Chapter 9

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Do you think he is handsome or my handsome English teacher walked in with a book and talked about the test papers taken last month. The English class was originally hypnotized. Besides, Shen Yuyuan's estrus period has just passed, and his body is a little weak. I fell asleep, and I did not expect to sleep for three classes as soon as I fell asleep, but was still awakened by Nie Shaoyu.

    "What's the matter?" Shen Yuyuan frowned, his eyes full of irritability, he hated being woken up from sleep, and getting up very angry.

    "I'm sorry, but the next class is physical education, and I will go to class." Nie Shaoyu said in a low voice, she was afraid that Shen Yuyuan would be upset if disturbed to sleep.

    "Thank you, I got it." Shen Yuyuan got up slowly, his eyes dazzled by the sun, and squinted uncomfortably. Shen Yuyuan made such a simple gesture as if he was deliberately seducing.

    "You're welcome.".Nie Shaoyu blushed suddenly, what should she do? She really likes Shen Yuyuan!

    Shen Yuyuan went to the playground. A lot of Alpha and Beta were playing basketball on the playground. Omega watched them playing basketball. Shen Yuyuan stood and watched for a while, tilting his head to look at Nie Shaoyu, who has been following his butt as a tail.

    "Are you handsome?" Shen Yuyuan was referring to the alphas who are currently playing basketball on the court.

    "Huh?" Nie Shaoyu glanced over there and saw that an alpha had been thrown in beyond the three-point line, and nodded, she thought she was very handsome.

    Why is there such a big gap between alpha and omega? Alpha seems to be born with inexhaustible physical strength, shooting is easy for them, but omega is different, Nie Shaoyu feels that it is difficult for her to make a shot.

."Then you think I'm handsome or they are handsome." Shen Yuyuan knew Nie Shaoyu that she thought she was good-looking, and she kept peeking at herself every day.

    Nie Shaoyu couldn't speak, she couldn't choose. Those alphas are handsome, but Shen Yuyuan is pretty! It's not as beautiful and exquisite, I have never seen any omega better than him.

    "Tsk." Shen Yuyuan gave a tut. He thought Nie Shaoyu would say something about her own beauty.

    Shen Yuyuan walked straight towards the basketball side. Nie Shaoyu watched Shen Yuyuan's direction and immediately followed him, afraid that Shen Yuyuan would do something.

    It happened that one of the basketball players accidentally twisted his wrist. The midfielder retired and needed someone to replace him. He was about to call someone to come in again, and suddenly there was a noise next to him.

    "Can I come?"

.When Shen Yuyuan came out, all his eyes focused on Shen Yuyuan. It was incredibly beautiful, with no flaws in the delicate features, thin and slender figure, which formed a sharp contrast with the surrounding alpha.

    Shen Yuyuan stood there, and everything was less dazzling than him.

    The audience suddenly became quiet, and no one spoke. Shen Yuyuan had always been in their impression that an omega was more fierce than alpha.

    As soon as Shen Yuyuan entered the school, that face and figure shocked the whole school. Even though the omega was inherently superior and good-looking, it was the only one to grow into Shen Yuyuan's.

    Many people chasing Shen Yuyuan, Shen Yuyuan's young master's temper drove a lot of people away, and he never saw him move his hands, until one time when he entered estrus, several alphas wanted to take advantage of others and were beaten by Shen Yuyuan.
.What is everyone's impression of omega? Delicate, crying, squeamish, petted by everyone, but Shen Yuyuan is different. He pinched alpha on the neck during estrus, and the air was full of his pheromone smell, and other alphas were affected. , But no one dared to step forward.

    He also dislikes walking, causing someone to know him but never saw him. Mentioning Shen Yuyuan would think of him as a powerful alpha. Now, at first glance, Shen Yuyuan is an omega that is so delicate and beautiful that it can’t work, like a doll. The same omega.

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