Chapter 76

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Shen Yuyuan especially wanted to share the joy of this moment with Fu Chengyue. Seeing that he finally succeeded, he could also take the exam so well, and his efforts were not in vain.

    Yin Yan took a bag of sugar from the drawer to Shen Yuyuan, and whispered, "This is a reward."

    Yin Yan’s unique reward was candy, and he liked it very much. Finally, he was rewarded once because of his score.

    "Although there are rewards in grades, the top three in grades and the first prizes in each subject are given, but the grade is in the grade, the class is in the class, the top three in the class, the progress award is the first in each subject, I will give it Reward, I will give you a reward from my personal salary. Not only this exam, but also the second visit at the end of this month, as well as the next three visits, and the last monthly exam. For these three exams, I will give you rewards. Cheer yourself, see See if I can earn the bonus from me."

.The old class has paid a big price this time. This is completely arousing the students' morale. They can't let down the class teacher, right? So they work hard and try to earn the bonus from the class teacher.

    "Okay, your math teacher will talk about the papers later. I will give the transcript to the monitor. Later the monitor will go to the printing room to print a few copies. Each subject teacher must have it. If you want to read it, go to the monitor. Look over there."

    The old class handed the transcript to Yin Yan, and Yin Yan glanced at his own results and gave Shen Yuyuan to let him see his progress this time.

.Shen Yuyuan took the transcript and saw his scores in various subjects, as well as the class ranking. He was 18th in the class with a total score of 588. Shen Yuyuan couldn't believe it. He didn't expect to be able to take the test so well this time. Some are very unreal. He felt that he thought he could only be 550 at most. After all, he got a comprehensive multiple-choice question, and he felt that he was a little bit wrong.

    He can only slowly climb up the rankings in the class. One class almost dominates the top 100 with 40 people. There are a dozen classes and hundreds of people. It is really unimaginable. Shen Yuyuan wants to surpass it and can only do it again. Keep going.

    "Not bad, the taro balls are awesome." Yin Yan saw it too, and couldn't help rubbing Shen Yuyuan's head. Shen Yuyuan was already very good. Slowly, there are still three or four months, more than 600 points. OK.

    "Thank you, monitor.".Shen Yuyuan took the transcript and said thank you. Thank you Yin Yan for tutoring him for so many days. I am really grateful to him. If it were not for Yin Yan, he would not have done so well.

    As for Fu Chengyue, he doesn't count, he doesn't understand a science student, so he doesn't need Fu Chengyue to teach him.

    Shen Yuyuan completely forgot who pulled Fu Cheng and wanted Fu Cheng to teach him more. Now he forgot all about it. On the contrary, he hated Fu Cheng more and more. In fact, when Fu Cheng came to teach him more and more, Shen Yuyuan was really happy. , Now duplicity.

    Shen Yuyuan took pictures of his own scores and sent them to Fu Chengyue in a blur of others, so that Fu Cheng could see how he was doing this time.

    Fu Chengyue was discussing cooperation with Gu Jiaqi, when the phone rang suddenly, which was a little abrupt in such a quiet situation, causing both of them to look at Fu Chengyue's phone.

."Well, Mr. Gu is embarrassed, I'll look at the phone." The more Fu Cheng didn't need to think about it, he knew who sent him the message, besides the troublemaker Shen Yuyuan.

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