The Place - Chapter 65

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Turning onto another decent street Faye huffed either mad I made her drive or mad from the previous days of location shopping. We had found a nice wedding venue person to work with. And... Lea has been very useful in showing us what we don't want. I flinched out of my thoughts when Faye honked at the slow driver who turned out to be a grandma, "Faye..."

"They were driving me crazy. ...I'm sorry."

"You need to let up."

She did slow down but didn't stop scowling at the road or cars ahead of us, "They gave us a mature Cleo. The last place she took us to had a hive infestation where you almost got hurt. And the one before that sure looked nice until I almost fell through the wooden floor because of mold!"

"Don't assume Faye. Each place looked beautiful on the outside. What if she hadn't been given the information about the interior beforehand. A lot of places do that so people can buy them and then find out what they're actually getting after."

"Your giving her the benefit of a doubt."

"Yes I am. Do you know how many times I've had to suck it up because of what I did wrong even though it wasn't my fault. She's too terribly nice to have been doing this on purpose."

"I suppose... But it's been days of getting disappointed. I'm all for this but I'm getting tired of driving all this way for nothing."

"I know and I'm sorry. Maybe this place will be good this time."

"I hope so."

We both exhaled as she pulled into a driveway and saw the girl in front of the seemingly fine building we were to look at today, "Now suck up your pride and put on that sweet expression of tenderness I love and adore."

Faye groaned but did just that, "You two are gonna absolutely love this location. It has a nice view of the lake. A big open area for the recession. And the after party room is a nice short walk that overviews the city."

"We'll see."

"It does sound wonderful doesn't it?"

"Like a dream honey. And it's within our budget?"

"Actually under it Ms. Hart. "

"Sounds sketchy."

"Every single one we've been to sounded sketchy to you."

She gave me a 'and look what happened' look and I laughed it off. Faye then seemed focused on Lea but then squenched her eyes, maybe looking past the foggy window of the door, "There are people in this church."

"What? No, that'd be impossible and illegal. There's a literal 'no trespassing' sign up front and this neighborhood regularly has police cars patro-," She opened then shut the door quickly and covered her eyes. I hope she didn't see anything gross, "There are in fact some people in there. I think they're homeless and we should probably leave."

"And I think you already know my answer."

"I'm sorry Ms. Hart and to you also Ms. King. I can still find some other destinations for you."

"No, I've by now lost interest. Let's go Cleo."

"I'll drop off a check for your time later on."

"Oh thank you Ms. King. They gave- I'm sorry again, my boss said this was good to show. Maybe I should've come earlier?"

"No no don't blame it on you. Even though that'd be a good tactic your boss should've known beforehand. It sounds like they're just setting you up to fail and-," I heard the engine of Faye's car pick up and looked back to glare in which she didn't meet.

"I gotta go before she does that again. You have to be the one to change your life ok?"

"Thank you."


"Wake up Faye. Look at this," I shook her vigorously until she jumped up looking out to the place I parked in front of.

 Look at this," I shook her vigorously until she jumped up looking out to the place I parked in front of

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"Whoa. Wait where are we?"

"I took a shortcut and got lost but then followed my gut because why not. But we're close to home, albeit a little far but close."

"There is no way this place is close to the cabin."

"Ok well i did go off track when i first saw it and wanted a better look. So get your butt out, we're going in."

"I'm driving us back."

"Suit yourself."

Going around the car Faye waited to interlock our arms. We walked the short path almost like tourists ooing and ahing at the exterior. Once we made it inside I could see the future playing out and smiled like it was already the day of.

 Once we made it inside I could see the future playing out and smiled like it was already the day of

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"What do you think?"

She was smiling too when I looked at her. Though she looked around more than I did, "Who do we talk to to get this place?"

Further down the rows I saw feet and tapped her shoulder and pointed in that direction. Within seconds the person got up wiping his hands on his shirt, "That would be me. Sorry I was cleaning under the benches. I didn't mean to startle you."

"Not startled but I like your personal touch."

"Yea well the cleaning crew I pay so much doesn't understand the fraze 'I wanna see the shine reflecting off the benches but off the floor'. Y'know for any children that choose the chapal to be a military mission."

When he neared, Faye lent out her hand first, "Faye and this is my soon to be wife, Cleo."

I shook his hand next a bit too eagerly, "Hi nice to meet you."

"My name's Malcolm and it's nice to meet you both. I can only assume you two lovely ladies are ready to get married. If you give me either of your numbers I can call you when we are open and speak to the accountant. I'm only the official who marries the people if you like me that is."

"I was just about to ask if we'd have to hire our own but it'd be great to have you."

"Do people normally just wander into this place?"

"Yes Ms. soon to be wife. Only the best eyes catch our place."

Faye sighed and I bumped my hips with hers thinking of all the times I'll bring this up in our life together, "I think I earned that badge of honor. Had to basically drag this one out and in the end loved it just like me."

We spoke with him some more only after he insisted it wouldn't bother him too much until it started getting dark out. "Well since I have no idea where we are and it's getting darker we're gonna have to get back on the road."

"And I'll be awaiting that call. This really would be the perfect place."

"Then I'll make sure to get back to you fast. You two are the first of the month so I wouldn't worry about any slots not being available. And have a good drive back."We interlocked our hands this time and I swung her arm back and forth thrilled at the outcome. When we made it to the car she opened the passenger door for me but grabbed me by the waist before I got in, "Excited are we?"She had her signature complacent smile on in saying that and I rolled my eyes, "Shut up, I can see you jumping up and down in your head. Now take me home, I am starving."

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