Chapter 30

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Shen Yuyuan knew what his actions represented, which represented that he was telling Fu Chengyue in disguised form that he accepted Fu Chengyue, and he accepted whatever Fu Chengyue did.

    "Shen Yuyuan, you'd better not regret it." Fu Chengyue almost gritted his teeth and walked over with a full body of air pressure.

    Shen Yuyuan was wrapped in wild roses. The sharp rose vines seemed to pierce human skin. A sharp tingling came from the back of the neck. Shen Yuyuan kicked Fu Cheng with a painful kick. , It’s just that it hurts at that moment, the next second Fu Cheng used pheromone to comfort Shen Yuyuan.

    The pheromone of Wild Rose is no longer aggressive, but gently strokes Shen Yuyuan, infiltrating into Shen Yuyuan's glands bit by bit, and mixes with Shen Yuyuan's pheromone.

.Shen Yuyuan couldn't even tell whether his pheromone was the smell of peach soda or the floral scent of wild rose. It should be both.

    Fu Cheng hugged Shen Yuyuan tightly, sliding his fingers down slowly, crossing Shen Yuyuan’s waist, touching Shen Yuyuan’s waist line ambiguously, Shen Yuyuan’s back pressed against Fu Chengyue’s chest, and he felt Fu Chengyue The body is piping hot.

    After the pain of Shen Yuyuan’s glands passed, an indescribable sensation emerged on his body, starting from the glands and spreading throughout the body. Shen Yuyuan’s whole body was pink, and his fingers wanted to grab something. The more Fu Cheng caught Shen Yuyuan’s hand. , And his fingers intertwined.

    The pheromone in Fu Chengyue's body had stabilized, but he was reluctant to leave. Instead, he was using the pheromone to lure Shen Yuyuan to make his body hot and reluctant to leave him, which would make him addicted to pheromone best.

.It was beyond his imagination that Shen Yuyuan was able to come to him at this time. Fu Cheng felt uncomfortable. He immediately called his assistant after calling Shen Yuyuan and asked him to tell him what happened in the past few days. They were all handed over to the vice president, and they were on vacation for two days. They even thought about how to spend the next few days, but never thought that Shen Yuyuan would come to him at this time.

    "Fu Chengyue, I hurt." Shen Yuyuan said squeamishly. In fact, it doesn't hurt. It's just that the more Fu Cheng hurt when he bite, now he feels very comfortable, and he feels more soothed by Fu Cheng.

    Shen Yuyuan didn't know whether he came to find Fu Chengyue to comfort him, or Fu Cheng came to comfort him more and more, now he seemed to be comforted, his face was full of contentment.

    "Does it really hurt?".The more Fu Cheng knew the strength of his mouth, he was reluctant to bite Shen Yuyuan. It might make him a little bit painful at first, but it will never happen later. This kid, Shen Yuyuan, knows to lie.

    "It hurts, it hurts." Shen Yuyuan's pain was very sensitive. The bite that Fu Cheng bit down at the beginning really hurt Shen Yuyuan.

    I don't know if it's because Fu Chengyue just temporarily marked Shen Yuyuan. Shen Yuyuan is now very dependent on Fu Chengyue. When he speaks, he can't help being coquettish. The blush on his face makes him very charming.

    "It doesn't hurt anymore." Fu Chengyue now put a person on the cusp of his heart, and his heart is so soft that he can't wait to hug Shen Yuyuan and rub it into his arms.

.Shen Yuyuan realized the ambiguous distance between the two people, blushing, took two steps back, reached out and touched his own glands, the tooth marks on them were still there, as if they could still be felt, the more pain Fu Cheng gave him And... pleasure.

    "How are you? I'll go back when I'm done." Shen Yuyuan watched Fu Cheng stare at him more closely, his eyes seemed to have taken away his clothes, and he couldn't hold the phone securely when he wanted to go, and almost dropped it. On the ground, if it weren't for Fu Chengyue to catch it.

    "It's not good, it's uncomfortable, small taro balls, I feel uncomfortable in the susceptible period." Fu Chengyue does mean to buy poor, but the uncomfortable is real. The more Fu Cheng doesn't want to be your casual person, just find an omega. Soothing yourself, once or twice, is good. The more susceptible periods will lead to pheromone addiction. It's not a decision to be together, and I don't want omega's soothing.

.So the discomfort in the susceptible period is increasing every time, and now it is getting more and more uncomfortable. If it weren't for Shen Yuyuan, this time I would be uncomfortable and want to hit something, but it will be better in the future, because there is a small taro ball. I will take care of myself, thinking I will be uncomfortable.

    "Is it still uncomfortable now?" Shen Yuyuan hesitated to put down the phone, and quietly put a little pheromone before Fu Chengyue hadn't turned on the light.

    The sweet peach soda is like a cowardly cat, slowly approaching him, stretched out his paw to touch him, but was very scared, suddenly retracted his paw, the more Fu Cheng wanted All he did was stretch out a flower branch and gently accept the kitten.

.Fu Chengyue used to think that his pheromone was very bad, because very few alphas are floral, at least none of the alphas around him are floral. But now that Shen Yuyuan likes it so much, he suddenly feels that the floral scent is also good and can attract. A little friend.

    Fu Chengyue's pheromone hook Shen Yuyuan unconsciously moved closer to Fu Cheng, and when Shen Yuyuan reacted, he had fallen into his arms.

    "Yuan Yuan is so good." The more Fu Cheng hugged Shen Yuyuan, as if he was addicted, he smelled the peach scent from Shen Yuyuan's glands, and wanted to go there, but he was afraid to scare away the little taro balls. Now the message The person who has become addicted is not Shen Yuyuan, it should be him.

    Shen Yuyuan is not a person who can wrong himself. He likes Fu Chengyue's pheromone, so he didn't push Fu Chengyue away. He took a deep breath of Fu Chengyue's pheromone. It smells really good! .Fu Cheng is really good.

    "How do you feel like a puppy?" The more Fu Cheng felt that Shen Yuyuan had been rubbing against his glands, he was not tall enough, and he was stepping on his feet. The more Fu Cheng held onto Shen Yuyuan's waist, he said helplessly.

    "Who makes your pheromone smell so good?" The tip of Shen Yuyuan's nose was right next to Fu Chengyue's glands. Fu Chengyue's glands seemed to be scented flower stamens, waiting to be picked.

    Shen Yuyuan couldn't help but touch the canine tooth with the tip of his tongue. The canine tooth of the alpha is different for the omega, and the alpha is a bit sharper, so that they can pierce the omega glands.

    "Do you want to keep smelling that Yuanyuan?" Fu Chengyue has already begun to seduce Shen Yuyuan, as long as Shen Yuyuan says he wants...

    "Um?".Shen Yuyuan left Fu Chengyue's glands and looked at Fu Chengyue suspiciously. His eyes were confused. He had obviously not yet realized what Fu Cheng meant when he slept more.

    "It's okay, as long as Yuanyuan wants to smell it, I'll give it to Yuanyuan." The more Fu Cheng thought, slow down, take it slowly, so that Shen Yuyuan can't do without himself, bit by bit infiltrates into Shen Yuyuan's life. .


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