Chapter 39

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Shen Yuyuan came after school and Shen Yushu went to pick it up, but in the end he received some air and made several calls to Fu Cheng. The more Fu Cheng treated him as if he hadn’t seen it, and was unreasonable. The more Fu Cheng didn’t have to guess, he knew that Shen Yushu was definitely trying to take it. Shen Yuyuan took it away, how could it be possible!

    The more Fu Cheng took Shen Yuyuan home for a walk, he saw Shen Yushu standing at the door of the apartment with a dark face. Fortunately, he had been here when he sent Shen Yuyuan over. Don't say anything.

    "Fu Chengyue, you..." Shen Yushu rushed over, trying to say something, but Shen Yuyuan was beside him, and Shen Yushu couldn't speak, so he could only say something cruel.

    He glared at Fu Chengyue.

    "Sister, what's the matter?" Fu Cheng asked Shen Yushu innocently, as if he really didn't know, the angry Shen Yushu's fingers were trembling, and this person gave him a pretense.

."Don't call my sister, who is your sister, you are still a few months older than me!" Shen Yushu has never seen such a shameless person before, so he started to call her sister.

    "Sister!" Shen Yuyuan yelled to Shen Yushu. Shen Yushu was so angry when Shen Yuyuan shouted so, but now he is no longer angry.

    Fu Chengyue's expression was very innocent, but who knew that he was already happy in his heart. His little taro balls were defending him. It's good, he loves little taro balls.

    The more Fu Cheng let Shen Yuyuan go in first, he talked to Shen Yushu, after all, he and Shen Yushu will be relatives in the future. This relationship should be settled.

    "Fu Chengyue, I sent the small taro balls here to cultivate your feelings, not for you to eat. You can leave it for a few days. It's not easy to let him go home for a weekend. Don't the family members want him?"
.Shen Yushu intends to let the two of them cultivate more feelings, but can't do it too much. There are still obvious tooth marks on the back of the little taro ball.

    In a few days, Dad and Little Dad both came back. It was eight o’clock and Shen Yuyuan hadn’t gone home yet. Just after get off work, Shen Yushu was caught and asked where Shen Yuyuan had gone. Shen Yushu guessed it was here. The reason was that Shen Yuyuan had gone to a friend's house, and my dad asked her to take Shen Yuyuan back.

    "I haven't crossed the boundary. Isn't it normal to make temporary marks? Miss Shen dare to say that she didn't give temporary marks when she was in love with omega? It was Miss Shen who asked us to cultivate and cultivate our feelings. What if I took him over? Isn't it right?"

    Fu Chengyue's reasons are much older. In Fu Chengyue's place, not all the reasons have become reasons. Shen Yushu doesn't know what to say if his mouth is so loud.

."No matter what, I'm going to bring the little taro balls back. Dad wants to see the little taro balls." Shen Yushu was discouraged and rubbed his forehead. There was no way. She gave this marriage relationship, so the only thing to do is to smash the teeth into his stomach. Swallowed.

    "Yes, I have a few words with the little taro ball." Fu Cheng nodded, and walked in and saw the little taro ball sitting obediently on the sofa, beckoned to him, let the little taro ball come over.

    "I didn't overhear this time! I've been sitting here all the time." Shen Yuyuan quickly said that he didn't overhear this time and couldn't wrong him.

    The more Fu Cheng laughed, he didn't expect Shen Yuyuan to think that he called him because of this: "It's not because of this, I'll say a few words to you."

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