken-"

"Don't blame her mishaps on me."

The woman groaned and even I grew frustrated with the man's responses. I'm more than glad now Cleo never tried contacting him, "God, I wish I never married you. The only good thing that came out of this was Cleo. And I wasn't even able to watch her grow up!"

"So the truth's finally out of the bag huh?"

He tried to act smug as if he was onto something but the woman was quick to discourage the sly smile forming on his face, "Harry If you weren't so damn insecure maybe just maybe i would've stayed and we could have had a happy marriage. You knew I was an independent woman the day you met me. And you thought keeping tabs on when and wherever i was was a smart thing to do?," Harry so it seems only took a glance at Cleo then took out his phone ignorantly, "And now your not even listening"

"Well you keep nagging on and on about the same damn thing."

"I wouldn't have to repeat myself if you had gotten it in the first place you manipulative twat. And get out, I don't want Cleo seeing you. I don't even know why they called you in the first place."

"Now your preventing me from seeing my kid? Wait til my lawyer gets a hold of this."

"Harry don't forget how you legally gave me custody as you said and I quote 'I can't do this anymore'. Your dismissed you shit sucking goblin don't let the door hit you on the way out," Harry stormed out fuming with his fists clinched but she couldn't care anyless turning her focus back on me.

"Might I say the mouth on you is superb."

"I can be more creative with my swearing, I promise that. My mother always taught me that if you can't fight, swear for your life. I may not be in the best form but I always seem to think of the better formations after the event, sadly," She lent out her hand and I shook it accordingly, "Anyway, I'm Marsha. Nice to meet you."

"I'm Faye, Cleo's er- acting wife?," Crap. I'd done so well on my part even slipping one of my silver bands onto my ring finger but the silver eyes that run obviously on her mothers side are scary.

"Did you say that to be able to come in?"

"Yes, Ma'am? Otherwise I'd just be in the waiting room."

"Are you her girlfriend then? Or a friend probably."

"Girlfriend perhaps," No no were indefinitely past the stage of doubting Faye. Damn it, I can't take it back now.

"In a phase where both of you don't know?"I started scratching the inside of my palm, something I hadn't done in a long time, switching my attention over to Cleo hoping by a miracle she'd wake up and save me, "I hate to be asked these questions without her awake.""Should I be worried that your the one that did this?""Oh no not at all. Hopefully you don't. The police actually discovered the hallway recordings but they were a bit tampered with. Once they fix them or whatever they do we'll have our culprit.""Good to know. I'm glad it's minor. I wouldn't know what to do had I not even seen her before...," Even with the strong front put on I could see she was on the verge of tears. She only sniffed, clearing away any near tears composing herself but I still patted her hand knowing the feeling, "Thank you. Just shocked still. I hope they catch whoever did this though, otherwise I'm calling a few old friends."

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