Date Night - Chapter 55

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Months later, May came and our relationship became more established by the domesticality of it all. Most times I'd stay the week at hers and then the weekend with Cherry to have fun. Plus it is a nice arrangement to get away from hearing Cherry and Lisa go at it.

Tonight was date night alongside the fact that we were celebrating. The temporary dean had resigned for whatever reason and Faye was finally promoted to the job she had already been doing except now she got paid what she deserved.

Faye looked truly mirthful this evening having chosen a dark red dress to match her hair going all out to commemorate this just as she had done when we celebrated my masters. My choice of clothing had also improved and while i don't fancy dresses over skirts i had bought just a black cocktail dress for tonight.

And with the dress comes very endearing comments from Faye that almost made our date night impossible. I can't even recall how many times I've told her to keep her hands above sea level tonight. Not that I didn't mind...

I passed the book back to the waiter with my card inside and felt a certain someone's heel at my leg. She's also been painfully playful and I bet it's due to the glasses she's had prior. I wish I could indulge but we are not the only ones here for that. And as i'm the designated driver today i'm not changing any accident no matter how many times she's offered a bit of hers with a sultry smile and a wink.

When the waiter walks away Faye leans over and grabs the hold of my hand trying her best to look serious, "Thank you for the meal Cleo I mean it."

"Well my gal deserves it. I'm so excited for you and the fact that you don't have to deal with that dude anymore."

"You are so right about that. And also with this new job... I'm going to be a bit more busier. I found out today that the school for some odd reason wants to expand, as you must already know, into another popular city of Montana. I'll be commuting here and there to make sure the English departments are taken care of until they find someone to fill the spot."

"I can understand that you'll be busier but that shouldn't deter our relationship. It's the little moments that count anyway. And before we leave I have something for you...," I looked around to make sure no one was looking before reaching in between my bra for a blue box. I didn't feel like taking a purse with me so everything sat beside my boobs today. I opened it, presenting it to her with the golden bracelet I've been working on fixing for the past few months laid neatly in place.

Faye gasped covering her chest in shock but thankfully in a good way and I kicked myself for thinking she wouldn't like it, "It was that other gift I told you about that was in my purse months before. It wasn't finished yet and booking at our local blacksmith required training and so on so it took a while."

"I love it, it's so beautiful. When did you even... I don't even care. And you made this?"

"Sort of. The engraving and the diamond I added was my doing. It also needed a bit of cleanup beforehand as it was a precious but old relic. In the end it looked stunning," What I engraved on the inside was the first plant she had gotten herself which was a cactus.

It was easy to do since it was small but I remembered her sharing the tale as she inherited it from her mother who was as I recall horrible at keeping anything else alive other than her daughter. I wanted it to be distinctive as much as it was expensive and worth every cent with the look on her face.

"Your right about that. Did I tell you how gorgeous it was?"

"Yes love now give me your wrist," She gleefully lent it over bouncing in her chair excitedly which was a sight to see. I unlatched and fitted the item on and loved the way she ogled the jewelry.

"Thank you so much."

"I'm just glad you like it."

"Will you move in with me?"

Ok well that threw me off guard, "Should we start our journey home? I think your about to start saying random things that come to mind. While it's adorable the last time I let you continue at it you had an outburst and almost got us kicked out."

"No no I mean it. I hate it when you have to go back to Cherry's. I love her, trust me I do, but I kinda want you to be myself. I've been too much of a scaredy cat to ask you before and plus it sounds selfish but I really want you to know."

"How about we revisit this when your not intoxicated."

"I'm only barely tipsy. When your refer to home I want it to only be our place that your talking about. I want you to continuously remind me how I have to go grocery shopping and for me to wake up next to you on the weekends when we have absolutely nothing to do but be on my patio looking after my plants. I want to see you try and take up yoga again even though you quit just a few days in."

"Ok it was really hard i didn't expect it to be."

"I know I heard you cursing at the beginner videos. It was so darn cute. Say yes and I'll leave it be for tonight but I will ask you again tomorrow."

"I think you already know the answer anyway."

"But I want to hear it please," She had this knowing smirk on and before I could answer I jumped feeling her foot up higher than before. I looked around again, finding the attention of some little boy and wished they had covered over the tables for this exact reason.

"Yes of course I want to move in with you. I practically already am. Now we need to get out of here. I'm not letting junior over there see something that'll make his pants tight."

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