Fast Holiday - Chapter 28

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Back to normal - Cleo pov

As the holiday came and left it was time for our departure. Sure enough I thought I'd just catch a ride back with Cherry but Faye said it would be fine. I was busy putting some of the containers of food Mrs. C insisted on making Faye take with her and I was happy to see the woman being embraced by them. A few of Cherry's cousins even did so before they left.

"Aren't you proud of me not saying anything the whole week?," I stood straight looking to my left to find her in a wonder woman pose smiling triumphantly, "

"You want a cookie or something?," She rolled her eyes, coming to hug me and I happily returned it.

"She's nice or whatever but imma still has my guard up for any shady activity. That is once you tell me the whole episode I missed on the still mysterious professor. But you're still coming to work tomorrow right?"

"I thought about taking off but I know the boss'll need a good old me to stand guard up front on saturday."

"Then your staying over with me that day then. You'll spill all the juicy details and I'm going to make you commit to finally talking to your parents."

"What!," She left me bewildered but I didn't get the chance to chase after her with my sole driver walking past her. I don't know what she said to Faye but it caused her laugh to stir up and I just continued to put the last few items in the trunk. I knew it was only a matter of time that I'd have to face them. But in this case I'm just glad it's not face to face. And I've been putting it off far too long.

I wave to the Millers one last time, seeing them head back inside with Cherry. And just as I was about to look for Faye, who should be here anyway, I jumped when hands surrounded me from the back. She immediately stepped back but I turned around and reassured her with my smile, "Sorry but you were lost in the clouds. I even called you. And thank you again for helping with my things."

"Oh my mind loves to wander and you know these muscles needed a bit of a challenge. You know we were only staying for a week right?"

"Hey everything I brought was more than necessary."

"Including your whole bathroom? I thought you were gonna set up a whole salon here."

"Just because you wake up with your hair naturally gorgeous does not mean it happens for everyone," It was hard trying to fight against her not only because I've spent my whole life with these life threatening curls. But the way she looked over at me from the driver's side placed a hand on my leg. I really think it's impossible that I slept with this woman almost as if it were a dream, "Cat got your tongue?"

"It certainly did a few days ago," That quieted her ego and the long ride I anticipated was shorter than I remember. I felt a pang of sadness having to leave even though I'd indefinitely seen her Monday. She pulled to the curb of my dorm and while campus looked like a dead zone I knew some people love lurking behind their window blinds waiting for drama.

I took my time retrieving my bag and the one Cherry brought over with her. Faye had her arms crossed looking at me with a 'what now' stare. She licked her lips looking around but I knew this wouldn't be the greatest place to do that. I opened my arms wide thinking a harmless hug wouldn't hurt and it felt just as nice as I thought it would. She squeezed me tight and snuck a kiss onto the side of my neck before tiptoeing away holding herself together with a puffy coat, "I'll see you Monday alright king?"

"Yes you will, Ms. Hart," I stood and watched her drive away happy with the outcome of my decision.

Unbeknownst to the home welcoming event someone did indeed witness it. And speculation of the two started to form. 

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