Chapter 11

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Little taro balls, see you next time. Shen Yuyuan sat on the sofa and watched Shen Yushu and Fu Chengyue argue with Fu Chengyue. As if making some deal, Shen Yushu didn't even say goodbye to Shen Yuyuan and ran away.

    The more Fu Cheng walked over and saw the little troublemaker, he turned his head and said to the secretary: "Buy him a cup of milk tea, some cakes, and children's favorite foods, take care of him, and wait until I finish the meeting."

    "Okay." With a professional smile on the secretary's face, she looked respectful, but she had been peeping at Shen Yuyuan.

    "I'm not a kid, so I don't eat those sweet and greasy things." Shen Yuyuan was still wearing a school uniform, his delicate eyebrows were disliked, and his pink and moist lips licked unhappily.

    The more Fu Cheng raised his eyebrows, he gestured to the secretary to buy it with his eyes. Kids, he always loves duplicity, and he will eat it when he buys it.

    "I'll go to the meeting first, are you here obediently waiting for me to know?".The more Fu Cheng stretched out his hand to rub the top of Shen Yuyuan's head, the soft touch made people love it, and he was still aftertaste when he left.

    Shen Yuyuan rubbed his hair as soon as Fu Cheng left. Whoever made him touch the top of his head, if he didn't need his pheromone, Shen Yuyuan would definitely hit him. Shen Yuyuan raised his small fist, doing a vicious appearance. .

    Two hours later, Shen Yuyuan shrank in Fu Chengyue’s arms, breathing carefully. The air was full of the smell of Fu Chengyue's pheromone, like a warm cocoon, which enveloped Shen Yuyuan, and Shen Yuyuan kept moving towards Fu Chengyue. Rubbing against Fu Chengyue's arms, he hugged Fu Chengyue's neck with both hands, trying to get closer to his glands.

    The more Fu Cheng looked at the little troublesome spirit in his arms, he stretched out his hand to caress his back, and watched the milk tea and cakes on the coffee table were eaten completely. He was really a kid.

.The more Fu Cheng looked at Shen Yuyuan’s glands, the red marks on it slowly disappeared, returning to the same whiteness and flawlessness as before. The more Fu Cheng became an alpha, there was a superb omega in his arms, and the glands were exposed in front of him. With an appearance of relying on him wholeheartedly, Fu Cheng couldn't help reaching out and squeezing his glands.

    "Don't pinch." There was a cry in Shen Yuyuan's voice, and it was comfortable. It was the first time he knew that it was the feeling of being caught by a gland.

    "Good, don't pinch." Fu Cheng made a move that he didn't even expect. He kissed Shen Yuyuan's glands sideways, and he held Shen Yuyuan's waist with one hand and pressed it into his arms. This is alpha. An expression of extreme control desire.

    Shen Yuyuan's teeth grinded Fu Chengyue's neck, like a little milk dog grinding her baby teeth. It didn't hurt, but Fu Cheng frowned.

.He never wanted to provoke a high school student, a kid who was seven or eight years younger than himself, a young and inoperable omega, but when the omega was in his arms, Fu Chengyue didn't know what to do. NS.

    The more Fu Cheng condensed his pheromone, he no longer wrapped Shen Yuyuan with pheromone, so that he slowly woke up.

    As soon as Shen Yuyuan awoke, he immediately jumped out of Fu Chengyue's arms, his ear tips quickly turned red, and he stammered: "Why are you, how can you take advantage of others!"

    Shen Yuyuan seemed to be drinking a piece of wine, and he could not remember that he had just finished eating. He also said that Fu Cheng was in danger.

    "Kid, you figure out that it is you who want to smell my pheromones, not that I force you.".The more Fu Cheng looked at Shen Yuyuan, the child still had two faces. He was still soft in his arms just now, and now he was questioning him loudly.

    "Who is a kid, how old do you think you are!" Shen Yuyuan couldn't see Fu Chengyue like this. I really hate him and hate him!

    "I was quite old." Of course, it wasn't the older one in my age. The more Fu Cheng opened his yellow accent, Shen Yuyuan didn't understand the deeper meaning.

    Shen Yuyuan didn't speak, as if he rushed over to smell the pheromone when Fu Chengyue entered the office, but wasn't it because the glands hurt? I couldn't help it.

    "Let's go, I'll send you back, or your sister should scold me." Fu Chengyue stood up, picked up the suit jacket and put it on, with a mature alpha in every move, completely different from the alpha in school .

.The tips of Shen Yuyuan's ears became even more red, and he wanted to go out with his left foot and right foot. His waist was suddenly embraced by the outstretched arm from behind, and the ear tips were pinched.

    "Little taro ball, do you want to run without spraying the odor blocker? The tips of your ears are red." Fu Cheng Yue learned what Shen Yushu called him, but Shen Yuyuan's body was numb.

    "Don't you, don't use your hands and feet. If you want to spray, hurry up." Shen Yuyuan opened Fu Chengyue's hand and kept a certain distance from him, so that he shouldn't get closer to Fu Cheng.

    Fu Cheng Yue made a smirk at the corner of his mouth and sprayed Shen Yuyuan with the odor blocker. If such a Shen Yuyuan were to go out, thinking that he had done something to Shen Yuyuan, he was covered with pheromone.

    Similarly, Fu Chengyue sprayed himself a little, and he also had the sweet and punchy pheromone smell on his body, which was soft and tugging just like Shen Yuyuan.
.Shen Yuyuan and Fu Chengyue walked out of the office at the same time. The secretaries and assistants on the same floor couldn't help but look at them. This time they brought the little goblin directly. This looks too young, isn't it an adult?

    Shen Yuyuan got into Fu Chengyue's car, sat obediently, and glanced at Fu Chengyue while driving. Shen Yuyuan suddenly understood why so many people liked Fu Chengyue.

    It's really charming, handsome, successful in his career, and able to take care of people. Although he loves to play hooligans, there must be a lot of people chasing such an alpha. Maybe people already like someone.

    Suddenly, Shen Yuyuan felt a little annoyed. He pressed down the car window and looked out of the window from time to time to see the people waiting for the traffic lights. He just didn't look at Fu Chengyue.

    Fu Chengyue felt that he didn't seem to provoke this little friend. What happened suddenly?

."Here, I asked the secretary to buy it for you again. If you still feel uncomfortable, let Shen Yushu send you over. Bye bye little taro balls, see you next time."

    Fu Chengyue opened the car door for Shen Yuyuan, gave him a bag of cake milk, and looked at Shen Yuyuan with a smile. It was the first time to see Fu Chengyue so close, and the profound features were imprinted on Shen Yuyuan's heart.

    "No next time, never see you again!"

    Shen Yuyuan finished holding something and ran away, as if there was something behind him chasing after him. His figure was quite cute and his personality was also cute.

    "Who said there will be no next time, Shen Yuyuan, Xiao Yuyuan." Fu Chengyue said his name, Shen Yuyuan's name circled around his mouth, in Fu Chengyue's place, he even said his name ambiguously. NS.


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