Chapter 14

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Mr. Fu gave a little bit of prestige. At that moment, Shen Yuyuan's head was a little frozen, and he didn't know what Fu Chengyue said. After reciting Fu Chengyue's words silently, he slowly understood that it was his sister who invited Fu Cheng over.

    Although Fu Chengyue said that he didn't need him, he didn't actually move. He glanced at Song Muyi and smiled at him as if he were friendly.

    But for Song Muyi, this is not a good signal. You must know that Song Muyi is an alpha, and Fu Chengyue's performance is not a good sign for alpha at all, it is like a provocation.

    "Hello, I am Fu Chengyue." Fu Chengyue proactively reached out to Song Muyi, with the charm of mature alpha in every move.

.When Fu Chengyue and Song Muyi looked at it alone, both of them are very good, each has its own advantages, but standing together like this, an instant comparison is made between the mature alpha and the young alpha.

    Fu Cheng became more mature and stable, and his every move was elegant and generous enough to show the charm of alpha. Song Muyi was young and vigorous, but in front of Fu Chengyue, he was overwhelmed.

    "Hello, Song Muyi." The more Song Muyi and Fu Cheng shook their hands, they immediately took them back. It was uncomfortable to have contact with alpha. Moreover, he is not a fool. At a glance, you can tell that Fu Cheng is more interested in himself. Hostility, as to where this hostility came from, Song Muyi glanced at Shen Yuyuan.

    Shen Yuyuan still didn't understand the situation. He seemed to be looking elsewhere, but in fact, he had been sneaking at Fu Chengyue.

    "Why did my sister let you come to make up lessons for me.".Shen Yuyuan didn't believe it at all. His sister didn't tell him that the more Fu Cheng would come to give him a make-up lesson, it was fake.

    "At the reception last night, Ms. Shen specially invited me to be your tutor. If you don't believe me, you can call Ms. Shen." Fu Chengyue unknowingly put the dominant power on his side.

    Shen Yuyuan took his cell phone to call Shen Yushu dubiously, and didn't let Fu Cheng listen to him more.

    "Sister, did you ask Fu Cheng to make up lessons for me more and more?" When Shen Yuyuan said this, he didn't even realize that there was a smile on his lips.

    "Yeah! Aren't you bad in mathematics? Fu Chengyue is a master of study. In high school, he had scored full marks in mathematics test many times, and the worst score was not 145 points. He went to the best university. Ask him Isn't it just right to come to make up lessons for you?" Shen Yushu talked to Shen Yuyuan while looking at the documents handed over by the secretary.

."Then why don't you tell me! He has come home now." Shen Yuyuan glanced at Fu Chengyue secretly, and found that he was talking to Song Muyi, what can the two of them say.

    "You were already asleep when you came back last night. He actually came today. That's not bad! You learn more with him, and you two can train more... Math." Shen Yushu almost said to cultivate. Feelings are gone, and the conversation turns into mathematics training.

    "Who wants him to make up lessons for me! I can do it myself, isn't it just mathematics?" Shen Yuyuan doesn't want Fu Cheng to look down on himself more, isn't it just mathematics? He can be alone.

    "Really?" Shen Yushu didn't believe it. Hearing Shen Yuyuan's tone when he called, the ending sounds were all up, and he was happy to hear it.

.When Shen Yuyuan was asked such a question, he couldn't say anything to refute, and asked him to say that he didn't want Fu Cheng to come, and he didn't like Fu Cheng to give him more lessons. Shen Yuyuan didn't believe it.

    Shen Yushu put down the file in his hand, and talked to Shen Yuyuan, who learned the character of Xiaoyuyuan, who is always ironic, and that has to be changed.

    "Xiao Yuyuan's math grades are too bad, so Ms. Shen asked me to make up lessons for him. I believe you will not disturb him here, right?"

    What Fu Chengyue said that Song Muyi couldn't say anything to refute, as if he would affect Shen Yuyuan's study if he didn't leave.

    "Of course not." Song Muyi gritted his teeth and glanced at Shen Yuyuan. Seeing that he was on the phone, he couldn't talk to him, so he could only leave.

.The more Fu Cheng touched the car key in his pocket, he watched Song Muyi leave. Sure enough, the child is still too tender now, so he simply left.

    "Where is Song Muyi?" Shen Yuyuan found that Song Muyi had disappeared after calling, and asked Fu Chengyue where he had gone.

    "Let's go, he doesn't think I can bother me to make up classes for you. He thinks that your grades are more important, so he left first." Fu Chengyue didn't mention the sentence he said to Song Muyi without a word. See how good he is. Make Song Muyiying a person who is worried about Shen Yuyuan's achievements and is willing to leave on his own initiative.

    "That, that's fine." Shen Yuyuan stammered suddenly, only after he and Fu Chengyue were left, Shen Yuyuan felt that he didn't know where to put his hands and feet, if there was a scent of flowers around Shen Yuyuan's nose, it seemed I told Shen Yuyuan that the alpha in front of him was someone who had been in close contact with him twice before.

.The more Fu Cheng was deliberate, he knew that Shen Yuyuan liked the smell of his pheromone very much, so he deliberately failed to converge and let the pheromone overflow little by little.

    "Do you want to start to make up lessons? Where can't you." Fu Cheng Yue mentioned today's business, but he did not forget that he was here to make up for Shen Yuyuan's math.

    "Ah, yes, I can do it, don't listen to my sister's nonsense, I think I'm fine." Shen Yuyuan won't admit that he is poor in math, how embarrassing it is!

    "Okay, it doesn't matter. I can see where you don't." Fu Cheng nodded. He guessed that Shen Yuyuan's mathematics might not be bad, but Shen Yushu said that when he wanted him to come over to make up the lesson, but Fu Chengyue After thinking about it again, saying that seemed to be of no benefit to Shen Yushu.

    "Then come to my room.Like a calf, Shen Yuyuan rushed straight to the second floor, as if something scary followed.

    As Fu Cheng walked, he looked at the furnishings in the Shen's house. The furnishings were very particular. I guess he had invited Mr. Feng Shui to see them. Some things were well displayed where they should be placed or not.

    Fu Cheng followed Shen Yuyuan into the room and raised his eyebrows unexpectedly. He thought that a character like Xiao Yuyuan would definitely like the simple style. After all, he was delicate and arrogant. He didn't expect that the room was actually pink and tender, which was very suitable for the one in front of him. omega.

    "Don't look!" Shen Yuyuan turned and stretched out his hand to cover Fu Chengyue's eyes. Shen Yuyuan took Fu Cheng into the room and remembered that the room was furnished by Shen Yushu. It was too soft and cute, and it didn't fit his temperament at all. It's a pity that it was too late, and Fu Chengyue had already read it.

.Under Shen Yuyuan's palms are Fu Chengyue's eyes, his eyelashes trembling lightly, sweeping Shen Yuyuan's palms, itchy, itching to the bottom of Shen Yuyuan's heart

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