Totally Normal - Chapter 11

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She stared gawking at me as i continued to write down our regulars for Ms. Wren, "Did your aunt not have the bees and bird talk with you?"

I crunched my nose looking back to the screen to see the name again before focusing on her question, "What does that have to do with what I told you?"

"Cleo, honey, you innocent little chick. That sounded like a date."

I stopped myself from writing , not recognizing what happened on Thursday, to sound like, "But it wasn't."

"Maybe not in your eyes but out of the few times i've had nice dates. I can surely recognize one better than when I was a virgin like yourself."

I swat Cherry knowing i wasn't the only one who heard that even with her unpractised silent screaming, "Hey! I'm not a virgin and keep your voice down dammit."

"Jenny was just some fling for you. I even tried to talk you out of it but noooo. Someone just reeeeally wanted to get such a honorable aspect out the way of their life," How can she remember that woman's name more than me? Oh right that's because she remembers things just to throw them back in my face later.

"You promised to never talk about that again and also now you owe me twenty because of it."

"Oh shut up and just listen. It's not unheard of when professors shackle up with students-

"It has been exactly two weeks. Cherry, all I did was take her to the moon spot after paying for my pizza."

"Ah ah ah you left out something. First you gave her your jacket under the night sky and got on one knee putting your boots onto her," I just didn't want her to accidentally break her ankle or complain about how cold it was which she still did, " And time never matters Cleo. People have fallen in love in less than a day."

I was about to retaliate having just finished some listings but Cherry shushes me, "I'm not saying this is a bad thing. I would love to see you happy. But you need to see it first with your oh so young eyes," I groan truly not seeing any context in what i've done; all she's done is confuse the things i've felt even more, "Now if you'll excuse me, I have managerial things to do."


"Ah we meet again Cleo."

"Hi Mrs. Wren?"

"Call me Leona dear and also i'm not married anymore. I got divorced in september."

"Oh i'm sorry..."

"Please don't be, the bitch was with me for my money. But i made sure she got nothing out of our settlement," Ok lady why are you telling me this. What am I supposed to say after that? Oh god please Cherry bring your butt back over here.

"Sister, stop bothering my best employee," Oh thank my skies she came.

"Isn't she the one graduating soon?"

"You already know so sister," Leona side eyes her sister before looking back to me with a sly grin.

"I'm opening up a new building just so I can spread my wings just a few blocks down."

That sounded like a big ol' red flag coming right out of her mouth, "...What exactly is it that you do."

"That my dear can only be answered if you say yes," Ok so this woman should just be painted red just to alarm anyone in passing, " I'd hate for you to lose your talented sister but it would be a major gain for me," She walks past Ms. Wren bumps her slightly.

"Don't take her words too erratically, Cleo. Though i already know you won't. She's a big flirt and often gets in trouble because of it."

"I figured a lot. And thank you for coming when you did."

"No problem. I could smell her fake ass perfume from the doorway. And if she does not immediately come to my office, then that must mean she's torturing someone. Though i will say you should ask her about what she does. She may have a few fake things but the money she does make is really as shady as that sounds."

"Probably next week. Cherry's wrapping up for the night and she's my ride."

"Good night and tell Cherry that for me too."

"Night Ms. Wren"

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