Chapter 55

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"Ah! No, how could it happen? I'm going to have a holiday and I'm crying." Shen Yuyuan seemed to be smiling, but the more Fu Cheng heard it, he didn't laugh, he was crying.

    "Don't lie to my little taro balls, I can tell." Fu Cheng said more seriously. If Shen Yuyuan were happy, it would be impossible.

    "Fu Chengyue, I may not be able to pass the A grade." Shen Yuyuan couldn't help crying, crying and collapsed, what should I do? You have to have a long-distance relationship.

    "Is it just because of this? Little taro balls, you don’t need to cry because of this. I will accompany you. It doesn’t matter if you can’t pass the A major, which city you go to, I’ll open a branch there, and I’ll look for it there. You can do it, and when you graduate, we will come back here again."

.Fu Chengyue never felt that this was a problem. It didn't matter. It didn't matter if Shen Yuyuan couldn't pass the exam. It didn't matter who wanted him to pass the exam. It didn't matter if Shen Yuyuan couldn't be by his side. The more Fu Cheng went to his side.

    Who made Shen Yuyuan his little ancestor? He doesn't pet anyone! Who would spoil his little taro balls in his arms! So it doesn't matter if you fail to pass the exam, there is him.

    "I will work hard, you won't leave me, I don't want to have a long-distance relationship." Shen Yuyuan sobbed. He wanted to laugh when he heard Fu Cheng speak, but he just cried again and couldn't laugh.

    "Why? I wish I could see my little swan every day. How could I be willing to have a long-distance relationship with you." Fu Cheng said with a dubious cry, he didn't know why Shen Yuyuan thought this way.

.Fu Cheng asked Shen Yuyuan how many scores he had in the test. Shen Yuyuan just didn't say anything. Fu Chengyue could only ask Shen Yuyuan's head teacher. The head teacher directly gave Fu Chengyue all of Shen Yuyuan's results.

    Fu Cheng took a closer look, hiss, indeed, the 586 points are indeed less, the math is a little bit, the essay is almost the same, and both Chinese and English are good.

    In the case of essays, even more memorization, you can get 600 points, but this mathematics.

    The more Fu Cheng knew, Shen Yuyuan knew nothing from being able to pass the passing line in mathematics. It is indeed not easy. But 90 points are really not enough to get a big A. At least 120 points in mathematics should be almost the same to get a 630. .

    The more Fu Cheng calculated the score, it didn't matter, Shen Yuyuan was going to have winter vacation, the more Fu Cheng could make up for Shen Yuyuan, step up a little, there are still a few months, no problem.

.Shen Yuyuan went home with his grades in a gloomy look. People in the family couldn't ask him what's wrong. They thought Shen Yuyuan was so bad in the exam, and looked at Shen Yushu, who came back after Shen Yuyuan's parent meeting.

    "Look at what I'm doing, 586 points, it's pretty good! It's about the same as I did before, and work harder, and go to a better university casually." Shen Yushu thought it was pretty good, but I don't know what happened to Shen Yushu, which is not satisfactory.

    Shen Yushu remembers that when she first saw her, she didn't even pass 550. In the end, the college entrance examination was not more than 600 and went to a 211 university, so she didn't have the college entrance examination. Don't worry.

    "Then what's the matter with your brother?" Xiao Dad Shen remembered that Shen Yuyuan's grades were still hovering at 500 points last semester. The math was not good enough to see. Isn't this an improvement so much?

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