Expect the Unexpected - Chapter 60

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"How are you already tired of the people if we only just got here."

"The girl we met literally just bragged about her 'daddy' getting her a helicopter. I mean, for what reason does this fifteen year old need that."

Lisa soothed Cherry's shoulder as we all watched the same girl most likely telling the same story to another group of people, "Honey, I can't help that they've never been told no. If their parents can afford to spoil them it's their problem when they have a horrible reality check when someone does tell them no."

"And not every rich kid is raised to act that way. The girl who I was talking to over food was the sweetest person. And I only found out from Lisa that she's the governor's daughter."

I felt gentle taps on my back and my eyes widened thinking it was Faye. I had purposely positioned myself so I'd be looking at the door waiting for her to come in. Had she sneaked in? There's no way I've been a literal hawk. I was a bundle of nerves when I looked back but it wasn't her, rather it was the waitress from last night, "Nice to see you again stranger."

"Oh hi it's nice to see you again too."

Cherry, being here, appeared right at my side to assess the stranger, "Who's this?"

"This is the woman who practically saved my night."

"Oh your giving me too much credit."

"I'm only giving credit where it's due. And please give me your name. I feel horrible for not knowing it in the first place."

"I could say the same about you. Dale hasn't gotten off my back since I went out of my way for a gorgeous lady. And the names Amelia and you?"

"Cleo. It's nice to officially meet you."

I held my hand out and I felt a sting of electricity as she took it shaking it, "Likewise. And I Hate to spring this on you but there's this girl my parents desperately want me to marry even though I really don't like them. And she's coming over here to probably ask me to dance for the fifth time tonight so would you do me another favor and sneak out with me. Just to a balcony or something just so she gets the picture."

"After how you've helped me, I see no reason why."

I kicked Cherry when Amelia looked away for a minute as she'd been pinching my side all throughout the conversation. I had no idea why and really didn't care, "Alright let's go. I think that one just opened up."

I followed behind her and was met with a nice view of the garden I saw coming inside the huge mansion. It was really a nice sight to see. I was about to say just that but paused seeing as the other woman was already looking at me, "You look very beautiful tonight."

I took the compliment in stride and thought nothing of it like when I compliment Cherry, "Thank you and I promise I don't always look like a drunken mess. And you clean up very nicely as well."

"Thanks and trust me you looked far from that."

I had this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach as she smiled at me. It wasn't the same kind I got from Faye and of course it wouldn't be but it felt like guilt, "Um... So, how do you know Alexandra?"

"I'm her friend's cousin. But she only brought me because the restaurant is catering here. How about you?"

"I was invited by my friend's girlfriend," It went silent and I could see the wheels turning in her head. I was only thinking of this as an opportunity to get back at Faye. What if she had taken to Aella? But would that even make sense? She was at home and it takes about an hour to get here. Maybe she hadn't done something but then again I wouldn't know.

Through my never ending thought process Amelia took her chance getting right in front of me about to lean in, that is until I gently pushed her away, "No- I'm sorry but I'm still in a relationship."

She scoffed and granted she didn't try that again but she didn't let down, "With someone who doesn't pay attention to you? When she took the job that doesn't mean her availability for you should just still."

I rubbed my head wondering if I had taken some tylenol since my headaches have become more frequent. I guess drama doesn't suit me, "You may be right but I'm still just not like that. Nor will I ever be because I love Faye. Please understand."

"But i could-"

"She did ask you nicely now," My head whipped in the direction of Faye's voice as did Amelia.

"I can only guess you are the missing girlfriend."

Faye had that spine-chilling look, one that has never been pointed out to me, "And i can guess- actually i know that you will be leaving now. And take your hands off her."

I stepped away from Amelia once more, having not noticed she had her hand connected on top of my forearm. I gave my best apologetic facade and she left thankfully peacefully. Unless you count the death glare she gave Faye on her way out. When Faye looked back in my direction I could hear the forming question based solely on how it looked, "I wasn't going to-"

"I know you weren't. ...I am so sorry that I've been neglectful. It was never something I purposely did if you could believe that."

"I know you didn't."

She seemed at a loss for words. She sighed as I took a step forward to where I was flushed up against her, "I always love it when you wear green it always compliments your eyes."

"Everything you wear compliments you and thank you," On the verge of speaking again she was cut off by a group of probably five men appearing in the doorway. The first who came apologized and two in the back whistled. That irked me but I gave it the benefit of the doubt, "Why don't we go to the garden? I don't think we'll be interrupted there."

"Yes, lead the way please."

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