Chapter 27

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"I want to stay here too." Shen Yuyuan was a little lost, and suddenly regretted why he didn't learn math well. In that case, he wouldn't have to work so hard now.

    After evening self-study, Shen Yuyuan was outside waiting for someone to pick him up. He thought it was Shen Yushu who would be on the night shift to pick him up, but he didn't expect to see a familiar car that sent him over this morning.

    Shen Yuyuan deliberately pretended not to see his car, and went straight away. The more Fu Cheng was amused by Shen Yuyuan, what happened to this little taro ball, he was just looking for his car, and now he saw his car and left.

    Fu Cheng opened the car door to follow, and finally he seized this opportunity in Shen Yushu's hands, waiting for Shen Yuyuan to finish class, now how could he let him run away.

    "Little taro balls, what's the matter? Don't you want to see me? Leave as soon as you see me.The more Fu Cheng walked behind Shen Yuyuan, he stretched out his hand to pull Shen Yuyuan's little hand, and looked at Shen Yuyuan's eyes with pampering.

    "Huh, I didn't say that, you said that yourself." Shen Yuyuan raised his small chin and stepped back a few steps. He didn't want to keep looking up at Fu Chengyue. Why did he grow so tall? You have to look up.

    "Yes, I said it myself, so Young Master Shen, can you let me take you home?" Fu Chengyue made an inviting gesture, looking at Shen Yuyuan with a smile in his eyes, and Shen Yuyuan was embarrassed.

    "Reluctantly agree to you." Shen Yuyuan walked in front, with a smile he hadn't noticed on his face, and his bright eyes were curved and rippling with a smile.

    Shen Yuyuan was sitting in the co-pilot. As soon as he got into the car, he smelled the fragrance of flowers on the car, Fu Chengyue's pheromone smell. He had said that he could smell it, and they still didn't believe it.
."Are you hungry? Want to eat? Or just send you back. Fu Chengyue actually didn't want to send Shen Yuyuan back so early. Of course, he wanted to see Xiaoyuyuan more.

    "Eat some." Shen Yuyuan didn't want Fu Cheng to go any further. The two thought of going to the same place by appointment, and both wanted to stay with each other longer.

    The first time Shen Yuyuan went to eat a roadside stall, he wanted to eat it himself. Shen Yuyuan had never been allowed to eat these before. Shen Yuyuan wanted to eat it a long time ago.

    "You don't need to eat so much of each one, just taste it." Fu Chengyue already has several things in his hand. There are usually many stalls in front of the school, and it is just after their business is booming in the evening.

    "No, you can't waste it, it's delicious, you try.".Shen Yuyuan just ate a fish ball and added one to Fu Chengyue with the chopsticks he had eaten. The more Fu Cheng raised his eyebrows, he certainly noticed it, but the child Yuanyuan didn't seem to have noticed it.

    Shen Yuyuan had already finished eating the sushi and fish balls in his hand, and fed Fu Cheng a few more times before realizing that Fu Chengyue and him were using the same chopsticks.

    Shen Yuyuan lowered his head to eat, and covered his smiling eyes. The strawberry candied haws in his mouth seemed not as sweet as his heart.

    Shen Yuyuan's reaction was still very slow, and he didn't realize how he felt about Fu Cheng. In short, he wanted to get closer to Fu Cheng, and he wanted to get closer to Fu Cheng.

    Of course, Fu Chengyue could see Shen Yuyuan's small eyes, but he wanted to make Shen Yuyuan like him more and let him know that he liked himself.

.Fu Cheng was more patient, and it didn't matter if he didn't know it first, he would know it later, he would wait slowly, and there would be a lot of time for Shen Yuyuan to know it slowly.

    When Shen Yuyuan went home, he stood at the door and looked at Fu Chengyue. He didn't want to let him go. Fu Cheng could not pick him up every night. In case it was time to make up a class on Saturday, it would be too long. .

    "Guy Yuanyuan, go in." Fu Cheng got into the car. The weather is not hot anymore. It's not good to have a cold wind outside. Although I really want to see the small taro balls, I don't want Yuanyuan to get sick!

    "I was going in, you... drive slowly." Shen Yuyuan still couldn't help but tell Fu Chengyue, nothing can happen!

    "good.".Fu Chengyue's tongue is topped with cheeks, and he wants to kiss Shen Yuyuan very much, and can't help but want to have physical contact with Shen Yuyuan. From the beginning, Shen Yuyuan is in estrus. He smelled Shen Yuyuan's pheromone, and things happened in an irreversible situation. After that, Fu Cheng wanted to contact Shen Yuyuan more crazily, if it wasn't for his fear of scaring Shen Yuyuan.

    The more Fu Cheng drove away, Shen Yuyuan's happy mood was directly revealed. Walking and jumping, Shen Yushu sat on the sofa in the living room, and saw Shen Yuyuan jumping and jumping over.

    "What's the matter! Are you so happy?" Shen Yushu guessed what was the reason, but he couldn't say anything. Xiao Yuyuan's face was thin, so just a hint.

    "Yes, happy." Shen Yuyuan never concealed himself in front of Shen Yushu, and directly expressed his happiness.

    "Sister, what do you think is Fu Cheng better?".Shen Yuyuan couldn't wait to know from Shen Yushu what kind of person Fu Chengyue was.

    Shen Yushu guessed that Shen Yuyuan wanted to inquire about Fu Chengyue from her, and she was already ready to say a word.

    "Fu Chengyue! An alpha who has been outstanding since he was a student, you should have heard of him. In the past, my dad and dad often compared me with him and asked me why I couldn’t learn more from him. Study, study, why other people's grades are so good, my grades are not as good as it is, this is very sad."

    When Shen Yushu thought of her previous school days, she especially wanted to complain about Fu Chengyue. She was like a second-year teenager, but she was really handsome. Shen Yushu wanted to leave a good impression on Shen Yuyuan, so she had to say something good. of.

."I took over the company at home when I was in college. If I tell others that they are done by someone in his early twenties, maybe they don’t believe it, but it is true. Sometimes I can’t help but sigh. How could there be such a perfect person in Shanghai? I can't find any shortcomings."

    Shen Yushu wasn't just praising Fu Chengyue, it was all true, she just didn't say the bad things that Fu Chengyue did. These things were the truth.

    "Then why is he so good? There is no omega around him." Shen Yuyuan still remembers what Nie Shaoyu said to him. An alpha like Fu Chengyue must be rich in emotional experience.

    "I don't like it. Someone asked him before. The more Fu Cheng said he didn't like it, and he didn't want to be like it. If it wasn't what he wanted, he would rather not find it."

.Shen Yushu admired Fu Chengyue for this. He knew clearly what he wanted and what he didn't want, and he could still do it

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