Chapter 67

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"Kid, think about me, I didn’t fall in love in high school. How many omegas can I meet? I just wanted to have fun at that time. Falling in love is not suitable for me. If you show up at that time, then I can only let down. Your mind is up."

    Fu Chengyue was telling the truth. At that time, Fu Cheng weighed the benefits of falling in love and not falling in love and exhaled, and finally chose not to fall in love.

    He has encountered so many omegas, he can resist the temptation not to talk about it, let alone in high school.

    Shen Yuyuan also thought about it. Fortunately, he didn't meet Fu Chengyue in high school.

    Shen Yuyuan thought about it in another way. There must be many omegas rejected by Fu Chengyue in high school. It must be sad. Shen Yuyuan shook his lips and couldn't help but squeeze Fu Chengyue.

."Go to sleep, little taro balls, I have to take you to the hospital for an examination tomorrow." Fu Cheng more patted Shen Yuyuan on the back, preparing to put the kid to sleep first.

    "Okay, can you not go to the hospital." Shen Yuyuan didn't like going to the hospital.

    "No, sleep." Fu Cheng more firmly rejected Shen Yuyuan, and in the dark night he reached out to accurately cover Shen Yuyuan's eyes, and forced him to sleep.

    Shen Yuyuan found that he slept a lot in the afternoon and couldn't sleep at night, smelling Fu Chengyue's pheromone, it seemed that he couldn't fall asleep anymore. The more he moved in Fu Cheng's arms, Fu Chengyue was about to fall asleep in a daze. Shen Yuyuan moved Fu Cheng. The more I was awakened again.

    "Why don't you sleep?" Fu Chengyue's voice was low, and he patted Shen Yuyuan's back lightly, as if he was coaxing him to sleep. Shen Yuyuan saw Fu Chengyue through the moonlight without opening his eyes.

.Shen Yuyuan made a fuss for a long time, and the more Fu Cheng couldn't hold him tightly in his arms, he held his hands and feet, not letting him move, letting Shen Yuyuan move like this, how could he sleep?

    Shen Yuyuan couldn't move anymore, unable to close his eyes and fell asleep for a while.

    In the early morning, the Shen family's nanny had already arrived, and the door opening awakened Fu Cheng more and more. The more Fu Cheng opened his eyes and took his mobile phone, the little assistant was also waiting outside early in the car. Sitting.

    Fu Chengyue put Shen Yuyuan's hands and feet to get up, Shen Yuyuan opened his eyes and followed Fu Chengyue's buttocks to get him new toiletries. When he brushed his teeth with Fu Chengyue, his eyes were never opened.

    Fu Chengyue freed up a hand to support Shen Yuyuan's head, as if he was about to fall down at any time like this.

    "You will be fine if you sleep for a while, I will touch down in the car and wait for you.".The more Fu Cheng saw that Shen Yuyuan was sleepy, he wanted to let him sleep for a while.

    "I'll go out to help you get them to the kitchen, and then you go out quickly, or they will definitely be seen." Shen Yuyuan thought of this and only got up so early.

    Shen Yuyuan went downstairs and took the housekeeper to the kitchen to watch the nanny cook. Fu Cheng Yue took advantage of this moment, holding his clothes and wearing pajamas, and hurried to park in a car not far away.

    The assistant was still sleeping in the car. Suddenly the door was opened. The assistant was taken aback. He thought it was a manager who came and wanted to drive him away, but turned his head and found that it was Fu Chengyue.

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