Chapter 24

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Do you know what it means to ask an alpha pheromone? Fu Cheng more subconsciously answered Shen Yuyuan's question, and when he reacted, he remembered that Shen Yuyuan asked him what the pheromone smells like with an omega. Isn't this just suggesting something?

    "Children, do you know what it means for an omega to ask an alpha pheromone?" The more Fu Cheng knew that Shen Yuyuan certainly didn't know about this, how could he know the meaning of asking an alpha pheromone for a simple omega.

    "What's the point!" Shen Yuyuan's mind was completely absent. Shen Yuyuan was thinking, Fu Chengyue's pheromone is wild rose, which is very fragrant. Maybe he can go home and raise a few wild roses in the garden.

    "Ask your friends." The more Fu Cheng didn't directly click on it, it would be no fun for him to come here. It would be okay for someone to tell him about this kind of thing.

.Shen Yuyuan was very puzzled, wondering what the hell did this mean? Shen Yuyuan sent a message to Nie Shaoyu, asking her what is the meaning of omega asking what is the taste of alpha pheromone?

    Nie Shaoyu answered the news very quickly, because she was in a Chinese class and the teacher would not come down. She had been secretly playing with her mobile phone and was still thinking about why Shen Yuyuan hadn’t come. When she saw Shen Yuyuan’s question, plus that Shen Yuyuan hadn’t come this morning. Nie Shaoyu immediately made up a blockbuster movie.

    Shen Yuyuan was completely wiped out by an alpha, and he hadn't been released yet, and he even said something to him, letting Shen Yuyuan ask himself.

    Nie Shaoyu looked incredulous, shaking his hands and sending a message to Shen Yuyuan: "Ask pheromone... is it indirectly asking about opening a room and going to bed?"

.The moment Shen Yuyuan saw the news, his ears were red to his neck, and he wanted to find a hole to get in and prevent others from seeing him. How could he ask such a question, and why is there such a pattern! Just asking about pheromone is equivalent to asking about not going to bed, which is too exaggerated.

    "Yuan Yuan, you won't be the one with other boys."

    Nie Shaoyu sent it over, and she felt that she couldn't speak anymore. How do you say this! Could it be that you have sex with an alpha?

    "Which one?" Shen Yuyuan didn't understand, the blush on his face hadn't come down yet, and he was so shy that he didn't dare to go out of the bathroom now.

    "That's right, did you go to bed?".Nie Shaoyu asked carefully. After she got acquainted with Shen Yuyuan, she knew that Shen Yuyuan was completely different from what others said. Shen Yuyuan was a young master with a temperament, high-cold and arrogant on the surface, but in fact it was arrogant. It's not a bad temper at all.

    "Yeah! What's the matter?" Shen Yuyuan thought for a while. He slept on the same bed with Fu Chengyue last night! no problem!

    Nie Shaoyu seemed to have been struck by lightning, and everyone was stupid. She just couldn't believe that she was so innocent and Shen Yuyuan the day before, how could she have been with others, it's impossible, oh her Yuanyuan!

    Later, Nie Shaoyu sent a lot of news to Shen Yuyuan, but Shen Yuyuan didn't reply, because when Shen Yuyuan just wanted to return, he saw Fu Cheng Yue standing at the door and didn't know how long he had been standing there.

    "Why, when did you watch it here.".Shen Yuyuan was frightened, and took two steps back, his eyes erratic, but he didn't dare to look at Fu Chengyue.

    "Why, don't you dare to look at me? Have you asked? Do you know what the pheromone means to ask me?" Fu Cheng approached Shen Yuyuan step by step, and it was fun to see Shen Yuyuan panicked.

    "No, I don't know. Don't lean so close to me." Shen Yuyuan couldn't help but stretched out his hand against Fu Chengyue's chest, his fingertips were pink.

    The more Fu Cheng took Shen Yuyuan's hand and drew him towards him, there was a huge difference between the strength of alpha and omega by nature, and Shen Yuyuan wanted to pull his hand back and found that he couldn't twitch at all.

    "Really don't know? Little taro ball." The more Fu Cheng lowered his head and leaned close to Shen Yuyuan, his breath fell on Shen Yuyuan's face. The two people's breaths were intertwined, and Shen Yuyuan held his breath and didn't dare to move. move.

."Little taro balls, remember to catch your breath!" Fu Cheng laughed more, raised his hand and rubbed Shen Yuyuan's head, and took two steps back.

    Shen Yuyuan waited for Fu Cheng to retreat before he dared to breathe. He didn't know why, the closer Fu Cheng got, the faster his heartbeat, and he was very nervous. The closer Fu Cheng got closer, the more afraid he was.

    "Breakfast has already been delivered, let's come out for dinner." Fu Cheng went out first, leaving room for Shen Yuyuan to calm himself down.

    Shen Yuyuan covered his face, and finally did not blush, and now he blushes again, ah! Fu Chengyue is all to blame!

    Gu Jiachen was awakened by the dazzling sunlight. When he opened his eyes, he found that the sleeping place was strange. After sitting up, his head hurts. It was a hangover.

.Gu Jiachen looked at this place. It was a very simple room. It seemed that he didn't use it often. It should be said that he didn't change his clothes in the guest room. After wearing clothes full of alcohol all night, Gu Jiachen hated himself.

    He remembered that last night, following a little boy, he became uncomfortable following him, sitting on the ground and unable to walk, the boy also left, so he is now in someone's house.

    "Is there anyone?" Gu Jiachen got out of bed and opened the door to ask. Then he saw Yin Yan sitting in the living room reading a book at a glance. The two looked at each other and Gu Jiachen was surprised again.

    "Wake up and leave, I'm going out." Yin Yan took her schoolbag, and the first sentence she said was to drive Gu Jiachen away.

    "My child, I am a guest at your house, right? Are you going to drive me away?".It is the first time that Gu Jiachen has met such a person, but he still likes it, a cold beauty!

    "I'm going to study." Although Yin Yan only said one sentence, the meaning in the words was obviously saying, I'm going to study, and you have delayed me, so hurry up.

    "Don't worry, I'll take you there, but can you give me a change of clothes and toiletries first!" Gu Jiachen smiled and looked at Yin Yan, eyes never moving away from him the moment he saw him.

    Yin Yan went to find him a set of clothes and a set of toiletries, waiting for Gu Jiachen to finish, with impatient eyebrows, even if he looked unhappy, they were not good-looking.

    Gu Jiachen slapped his mouth to wash. He looked at the house. It was not new, but it was very clean. It was obvious that the owner loved cleanliness, and it seemed that his family conditions were pretty good.

.Gu Jiachen really, apart from seeing Shen Yuyuan's first side that surprised him, there is no second person. Now Yin Yan is, but Gu Jiachen thought about it, that kid is an alpha

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