A System is Key - Chapter 4

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As Thursday rolled around and I settled a bit more into balancing my classes and Hart's work, I now made a system. Thankfully I found out by Wednesday that I didn't have to dress up to help her. And even though it's cold out I adored my shorts paired with some worn sneakers and an old blue sweater.

Anything new i buy in the clothing area is mostly business wear since i'm perfectly fine in hand me downs from my cousins. Matter fact i need to call my aunt to see who Shelly was to thank her for some shirts she'd just sent.

I was close to the back entrance of the English building where I now had a key card. I wanted to stop and think of my list of to-do's. I only had a few things to read for my classes that i already completed but i feel like i'm forgetting something which rarely happens.

"Cleo?," I shivered only now feeling the cold then turning to the feminine voice that just so happens to be Ms. Hart. I couldn't help just staring at her, which was something my aunt told me to stop doing. I could only see her nude colored heels from her outfit because of the long beige coat and i felt my tongue caught in my throat. This wasn't the first time that's happened this week either.

"Sorry what?"

"Are you crazy just standing out here? Hurry up and get inside."

I only nodded, going in first but holding the door open for the woman. And it definitely wasn't my fault that her perfume that smelled like some unknown fruit filled my lungs, "Cleo are you listening? Close the door already."

"Sorry," I do as told, feeling a bit numb by the cold and trying to think of what I'd forgotten, "could you repeat that again?"

"I only asked why you were standing out there."

"Oh, I was just checking on everything I'd done this week. I'd hate to try and finish anything i'd missed while at work so i make sure my worries are answered."

"That's fairly effective but aren't you cold especially in those shorts?"

"I've been born resilient to the cold but you seem frazzled even in that coat."

"No I'm not."

"Whatever you say Ms. Hart," She opens her mouth to speak again but grips her coat closed even more as the door opens again. It was a construction worker who'd been tasked in fixing Lui's classroom heater. I wave at him as he passes and turn to my heart only smiling.

"Lets just go get some work done."


A few hours later i placed the essay i just graded down to stretch feeling like time went by so quickly. I moved my sleeve to look at my watch, something my grandfather left behind for me, finding it to be six now.

I let my mind wander wondering what I had in my dorm's fridge but even if I didn't have anything I'd be fine. I subconsciously look over the room which i'd done the last two days only seeing a few personal things. There was a frame of a couple of women, then one of what might be her family. Other than that you couldn't really pry into Ms. Hart's life unless you ask.

My eyes land on her next as she sits comfortably in front of her desk with her legs crossed. I later saw she wore a white button down with another brown pencil skirt. Those skirts seemed to be her signature look but I've only known her for two days so something might change.

I wish I could've kept myself from staring since I'm met with her gaze shortly after, "tired?"

"A little bit but i can keep going," She looks away from me to her computer screen with a frown.

"No, I think it's time we stop. It's only your first week and you have this semester and the next," I take no time in gathering my backpack after that.

"Is there anything you want me to take home. As I've said, I only work nights on Fridays so I practically have nothing to do tomorrow."

"Not even going out with friends?"

"I only have a work best friend. I've learned the hard way that if you rely on people they'll mostly just let you down, so no friends really."

"Well going around thinking like that they will."

"I mean I have no problem being nice but I also don't have time for anything new right now."

"Alright then...we'll circle around back to that but you're free to go, I'll see you monday."

"Bye Ms. Hart'

"See you soon Cleo."

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