Meeting the In Laws - Chapter 63

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Cleo pov

I stood in front of her dusting off pet hair. On the plane here we got to sit next to a pet owner whose dog was in between his feet. And after a little bit of begging the cute pomeranian was walking between Faye and my lap. Then Faye didn't keep a watchful eye and got off and started a ruckus since the thing was so small could hide literally anywhere.

I chuckled to myself replaying the event, having teased her all the way to my mom's house. When that was over I briefed her on what little I knew about my new step family, "So don't spar with the little girl whenever she disrespects you and your step dad likes sports so talk to him about that."


"Totally easy."


"I mean you rarely even see me in pants, what makes you think I know sports?"

"Your dads a New Jersey and Boston fan. After talking with him, albeit five times last week, I know who won, which players were the best starters, and which coach threw a fit over losing. So you must know something. And your not getting out of this even if you tried. All I ask is for you to ignore her because I can handle her."

"Ok, fine teamwork makes the dreamwork," She smiled down at me and I leaned in to kiss her. She put her hand at my waist and I breathed in, calming myself. The door shot open interrupting us though and what must've been Mia gave only me a scowl.

"Why were you two so slow in coming in? Are you two already so old? Anyway your mom's in the kitchen doing whatever is making the house smell good for once."

I stood with my jaw fixed and we both watched her walk away, "I don't like her."

I sighed and pulled my luggage and reluctantly started to go in, "I never said I did either."


Everything had gone sorta well. Mia stayed in her room until dinner was served later on and it was easy getting along with Philis. Now I had to hide the ever growing smile at seeing Mia so pressed over my existence. Honestly I don't know why it's me and it's not like she's the best to mom but she is tolerable and respectful, "Have you guys gotten anything set?"

"I wanted to do spring but she wouldn't let me."

"You have pollen allergies and your going to be dying since you also wanted an outdoor wedding. And I don't want to do it in the summer. It'll be too hot for me to act happy."

"So we've agreed on fall and thankfully it's close and we have time to reserve a spot beforehand."

"And now we just need to find a place. And figure out my dress."

"The food isn't a problem since I have an old friend who's gonna be catering. I always loved her food and since her business is getting bigger she's able to do international things.

"And another one of her friends offered to let us come to her resort as our honeymoon. You have great friends by the way."

"I know I miss them all. Maybe after the honeymoon I can reconnect and do a reunion of some sorts. And I actually already have my dress set. It was my mothers and I just had it finished being altered."

"Can I see it?"

"Of course not. But I bet that's not gonna stop you from repeatedly asking."

"You know me so well," She laughed and kissed my cheek and the oh so solemn moment was again ruined by Mia.

"Oh that's just gross. Go to your room if your gonna do that."

I rolled my eyes at her, having grown tired of her snide comments in just a short time. It wasn't too much to actually make me mad. More like a toddler repeatedly hitting your side for attention, "Are you just mad that your still a virgin? Don't worry hun you'll meet your special someone, hopefully someday that can deal with your horrible attitude," Her mouth hung open as well as the others, " Finally got you to shut up huh."

"I'm going to my room."

"Mia sit down. I want you both to get along. And it isn't helpful that you haven't made it easy on her nor Marsha. You only have to do the bare minimum that's all I ask."

"I can act nice."

"Then be the best actress you can be."

I pulled my glass of water when it got quiet again muttering under my breath, "Quite a firecracker."

"Ok see she started it this time."

"Don't make me knock you off your high horse."

"Excuse me?"

"You know while I'm here we're gonna go to the boutique to pick up your dress."


"Your my last pick as my bridesmaid. Since your obviously on the smaller size, I need to get your measurements done to order the dress."

"I don't want to be that."

"We'll see. Just think of it as some new sisterly bonding Mia. That would be fine with the both of you right?"

I've always had a strong persona. It never got used often as it's my 'intimidation' tactic as Cherry calls it. I smiled reassuring him of any answer and side-eyed the teenager who chilled in her spot. Mom only smiled as I already told her of my harmless plan earlier. She got up to remove his and her plate and walked into the kitchen, "Oh yes. She could use some time out and about."

"Thank you and I don't know about you guys but I am swamped and seeing as we have a big day ahead of us tomorrow I'm gonna turn in after I put me and Fay's dishes up."

Mom came in just at that with her hands on her hips and a light smile shined at Faye and I, "Oh no honey i got it and it's no problem at all just go to bed."

"Oh Thanks mom. Goodnight everyone."

"Oh well goodnight guys I'm going too."

Faye was on my tail as we both walked up the stairs. When we entered the guest bedroom she spoke up, "You have something brewing in that head of yours?"

"Like always my dear."

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