Chapter 17

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A lieutenant colonel Shen Yuyuan. Shen Yuyuan looked back when he saw Xiao Boring also watching him. The tips of his ears were a little red. This omega is really, so lustful!

    "Who is that kid?" Xiao Boring looked at Shen Yuyuan with a smile, the tenderness in his eyes seemed to overflow, making people willing to indulge in it.

    "Hello, my name is Shen Yuyuan." Shen Yuyuan took the initiative to introduce himself, and stretched out his hand to Xiao Boling, his fingers were white and tender, and their fingertips were all pale pink.

    "Hello! My name is Xiao Boring." Xiao Boring not only shook hands with Shen Yuyuan, but also touched Shen Yuyuan's hand, as if satisfied, nodded.

    Shen Yuyuan didn't expect Xiao Boring to touch himself, but he still touched the back of his hand with his fingertips and touched his fingers along the lines of the back of his hand. Shen Yuyuan felt that half of his arm was numb.

    "Xiao Boring.".The more Fu Cheng grabbed Shen Yuyuan's hand, he looked at Xiao Boring in warning, and asked him to restrain him a little, so that he didn't want to tease him when he saw him.

    Shen Yuyuan's face was flushed by Xiao Boling's teasing. If it was an alpha, Shen Yuyuan would have squeezed his fist and went up, but in front of him was a gentle and charming omega, he couldn't get his hands off.

    "Why, is the person brought here by Xiao Fu? Is it your omega?" Xiao Boling raised her eyebrows, watching Fu Chengyue pick up vegetables in Shen Yuyuan's bowl, and peeled off shrimp, with jade-like fingers. Xiao Boling couldn't believe it with the juice on it.

    Who does Fu Chengyue’s friends don’t know? Fu Cheng hates touching these more and prefers not to eat them. He hates the juice inside, and hates these things on his hands even more, but now Fu Chengyue is helping that little omega peel. Shrimp.

.The more Fu Cheng didn't speak, even if he acquiesced to Xiao Boring's statement, he concentrated on feeding Shen Yuyuan, watching his cheeks bulge, and he felt very comfortable.

    Xiao Boling became a little interested now. He didn't expect that in the end, such an omega would make Fu Cheng more tempted. He always thought that Fu Cheng disliked the green tone.

    "Are you full?" Fu Cheng wiped his fingers clean, and turned his head to ask Shen Yuyuan, seeing Shen Yuyuan like a little squirrel, he couldn't help but smile with a smile in his eyes.

    "I'm full." Shen Yuyuan nodded, swallowed what was in his mouth, and then talked. The corner of his mouth was suddenly wiped with a finger. The warm touch made Shen Yuyuan's eyes widen, and he didn't react for a long time.

    Fu Cheng took his little hand and walked out of the private room, and slowly came over, looking down at Fu Cheng holding his hand, and the tips of his ears slowly turned red.

.Since Fu Cheng wanted to hold himself so much, then he reluctantly asked Fu Cheng to hold him.

    Shen Yuyuan would not admit that it felt good that he was being held by Fu Cheng more, and he didn't want Fu Cheng to loosen it.

    Fu Chengyue sent Shen Yuyuan back to the military area compound, and gave Shen Yuyuan a set of papers and his math books and notes at the time, as well as some good food.

    "Children Taro, remember to call me next week and I will make up your lesson." Fu Chengyue and Shen Yuyuan added contact information and exchanged phone numbers. The more Fu Cheng blinked at him, he drove away. .

    "Who is calling you! I won't call you." Shen Yuyuan smirked while holding the phone, whispering an irony, but he clicked on WeChat and read Fu Chengyue's circle of friends over and over again.

.Such a good mood lasted until the beginning of school on Monday. Shen Yuyuan was in a good mood, but someone happened to make Shen Yuyuan angry.

    "Hey! The one in front."

    Shen Yuyuan stopped, frowned and glanced back, and found that it was a few people from No. 4 Middle School who were wearing the ugly uniform of No. 4 Middle School and still had the streaked green-headed Killing Matt haircut, which was a damn an ​​eyesore.

    "I heard that you are a lieutenant high school bully? Huh, an omega is a school bully, right? No one in the first middle school. It's getting worse every year, little master."

    The green-headed monster in No. 4 looked up and down Shen Yuyuan, and snorted with his nose. The little young master was not complimenting Shen Yuyuan, but mocking him, as squeamish as a young master.

    Shen Yuyuan didn't even know that he was a lieutenant colonel, and he wanted to deny it, but when the green head said this, Shen Yuyuan suddenly felt that his fists were a little itchy.

."It's damn annoying, bad mood, just like you is called alpha? Omega like me can hit you can't get up." Shen Yuyuan really found it annoying, and made some unhappy things early in the morning.

    "It's really owed, I think you just want to be beaten, but if you are my omega and you say that I'm a bad one, I won't beat you." The green fur monster realized afterwards that Shen Yuyuan was really beautiful. , More prettier than any omega he had seen in the Fourth Middle School.

    Shen Yuyuan is speechless, where is this mentally retarded idiot who came out of his brain, is he still doing my omega, and leaving it here to play Marie Su? Have you watched too many TV series?

    "I want to play faster, and I have to make up my homework." Shen Yuyuan put aside his schoolbag, which contained Fu Cheng Yuedu's notes and books, which he was reluctant to break.

."Farewell, don't break your beautiful face, we will feel distressed hahahahaha." As the green head said, he laughed with the little brother behind him.

    Shen Yuyuan has never met someone who is so stupid since graduating from junior high school. Doesn't this thing feel so handsome?

    Shen Yuyuan didn’t want to talk to him more, so he just started. Shen Yuyuan looked soft, slender, with small bones. No one would think he would fight. In fact, Shen Yuyuan’s strength was very strong. The teeth are loose and the corners of the mouth are broken.

    Since childhood, Shen Yuyuan has learned military fighting skills. It is naturally different from those who rely solely on brute force. There is a power gap between alpha and omega. At this time, skills are very important. Shen Yuyuan is the most painful. Fight in fragile places.

.Shen Yuyuan moved very quickly, and he had already avoided when they returned his hand, pressing his knee fiercely against his stomach, and kicking his crotch.

    "I'm not a lieutenant colonel, but you really owe it to you." Shen Yuyuan looked at the alphas he had beaten to the ground, and couldn't help laughing and sarcastically saying, is this an alpha? Real dishes.

    Shen Yuyuan picked up his schoolbag, and it was annoying to even look at them more. Even if he looked ugly, he could still scream. It was really annoying.

    Shen Yuyuan walked into the classroom. Shen Yuyuan had never noticed before. This time he paid a little attention. When he came in, the classroom became quiet for a moment, and even the voice of asking for homework disappeared.

    Shen Yuyuan sat in the position, patted Nie Shaoyu on the shoulder and asked her, "Am I that scary? Is it me the first lieutenant colonel?"

    "Yes! Did you know?".Nie Shaoyu nodded, a little surprised, doesn't Shen Yuyuan know?

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