Sunset - Chapter 64

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Leaving the kitchen and into the living room I pushed Mia's feet off the couch to sit next to her. The baffled look she gave me almost made me burst out laughing but I held it in, "Want some?"

She groaned and crossed her arms, obviously annoyed with me, "Why can't you just leave me alone. I got the stupid measurements for the stupid dress. I was even cordial whenever you talked to me."

"Saying only yes or no isn't being cordial. I don't want you to be a robot but you shouldn't be a little asshole either."

"Why are you even doing all of this? We are not related at all."

"Doesn't mean we can't get along. Plus I know this is all a facade. You genuinely are nice and especially because of your dad."

"What does that mean? I'm my own person."

I sighed and put down my plate, sad that I didn't make more. I mean who doesn't like midday waffles, "Yes but we get most of our traits from our parents whether we like it or not. You are kind. Even though you don't want my mom to see and act like a little shit to me, I notice the nice little gestures you do after only being here for a day."

"So your stalking?"

"No, just observant. People who are hiding something from a certain someone only look out for them and not the other people who may see what they're doing."

"Yea yea I need a lecture right now. They don't even notice it."

"Because you don't want them to. I grew up without my parents. Even though I was fine it was tough. Don't push them away just because Mia," She pushed herself further into the couch and quietly pondered to herself. I wasn't sure how long she'd continue keeping to herself, "So are we on equal playing fields now?"

"Sure you can say that."

"I'm glad doing this worked. I had another plan that wouldn't lead to you being happy."

"Do I even want to know?"

"Nope but it had a lot more lectures involved," I got up and stretched then bent over to pick my plate up, "I'm gonna go find Faye and see what she's been up to."

I was walking off to the kitchen and stopped when I heard her say, "Are you gonna go dress shopping while your here too?"

A smile formed on my lips, not one that was smug or anything, "I don't see why not. You wanna come with me and mom?"

"Yea," And that right there is progress.


I huddled closer to Faye feeling wind tickle up under the length of my dress. She placed an arm around me as we both looked into the distance. We sat in comfortable silence only watching the sunset after having walked to and around the park, "The view is so nice. Wouldn't mind waking up to this and a naked woman beside me."

"Oh and just who is the naked woman going to be?"

"Hmmm well she's a bit stern but nice when your on her good side. She's the same height as me but wears heels so often that she sees herself as the tallest one."

"I have no idea what your talking about."

"Yes right she also won't admit to things even when most of the time I'm right. She likes gardening and forcing me to bring all the plants back out when winter ends and when it begins. She likes to continuously watch me struggle at yoga."

"Only because it's adorable."

"Mhm. Her hair gets really curly when it's wet so she gets mad whenever i throw her into the pool or after i seduced her into shower sex."

"It's very annoying to deal with."

"But like you said, it's 'adorable'. She likes reading in the little spare time I give her and endlessly talking about the philosophy she studies just for fun."

"Which is what I was trying to do earlier but someone just had too much energy to leave me be."

"It's your fault for looking like you wanted to be bothered. And anyway, under the naked eye my woman has two tattoos. They're fun things to trace after a night of fun activities."

"Oh? And what are they? I might've seen them before."

"One is a sword with roses surrounding it on the side of her stomach. And the others are just thorns on the side of the upper right thigh. What are your favorite flowers in case I need to lighten up your day."

"Ghost Orchids or any orchid maybe."

I looked down at my phone, noting it to be almost nine. And with the sunset ending soon we'd be submerged in darkness since the park somehow doesn't have lamps or anything, "Should we make our way back? I don't want us to be here when it's dark out."

"Only after you tell me who this woman is."

I tried getting up but she pulled me back down and I was surprised she did so so easily. I scoffed and just laughed it off knowing the little things like this is why I love to bother her so much, "It's just the amazing and intelligent Faye Candice Hart."


"Oh will you just please."

"Should I get up and curtsey?"

"Whatever helps you sleep better at night honey."

She snickered and pulled me in tighter, "I love you so much."

"I love you too."

We both whipped our heads around to a sound far off in the distance and we took that as our cue to leave, "Lets go before your new friend sends out a search party for you. You do know she questioned me like I was under investigation before we left, right?"

"Yes and it was absolutely hilarious."

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