Confession - Chapter 49

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Faye pov

The first thing she'd done was rush off upstairs. I followed her of course as she hasn't said not a word since we'd left campus. I didn't know if she wanted time alone or not but I cautiously did so.

When I reached the room I heard the shower and chose to sit and wait. The door was open and I could only see her silhouette through the fogged glass. The water stopped suddenly and she got out hugging herself while looking at me. I slipped my heels off and made my way over to her. When I was there she looked around until her eyes locked in on the tub. I made no objections as the conflicted woman started to undress me.

I lifted her hands up and away kissing them and started to get out of my clothes myself. She left me going over to the bath and took up filling the bathtub this time. I pulled my hair up doing my best to understand the situation when honestly I have no clue what to do. I went to sit by her and watch the tub fill up as well, only waiting for her next action.

After it was filled she stopped the water, dipped her finger in and then just looked at me expectedly, "You want me to go in first?," She shook her head and in a fastidious manner to try and keep my eyes on the young thing I sat myself in the tub. She followed me next, sitting in between my legs with her head on my chest. There were faint water droplets and the soft sound of her breathing.

She contemply stroked my legs being the only body part she could reach. I thought this was a good sign and leapt at the opportunity to smother her. She felt oddly stiff when my arms encircled her but that only lasted for a little while.

She moved out of my embrace, shifted around and closed my legs to sit on my lap. She sighed and moved her hair away as the curls were beginning to dry and take form. I leaned forward and closed the gap kissing her lightly. I didn't want to overdo it but it felt like it at the moment. After I did her hair in a similar style like mine, she softly thanked me.

She looked a bit calmer when I finished and that made me smile, "It always amazed me how you could get my hair in a bun so fast."

"Well, I'm not only fluent in writing grades on my student's papers. These hands have talents unknown to all but now you," I cringed at that but the smile didn't leave her face so i counted it as a win.

I lifted my hand up to her collar bone which had the hickey I'd left this morning. It made me all the more prideful to continue feeling her sofr skin but i shut off anything sexual in my mind.

I gently disturbbed the flesh I came in contact with traveling ever so slowly. I leisurely took my time overshadowing her torso. Soon I was at her thighs caressing them and trying not to react to her breathing as she'd now laid her head in the crook of my neck.

"She touched me there," My heart dropped and I froze, frightened at her words. I've unfortunately had a friend long ago who went through what I hoped she hadn't and the one thing they didn't want was her partner antagonizing the answers out of her. I had to tread slowly into her bubble unless I wanted it to pop.

"Where else?," She lifted one of my hands that had settled at her hip and placed it on her breast. I had to hold in the sob I so wanted to let out when it didn't stop there, "Can you tell me who?"

She kept quiet and squeezed my hand. I was hoping that it wouldn't be here. I had the nagging feeling that it was and the suggestive look from Cleo I knew it was.

"I should have said yes when you asked to just come to me in the first place. You would have even seen the cool workspace I was given. Then I would've never been in another closed room with her again. I'm not stupid and noticed the different way she stared at me after that day. I stayed clear of her since and out of all the damn elevators in that posh building she just had to be in there. Maybe her blindness was just too big for the elevator to handle and that's why it broke."

"...Thank you and I'm so sorry. Are you hungry at all? How are you feeling?"

"It's not your fault. And no, just incredibly tired. Before you continue to ask, I'm fine and that's all I'm getting out about that tonight. Also before I forget this nice lady who I now have the pleasure of working beside gave me cupcakes when she got in. And it's one of those sweet grandma ladies that you'll never be able to say no to. And that's all your getting out of me about her until you actually meet Miss Julie herself because she already wants to meet you,"

"Does she know about me?"

"Yes ma'am. I mean she asked if I had a loved one and no one else was around. Plus she just gave those nice 'I will never judge you' eyes and I spilled everything. She really should work as a bouncer or some checker job just guilt tripping the truth out of people."

"While I count down the days when I do see her, why don't we go lay down and let your mind rest. The weekend is usually for taking a break."

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