A Little Crazy - Chapter 50

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I smiled incoherently listening to the soft sniffs on the other line. Cleo had accidentally caught a cold over the weekend only because she wanted to watch the little snow we got from outside. I actually thought we'd be snowed in as usual but the snowing surprisingly didn't last long. It was utter torture having to leave the younger woman snuggled in my comforter with my pajamas on. But I ran out of cold medicine and if I'm going to take the week off before her graduation and just to be near her I need to get some work done at home, "You'll be back soon right?"

"Yes, I just needed to get some documents from my office then I'll bring breakfast back."

"Okay I just miss you. Sorry if I'm being clingy I really don't mean to be."

"Honey, you're not. Something traumatic just happened to you and I'd be scared had you just shut yourself off instead. I wish you wouldn't just let her off so easily. What if another girl takes your place and she harasses her."

"As I told you, unless I get tapes from the elevator which wasn't even working at the time, it'd be a waste to my reputation to go against someone who's worked there for almost ten years. I want my revenge but I need an actual plan rather than just rushing in mindlessly. If anything, my law class taught me that."

Keys on the other side of the door rattled and that pulled me back into the situation I decided to put myself in. I had not only come in early to grab work but to make a much needed surprise visit, "Sorry honey I need to go, someone needs to talk to me. I'll bring back breakfast and call you on my way back alright?"

"Mhmm see you in a bit."

When the door finally opened, I swiftly hid my phone and light from the lit hallways shined in but not onto the area I sat in. I waited quietly as this oblivious girl went about in the dark. It was weird like she was used to working in complete darkness but the pure shock on her face made it worth it, "You took your sweet time getting here."

She spun around and fumbled for the lamp light in this god-awfully decorated office. When she did she only cleared her throat giving me a blank stare before she talked, "Ms. Hart? To what do I owe the pleasure so early in the morning?"

"Oh, so your used to people just being in your office before you? I guess you've continuously had this happen to be so nonchalant."

"Well someones in a mood. Is Cleo with you by any chance?"

"You do know what you did to Cleo was sexual assualt."

"From what I know it was mutual."

"She was in the midst of a panic attack! But of course you wouldn't care to know the difference. Much to my annoyance she won't even be pressing charges yet."

"...Should I tell your dean of your little disposition with her? Seems we have a repeat of what Mr. Turner did."

"There aren't any rules against a teacher-student relationship."

"Well poor old me can't recognize the difference between something mutual and something that isn't. It was unpredictable how Turner blackmailed and solicited his female students. They had no choice and, as I see it, Cleo doesn't either. I mean why else would you be here trying to stop a blooming love?"

"Are you crazy?"

"On the contrary, I'm enlightened by your actions, Ms. Hart. With the high position you hold it wouldn't be something new that a person in power over a young woman who hasn't even gotten her roots settled in her new job that you helped her attain."

"Okay, I'm not dealing with this anymore. I've said what I needed to. And I'm taking this back with me," The mad reaction I wanted came through as she crossed her arms scowling at me when I lifted the purse Cleo said she left in the elevator. I just knew this psychotic woman would keep it so Cleo would be forced to see her.

"Hart, I'm letting the fact that you broke into my office slide but taking my belongings too?"

"This is Cleo's. It even has the keychain I gave her dangling about on the strap."

"Well, I will only give something back to its original owner. Who knows what higher motives you have," I was getting a headache and stood towering over her. I'm glad I wore heels otherwise we'd be on an equal level.

"Cleo is not coming to see you for this. I think you already know that unless your just plain right stupid. And I'm making sure of that even if she doesn't want me to get involved."

"Well that's the only way for her to get it back," She walked in front of the closed doorway and I thought of the many solutions to removing her out of my path.

How can I even get around this? I can't really just shove her and leave since there's a chance she'll yell and cause a scene. I'd hate to run into Julie because of it too. And with her crazy accusations either she's dimented or trying to play her cards right for a win, "Thinking so hard over there are you? You do know I work so see to it that you leave and put back what's not yours. And also give her my regards."

"Like hell I am. Move before I make you move," I strode up to the unbothered woman and she only looked me up and down as if trying to decide something.

"I can't even fathom the idea that as intelligent as he is, fell for you. It was a complete waste of his time. And now your controlling Cleo? It's like your obsessed with having what's mine Hart," I admit violence is never the answer but a quick sharp and clean slap across her face shut the woman up. She looked as scared as a mouse trapped by a cat.

She was then enraged and thanks to my quick thinking, another was enough to put her back in her place. She looked dumbfounded after the second one and I wasted no time leaving her office with her purse in hand. It was either that or I was killing the woman where she stood. And I don't even know anyone related to her so how the hell am I going to remember a person she didn't even put a name to. God Cleo is gonna kill me if i tell her about this.

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