Chapter 22

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Xiao Yuyuan was a little too active. The person next to him was stunned by the drinker. He had just ordered the wine and hadn't even touched the wine glass, so Shen Yuyuan took it away and drank it. It was still a boring mouthful.

    Shen Yuyuan was still awake before Jiu Jin had come up. He thought that the glass of wine was made for him, and it was sweet when he drank it, so Shen Yuyuan thought it was really made for him.

    "What's the matter? Didn't you drink it for me?" Shen Yuyuan was stunned, his face was flushed, and he slowly hiccuped, and Fu Cheng said in his heart that he suffered.

    "Let's go back first." Fu Cheng became more afraid that he couldn't control Shen Yuyuan after a while, thinking about taking Shen Yuyuan home first, as long as he went back, everything would be easy.

    "I don't. Didn't you take me to the bar? Why did you take me away? You can go anywhere.".Shen Yuyuan looked like Jiujin was coming up, his cheeks flushed, and the sweet smell of wine when he opened his mouth.

    Gu Jiachen and the others are watching a good show, let's see how Fu Chengyue solves it. This is a drunk little omega! The sweet and soft little omega, or the little omega that Fu Cheng likes more, it's hard to say!

    The more Fu Cheng rubbed his forehead, things exceeded his expectations. How could this be like this? He obviously wanted to take Shen Yuyuan to play with him for a while and then return him to Shen's house. Now that Shen Yuyuan is like this, how can he go back? Shen Yushu Don't explode!

    Seeing that Shen Yuyuan continued to drink, Fu Cheng walked over and grabbed his arm, bent over and hugged Shen Yuyuan, and immediately carried Shen Yuyuan away. Shen Yuyuan struggled, but could only be carried away forcefully.

    "Oh, Mr. Fu, be careful! Don't go too far, you are still young.".Gu Jiachen reminded him from behind, as Fu Cheng gritted his teeth as he listened to the teasing in his voice.

    Gu Jiachen and the others continued to drink. The more Fu Cheng took Shen Yuyuan into the car, Shen Yuyuan was restless in the back seat, and the more Fu Cheng drove, he felt his head grew bigger. He still didn't know what to do with Shen Yuyuan. , It’s not appropriate to send it anywhere.

    "You send me back!" Shen Yuyuan was about to climb to the front when he sat up, and the more Fu Cheng stretched out his hand to block Shen Yuyuan, he pushed Shen Yuyuan back with a little effort.

    Shen Yuyuan was coming, and he didn't react a little bit. He sat stupidly, and after blinking his eyes, he tried to crawl again.

    Fu Cheng had no choice but to park the car on the side of the road. He just wanted to get off and tie Shen Yuyuan to the seat. Shen Yuyuan had already climbed to the front and pulled the door.

."What are you doing, why did you want to get out of the car, do you want to leave me here alone? I told you no, don't want me to go, I'm already dependent on you."

    Shen Yuyuan hugged Fu Chengyue and directly straddled Fu Chengyue's lap. The driver's seat suddenly narrowed, there was no gap at all, and it was completely squeezed together.

    The more Fu Cheng held onto Shen Yuyuan's waist, he smelled Shen Yuyuan's pheromone taste. Now the soda odor has overwhelmed the peach flavor, like a little pepper, which is very irritating.

    Shen Yuyuan sat on Fu Cheng's lap, his little buttocks moving around, rubbing against the deadly place, the more Fu Cheng grasped Shen Yuyuan tightly and not letting him move.

    "Shen Yuyuan, did you do it on purpose." The more Fu Cheng felt that he was going crazy by Shen Yuyuan, did he really think his endurance was good?

.Shen Yuyuan pressed Fu Chengyue, and the more Fu Cheng fastened his seat belt, the more Fu Cheng couldn't untie the seat belt, because as soon as he let go of Shen Yuyuan's hand, Shen Yuyuan would touch his clothes.

    "Fu Chengyue! You have an alpha, give me a feel for what's wrong, and you don't suffer." Shen Yuyuan just touched Fu Chengyue's abdominal muscles and he was pulled out, he said frankly, and didn't feel anything wrong at all. , He is reasonable.

    "I won't suffer? You let me touch to see if I suffer." The more Fu Cheng was amused by Shen Yuyuan, there was no omega at all, and he looked like a little gangster.

    "Okay, touch it for you." Shen Yuyuan took Fu Chengyue's hand and stuffed it into his clothes, and Fu Cheng pulled his hand back immediately.

.Fu Chengyue felt that he was teasing Shen Yuyuan. How did it feel? It was Shen Yuyuan who teased him, and it was Shen Yuyuan who teased him around and reacted.

    "I will touch you but you will not touch it." Shen Yuyuan muttered, still unhappy, his mouth curled.

    The more Fu Cheng realized that this was really a small ancestor, if he were really together, then he would not have to squeeze himself out. Fu Chengyue still wanted to come gradually, and Shen Yuyuan directly took a big step forward in their relationship.

    The more Fu Cheng was distracted, Shen Yuyuan approached like a cat, lying softly in Fu Chengyue’s arms, sticking out his tongue to lick Fu Chengyue’s apple, Fu Cheng’s eyes widened, Kai Shen Yu Yuan.

    Shen Yuyuan was confused about the situation and set fire on Fu Chengyue.

    "Shen Yuyuan, let me tell you, I don't want to be a drunkard, and everything will wake me up.".The more Fu Cheng squeezed Shen Yuyuan's face, wishing to spank his ass, he was really pissed off by this little villain.

    Shen Yuyuan pushed Fu Chengyue's hand away, and drew it twice. He looked at Fu Chengyue's face. After looking at it for a while, he suddenly moved forward. It happened that Fu Cheng wanted to get the gland paste and odor blocker. Shen Yuyuan kissed him. Fu Chengyue's cheek.

    The more Fu Cheng was stunned, he did not expect that Shen Yuyuan would come to kiss himself, even when he did not react.

    "Why didn't you kiss your mouth! What a pity, next time, next time definitely." Shen Yuyuan's voice was pity, leaning on Fu Chengyue's shoulder, he was sleepy and wanted to sleep.

    The more Fu Cheng hugged Shen Yuyuan, he really couldn't laugh or cry. This little omega made him so angry that he fell asleep like this. He was really an ancestor.

.Fu Chengyue is harmonious here, and Gu Jiachen is not harmonious. He was just out of the bar when he was drunk, and his friends are still in the bar. He forced into the corner.

    "What's the matter with you, bullying me and getting drunk?" Gu Jiachen leaned against the wall, his usual inadvertent appearance was completely different, the pheromone was always ready, and the whole body was dangerous.

    "Gu Gongzi, you usually let you follow. Naturally, you can't do anything about you. Now it's different. You are alone." The old enemy looked at Gu Jiachen with a triumphant smile. He finally caught the opportunity.

    As soon as Yin Yan got off work, he found that there was a fight on the corner of the street. There would be no police coming from the boundary here, so he couldn't control it. Yin Yan frowned slightly and walked over there.

    "Hey, don't you know if the police came today?"
.Several people turned their heads together. Gu Jiachen stood in the middle of the crowd, with the corners of his mouth broken. He looked up and saw Yin Yan standing under the light. It was just a glimpse, which was amazing

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