Forgiveness and To Our Future - Chapter 61

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I touched all the flowers as we passed them anxious by the silence made between us. Faye made a sharp turn as we must have been far away by now but the uneasy feeling as if we were about to break up didn't lessen, "Would you like to hear why I missed our date or should I continue asking for forgiveness. And don't go easy on me because that was a shitty thing to do."

I took her words into consideration. But only one question has been repeating in my mind since we left the balcony, "Did you cheat on me with Aella?"

She looked taken aback but understood where I was coming from, "Never! I don't even like her that way."

"Yes but you two were together before and you might have some unhashed out feelings for her."

"Cleo, I truly don't feel anything for her. She was just there when I went to go get a drink."

"Why did you want to go to a bar anyway? You rarely even go to places like that anyway."

She reached for my hand and I let her take me further into the garden until we found a bench to sit down on, "Alright... Sorry but it's going to just be a lot... I Ok... know I shouldn't have lied but it was too much to wrap my head around and that was the first thing to come to mind was to say 'I went out for a drink with Aella'. But she actually was already there so we didn't go together. As to why I went to a bar... it turns out my mom had a sister and that said sister was blackmailing my father into stealing from the previous company he worked for."

I grabbed her hand again, seeing her struggle to continue. I honestly don't know what to say to that, "On top of that... Well it turns out she told my dad that my mom actually bought me from a deceased woman after he got enough evidence to get her off his back so I'm not actually theirs... And I'll get more into that later."

She squeezed my hand and I pulled her closer, getting a chill down my back. I sighed having already forgiven her at the first line of her explanation, "It was a lot to handle and it was why I forgot and I had left everything but my card to go to that bar. Aella was there but was occupied with some woman until she saw me sulking and I just told her everything to get it off my chest. And it's not that I didn't think of you first, it totally isn't, I just can't believe that... Just the sole fact that they're not my parents. It also explained why my usual checkup doctor advised me to have kids early."

"Faye... I- In the span of one day?"

"Yes and I don't want a pity party please I don't. It's only going to make this harder and I don't deserve it because I know I could've done more in the moment rather than just shutting myself off. It's not something I do anyway because I tell you everything."

"Faye, you were acting in shock. I know that now."

"Yes but I'm still sorry. And my father well... no i still think of him as my dad was notorious for saying things can always be fixed or replaced and as you can see I took in his footsteps. I retraced my steps and found my bracelet in an antique shop. I actually didn't lose it, I just forgot why I left it with the shopkeeper. Turns out I had also placed an order for an item that I saw there. Because of recent events I regretfully missed the perfect chance to ask you to marry me."

"Your right that... It is a lot. Are you even ok?"

"Hopefully soon. Though I specifically want to know about that last part. Like hypothetically If I had asked, what would you have said?"

She looked down at me expectantly and I froze. Not in a bad way of course but my mind was trying to get out of the tragedy she just told me and it took a moment to adjust, "I would've only accepted if you planned to be home more."

"I had also talked to the President and stepped down from that location. I was trying to get Aella to become the dean so she'd be out of my hair and hopefully she stays over there."

I grinned purely content with her completing her promise, "Then hypothetically I fully believe I would've said yes."

"And if I got on one knee here and asked?"

"Well I can't predict the future but it would probably be along the same lines of my previous answer. And you better not take a knee on this hard concrete. I quite like your legs and would hate to see a bruise from them."

She shifted over on the bench and pulled a small wooden box out. It was far from simple with carved roses aligning the top and 'My Love' in the center of the top. I was going to tease her as she loved vintage items as much as I did. But when she opened the box I quieted myself, being enchanted with its presented ring, "Oh wow. It looks... It's just bewitchingly stunning."

"I thought you'd like it

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"I thought you'd like it. I knew you wouldn't want something flashy or braggy and that was hard to find since I wanted to get you something to tell people like what's her face to back off. And then again it might still be too much and please tell me if it is so i could have a few of its sapphires taken off. I saw the ring from outside and was immediately drawn to it. And you'll even love its history when I tell you later. For now Cleo It might sound cheesy, but you're the one I've been waiting for my whole life. I want to be with you forever and grow old with you. And so, will you do me the immense honor of becoming my wife and partner?"

"Yes! I can't think of anything I want to do more than spend the rest of my life with you."

I pulled her into a long hug feeling tears run down my cheeks. I didn't want to let her go with so many emotions running through what must have been only thirty minutes. I had moved onto her lap not giving a tinker's damn as to who could be watching, "Can I put it on you before I accidentally drop it?"

I was wiping my tears away and just let her take my other hand to fit it on. When I saw it fixated on me I looked at it in disbelief before pinching her hard, "Ouch!"

"Don't ever do what you did to me last night or so help me Hart."

"Yes, right I'm so sorry again for that it will never happen again, I promise Cleo."

"I believe you. Before I ask something else, do you want to go home? Maybe rest and relax. That is a lot to take in."

"I'm fine, it was mostly a shock. But just because I'm not biologically theirs doesn't mean they weren't my parents. And I don't even feel like having to search for this whole side of my heritage when I'm perfectly fine with who I have now minus my new aunt."

"Ok then... Do you wanna go have makeup sex in one of their fancy bedrooms."

She playfully acted shocked and I ignored her getting off to pull her up into a well needed kiss. "Who is this loose cannon and what have you done with my Cleo?"

"Shut up I'm touch starved and that little make out session we did the day you brought me flowers did nothing for my nether regions."

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