Chapter 31

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The one who had had it was naturally reluctant to give up. The more Fu Cheng relied on himself to be cheeky and shameless, he just left Shen Yuyuan for the night, and said that he was uncomfortable during the susceptible period, and let Shen Yuyuan sleep with him.

    "Fu Chengyue, you did it deliberately, did you not feel uncomfortable anymore." Shen Yuyuan always felt that Fu Chengyue deliberately, this obviously didn't want to be uncomfortable!

    "Where did I do it on purpose!" Fu Cheng looked innocent, and lowered his head to show Shen Yuyuan his glands. Fu Chengyue's glands were still flushed, and it was uncomfortable at first, even if Shen Yuyuan came later. It's not uncomfortable, and it will leave traces.

    Shen Yuyuan looked at Fu Chengyue’s glands that didn’t look like they were lying. They looked very painful. Shen Yuyuan couldn’t help but touched Fu Chengyue’s glands with a distressed look on his face.

.Fu Chengyue couldn't bear to lie to him when he saw Shen Yuyuan like this, but if he didn't lie to Shen Yuyuan, he wouldn't be able to get a little bit of benefit, so white lies are still okay.

    Before Shen Yuyuan went to bed, he took a look at his circle of friends and found that Song Muyi had sent him. Song Muyi had not returned to the compound in the past two weeks. He was still thinking about what happened, and now he finally understands it.

    Song Muyi now has an omega. Under the dim light, there is only a small orange light. Moreover, Song Muyi almost covers most of the omega, and the accompanying text says my brother.

    Shen Yuyuan guessed that this might be the omega that Song Muyi had said, the omega a little bigger than him, and the omega he liked very much.

.Fu Chengyue also glanced at the phone. Shen Yuyuan glanced at him. Fu Chengyue's circle of friends also has a similar photo, but it is different from Song Muyi's. Song Muyi's face is very clear and he is kissing. His omega was shrouded by him, and the one in Fu Chengyue's circle of friends was very clear. Song Muyi only had a vague profile face with the text of my puppy.

    "Wait, don't put it on it, look at this." Shen Yuyuan handed over his mobile phone to let Fu Cheng look at it. The background tones of the two photos were exactly the same.

    "Is this the alpha that I met in your house before?" Fu Chengyue recognized who it was at a glance, thinking that at the time Fu Chengyue was quite hostile to the alpha.

    "Yes! This omega is so familiar!" Shen Yuyuan felt familiar, but he didn't remember who it was.

."When I took you to dinner before, the omega that came late." The more Fu Cheng said this, Shen Yuyuan remembered it, and the omega touched his hand at the time!

    When Shen Yuyuan saw it, he felt that this omega had eaten Song Muyi to death, and it was easy to tell even the name.

    "You still look at your phone, don’t you sleep?" Fu Cheng felt like he was suffering from a craving for physical contact. He wanted to touch Shen Yuyuan, smell his pheromone, and even bite his glands again. body.

    "Go to bed! It's too late. I will definitely not be able to get up tomorrow morning." Shen Yuyuan ran over in the middle of the night. It is already two o'clock and will go to school to study early tomorrow before 7:30.

    "It's okay, I'll see you off and sleep in the car for a while.".Fu Cheng naturally took Shen Yuyuan into his arms, rubbed his chin against the top of Shen Yuyuan's head, and kissed the ends of his hair very affectionately.

    Fu Chengyue's movements were very light. Shen Yuyuan didn't feel what Fu Chengyue was doing. The only feeling now was that he seemed to be sleeping in a bush of wild roses, surrounded by flowers.

    The scented person slept next to him. The bed Fu Cheng slept more often, and he had not touched the odor blocker, so it was also Fu Chengyue's taste.

    It may be that you are really addicted to pheromone. The more you smell it, the better it smells. If you want to stick to Fu Chengyue, how can you keep smelling Fu Chengyue's pheromone?

    Shen Yuyuan thought about what Shen Yushu said, do you want to be with Fu Cheng more?

    I should have thought, I want Fu Cheng to treat himself like this more, I want to occupy Fu Chengyue, and I want to be together with Fu Cheng.

.In the past, Fu Cheng didn't sleep well during the days when he was more susceptible. He felt uncomfortable all night and night. He couldn't eat food, his glands were tingling, and it seemed that there was endless anger that couldn't come out.

    But Shen Yuyuan just calmed him lightly, and the more Fu Cheng felt relieved, it was not uncomfortable or painful, and he was still very comfortable.

    He didn't understand why omega was necessary to accompany him during the susceptible period. The circles of the upper class were very messy. Many alphas were afraid to let one omega soothe themselves.

    Fu Cheng Yue has been thinking about this. Although the susceptibility period is uncomfortable, it is only once or twice a year. Isn't it all right to endure it? Now Fu Chengyue knows how good it is to have an omega.

.Fu Chengyue suddenly didn't want to let Shen Yuyuan leave, and didn't want to return to the susceptible period to be alone at home. No matter how uncomfortable, no one would come. He could only support the susceptible period to pass the few days.

    The more Fu Cheng hugged the small taro ball in his arms, if he had not tried it, perhaps Fu Chengyue might have let go. The more Fu Cheng was willing to let go of the things he had tried.

    The person who had the class was naturally different from Song Muyi, who had no class the next day. Song Muyi pestered Xiao Boring several times. When determining the relationship, Song Muyi and Xiao Boring made the last step, but they didn't get into the life.

    "Could you be gentle." Xiao Boring pinched Song Muyi's chin to prevent him from kissing himself again, his mouth is already swollen, and he won't even want to go out tomorrow if he kisses him again.

    "Brother, brother, A Ling, let me kiss again." Song Muyi is like a puppy, keen to kiss Xiao Boling.

."I'll kiss you when I quit." Xiao Boling stretched out lazily and kicked Song Muyi lightly, with a charming and moisturized flavor between his eyebrows and eyes.

    Song Muyi didn't want to come out from Xiao Boring. After struggling for a long time, he pushed it out. Xiao Boring didn't let Song Muyi move. He leaned over to kiss Song Muyi, flirted with him by the way, and then went to take a bath.

    "Brother, can we take a bath together?" Song Muyi followed Xiao Boling, the lust in his eyes still.

    "I don't want to get out of bed tomorrow, Bo'er next time, don't worry." Xiao Boring underestimated the young alpha's enthusiasm for this aspect, and his waist was about to break.

    Xiao Boling walked into the bathroom, full of Song Muyi's pheromone smell, looking in the mirror, the person in the mirror was red, his eyes gleaming, and his lips were moist and swollen.

.Xiao Boling didn't expect it to be the first time. He was like a different person. Is this the power of love

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