Recap - Chapter 53

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I had to leave Faye alone by herself on Friday since I had to get my things out of the dorm. Well... I knew I just had to tell her everything that happened but then she proposed we get my things now rather than later. I was reluctant to do so but it was either I go get my things or they throw them out. With Cherry we made quick work of it mostly because I didn't have much to begin with. Traveling with my aunt all through my childhood taught me going lighter was better.

Currently she and I sat down on the bed as I told her in full detail the events that had been going on, "I cannot believe all this drama has happened and I was a mere side subject to you."

"Cherry, as you now know, I had too much going on and I didn't want you to get wrapped up in it. Plus you were getting pretty into it with your lady and you should be able to enjoy the lovely doveyness of your newfound lover."

"Well don't say it like that you sound like my mom. Are you even gonna be here?"

"What do you mean?"

"You've been at Faye's for who knows how long."

"It's been mostly just a month, Cherry."

"Hey, that's long enough. All I'm is that I'm just surprised she hasn't asked you to move in already as she clearly didn't mind you staying."

"It's too early for that. Maybe in a few months or so I'll think back on it but I'm not going to intrude like that even if she did ask. And why does that question sound like you've made a bet."

"...Ok Steven is nosey and he combined with the new girl who at first I thought she had a crush on but now I know she just sees you as a sister and they were just ganging up on me to tell them why you've been in a good mood before you left. Oh and Ms. Wren still expects you to come to her holiday brunch. And everyone misses you."

"Don't delay the inevitable Cherry. Either you give me my answer or I force it out."

"Ok yea they bet that Faye was a U-haul lesbo and to my credit i took your little girlfriends side. But then they counter-bet me because they made some solid points out of you and Faye's love story so now I'm going to be a hundred down if you don't move in with her by christmas."

"Now why did you bet them a hundred?"

"Did I tell you I was drinking when I did so?"

"Ah that explains it all."

"Also did they catch the guy?"

"Oh yea it was like the icing on an already messed up cake. They finally found him yesterday and it turns out this dude was Edith's brother," Cherry sat up with her mouth hung open and her eyes wide, making me laugh.

"That's the same look Faye gave me when I told her. It was so weird and even more so when Faye brought up the fact that he had to have been the one Edith was talking about when she confronted her. It's like a never ending story."

"Should I do a mandatory mental health check with you right now?"

"No, I'm more than fine, trust me. I can't explain why I'm not just torn to bits due to my circumstances but I am surrounded by people who love and care for me which could be why. And that is enough to keep me on my feet," Cherry nudged me and then suddenly put all her body weight on me. She wasn't one for 'i love you's' or actual hugs and even though i'm losing my breath i knew this was just her way of showing so, "Remind me to thank Ms. Wren's sister for getting me that lawyer. I really never wanted to see her again and he made that possible. Now that the two are locked away I'm fully fine I promise."

"I will... I'm glad you reunited with your mom and all. But why hasn't your aunt not called you? She should've been notified when you were in the hospital."

"I honestly don't know what's going on with her. I had called her several times throughout the week on my phone and Faye's but they never got through. All I'm hoping is that she's not lost in the wilderness again. I'll only give it another two days of trying before I call corporate."

"I mean it kinda sounds fun just being away from the world for a while. She might even be there with that girl she likes and I don't want to imagine what they are doing secluded together."

"Ew now you put that in my mind."

"Ok we really need to actually finish putting your things away. I don't want Lisa thinking I keep my place a mess."

"Um before you even met her you weren't this clean. And I'll make sure to tell her just that when we go on a double date."

"Oh who even does that anymore. And can't you just leave certain things out if and when you do meet her. I'd like to uphold my high standing with her."

"You'll be fine, it's nothing you haven't dealt with before. But I actually do want to get this done now in case Faye finally gets done with her work and then we could eat out tonight."

"There's just a bunch of gay love birds in the air in this town i swear."

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