Together Again - Chapter 56

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After summer with months worrying about the woman, my aunt was free to come visit me. She did in fact, due to an unforeseen dust storm, get lost and communication was cut with her. Thankfully she wasn't alone with what must've been four other people including her lover.

I had to literally threaten corporate into giving me that little bit of information. And when they found her and put her in the hospital I was finally able to talk to her. It took a few weeks for them to discharge her due to a broken arm and extra tests for any internal damages. It sure felt like they took their time too.

I jumped out of my seat seeing her exit the gate and waited a little more so we wouldn't be in the way before I rushed over behind her and pulled her into a hug. I made sure to be careful with the present casted arm I first saw and I could feel how tense she was before I spoke, "I missed you so so much."

I was a bit too quick with my actions and granted I did sort of sneak up on her which I will never admit to doing. When she turned to meet me her shock subsided and she dropped her luggage to pull me into another long awaited hug.

"I missed you too Cleo. It's been so long."

"It sure has and you've missed a lot. And are you sure you missed me because I'm pretty sure you were having fun on your little 'accidental' vacation with your girlfriend."

"Well once my good arm broke it wasn't any fun anymore."

"Ew no ok let's get out of here," I grabbed her luggage and the usable hand and started on our way out. Soon we were in the parking lot searching for my car. I was repeatedly tapping the button to try and locate the thing and was starting to get frustrated until I saw a light go off in the far distance.

"Faye didn't come in with you?"

"Oh no she had to go to the other campus and said she'd meet us at home later on."

"Are we calling a cab then?"

"Nope, I have my own car now. Courtesy of the saved cash and the need to stop asking people for rides. I made a good down payment so luckily I'm not paying all that much to be honest. Gosh I am just over the moon happy that your here. And while I truly am, let's get on the road before rush hour hits the roads."


I sighed, having waited all of five hours for her to call me back. It was already dark now and I had a feeling I wouldn't be happy with the call, "Hey, I'm sorry but I think I'm gonna stay here overnight."

"Well... that's fine. You'll take care of yourself right?"

"Yes, I was just thinking of grabbing something to eat before I start looking at resumes again. They even have me looking at budgets even though I won't be the person actually running this place. And to top that off they don't have air conditioning in the building and I have the ever growing urge to just come naked to withstand it. "

"That would be a sight I should only see."

"You will be able to tomorrow night. And I can't wait to bring you to Missoula. It's beautiful here. The school even gave me a nice hotel room that we'll stay in."

"Hopefully I can take off for a day too but with it being the beginning of the school year we have a bit more to do. I'm just going to cook then and you'll have something to take to work tomorrow too."

"Thank you, love you and talk me up to your aunt."

"I already have and love you too," I really wanted to sulk in a corner but seeing as i took the call right in front of my aunt and the fact that it's hard to lie to her i put on a smile albeit a sad one and kept it together.

"Well aren't you two love birds cordial?"

"Yes we are just like you must have been too."

"I wish Isla could've come but her family wanted to see her and who am I to stop her. I knew she missed them terribly too."

"I'll be happy whenever we do actually meet."

"And I'm guessing by your obviously saddened voice I won't be able to meet this Faye tonight."

"Unfortunately but you'll be staying the whole week right?"

"Very much so. I'm heeding your advice and I've decided to use my many vacation days for a much needed relaxation. Along with the compensation i got that you should see half of in your account-

"Hey, no I don't need that you've earned it from your trauma."

"It's way more than I need and I think of it as your graduation gift along with my apology for missing it. Isla and the rest of them got something and where we plan to go won't even use half of what I have. And must I remind you I get paid handsomely as the most qualified scientist on the team."

"Well let's make the most of your time here."

"After we eat, how about we try at your grandma's tres leches cake that you love."

"Oh please will we? I haven't had it since last year and I can already hear my stomach jumping through hoops at the sound of it."

"Most definitely now let's get dinner out of the way before I'm forced to be in the hospital for another few weeks."

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