Panic - Chapter 21

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Did that just happen? Am I still dreaming? No no, when I woke up I pinched myself after finding the woman who'd been occupying my thoughts more than anyone else sleeping next to me. But here she was right in front of me panting. She'd just kissed me too and more than once if I may add.

I'd only had the whole 'sex' experience to get my virginity out of the way and lets just say i haven't done it since i wasn't impressed. But this woman only after a mere kiss had me wanting more. She'd backed me into the glass wall almost pinning me yet giving me the control to leave. And I definitely wasn't going to.

Her smell was intoxicating and I'd only been close a few times to get the scent of vanilla off of her. My hands found the back of her neck pulling Hart more into me. She obliges, squeezing the sides of my hips where her hands kept me in place.

I had to pull back to gather my breath but keeping myself as close as possible to my forehead rested on hers. She looked deeply into my eyes with her own blue orbs doing the same with a shameless smile fixated on herself. She visibly rolled her tongue, capturing my lips again. I was surprised by myself in the moan I let out after she bit my bottom lip as that gave her access inside.

She was the one to pull back this time with a lust filled smile, "You taste so sweet Cleo," I thought it was impossible for my heart to beat any faster but the way she said my name made it go rapid, "As much as i'd love to keep teasing you pleasing expression, i know i just acted out of term."

She stepped away, making me instantly miss the warmth she brought me even though I had actual pants on. Oh wow, I'm just now realizing I'm standing here with a golden girls hoodie and some tights. But how the hell was I supposed to predict we would kiss?

"Why don't we go sit down?," Nodding, I went first with racing thoughts occupying my head. Was this what Cherry meant with her last partner? I don't love Hart- well actually I just don't know myself. That doesn't mean I'm oblivious to this, I was acutely aware of what occurred and I accepted it too. Damnit, I'm going into accounting, not whatever is needed to be a therapist.

"What are you thinking?," I only now connected back to the real world, already finding myself seated where I was before. She was situated on the coffee table in front of me with a single hand on my knee. I wanted nothing more to pull her into me to kiss again but of course my mind conflicts with the notion, "This was a mistake wasn't it."

A sharp pint of sadness quickly formed in my stomach making me panic a little, "Why? I thought... Did I do it wrong? I've never been told I was a bad kisser. Though I have no intention of finding the first person I'd kissed to prove it."

I fiddled with my hands glad to see her smiling again instead of the concerned face she made, "No you were... amazing trust me. But you just look like you're about to back out."

"I'm just thinking about what happens next. It's not all that clear to me and if I don't start making plans I might run myself into the ground."

"Plans about us?"

"Really anything to just occupy my mind. I hate it when my thoughts are too much to handle," My breath hitches as she bites her lip placing her adjacent hand on my other knee parting my legs. She smoothly knelt from the coffee table situating herself right before me now toying with the hem of my hoodie, "And your touches are making it really hard to cease them."

"If it helps, I'm not putting any thoughts into my actions right now. You wanna try doing that for me?,"

With hooded eyelids she started to raise my shirt with one hand rubbing my thigh. Every thought faded away again when she leaned up where I met her halfway to kiss again, "Oh god yes."

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