Cards - Chapter 17

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I'll be honest... I haven't got a clue as to how poker works but I'm somehow winning. And my opponent is now up five papers to grade because of her losses. I throw down my last card oblivious as to what it might mean seeing her groan, throwing down hers too.

"I'm so glad you chose your workload over money otherwise I'd be regretting this."

"Yea, plus you already have it rough why add to it," She grins beginning to shuffle the cards again, "You sure you can handle another round."

"Oh your really reeling this in now huh?"

"And haters are gonna hate. Can't be mad at me for my poker game," I lean back in my chair laughing bashfully. I was equally happy seeing her smile in return.

Though the longer she kept staring I felt myself grow warmer somewhere in between. I mean damn I know the heaters on but it's hot in here, "So you said your cabin was passed on by your father right?"

"Oh yes...," She sat back crossing her arms sadly smiling, "He built it sorta by himself when he started until I hired some help for him. While i wasn't going to stop him i didn't want him breaking a hip thinking he could do it all by himself. But we both wanted to honor my mother and even named it after her as 'The Leilana'."

"I can't wait to see this place," I felt excited even though i don't have a plan. I was mostly interested in the view she talked about.

"Are you sure you want to? I mean it's... I just don't know."

"Well if you're uncomfortable you can always tell me no. Or just not tell me the address so then i'd just wander around. It's your choice Ms. Hart,"

I spin around in the rolling chair of the lab. It was revealed by Hart that they kept the games in the science department since it's the biggest building to host parties. Thankfully it was a close distance from the English building, "But I have to say without me your Saturdays are gonna be really boring."

"Oh will it...," A sly smirk rests upon her face as she leans forward resting her chin on her hand. That's not even what caught me off guard. It was the lacy red bra that made an appearance that did.

I've seen lingerie before, this time is no different, right? What is going on with me lately?

"Oh uh yep, I hate to say it but it will," Ah thank Cherry's lava lamp that didn't come out rushed. She did notice something was wrong with the lift of her brow but then she got serious.

"Honey how are you even going to get there? Do you want me to pick you up?"

"I was gonna walk to Cherry's apartment and once i drop her off at the restaurant in the morning I was gonna come then. Though that means i kinda have to leave early to pick her up."

"Fine but It's dark out, let me drive you."

I turn around looking out the same window acknowledging the obvious, "But I have to get some stuff and it's a bit far."

"Cleo... and you were gonna walk it in the dark to somewhere far? I could even bet if your friend knew you were doing that she wouldn't approve."

"Meh she wouldn't know if you don't rat me out."

"Will you just let me do this? I'd feel better knowing you got home safe."

"As long as you care... We should probably go now then, I want you to get home at a reasonable time too."

"That is definitely something i should be saying but whatever."

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