Chapter 89

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"Eat first, eat first." Shen Yushu was afraid of what to do if the two people quarrel later. It's not a trivial matter. If they quarrel, they don't even want to eat.

    Shen Yuyuan sat down obediently and didn't say anything sensibly. Shen Yuyuan also knew that it would be bad if he angered Xiao Dad.

    "What? Dad, I'll tell you something after dinner." Shen Yushu felt that he must escape from this scene after dinner, otherwise, wait a while in case the little dad can't get used to Fu Chengyue. What to do with my dad's yin and yang?

    "Okay." Dad Shen immediately agreed. Although he wanted to be with Xiao Dad Shen very much, he should stay away from this scene.

    The more Fu Cheng glanced at Shen Yuyuan, Shen Yuyuan blinked and smiled at him, with a naughty look that made people wonder if Shen Yuyuan was particularly naughty when he was a child.

.The sooner Fu Cheng finished eating, he was waiting for Shen Yuyuan to be full. He didn't want him to be full. Shen Yuyuan was still eating and not eating. By then, he would not understand his little dad, let alone him. .

    Fu Chengyue felt that Dad Shen didn't dislike him when he came to Shen's house before. Didn't he think he was quite okay before, but now he dislikes him in various ways.

    "Dad, I'm ready to eat, I'll send Fu Chengyue." Shen Yuyuan decided to let Fu Cheng go further, letting Fu Cheng put down the bowl and leave.

    "I didn't say I want to leave." Fu Chengyue never said that he was leaving. This little taro ball will drive him away, right.

    "You have to go, you have to go now, hurry up, go out." Shen Yuyuan dragged Fu Cheng out of the house, with a bag in his hand, they thought that Shen Yuyuan was really going to send Fu Chengyue to the port, and digging into the port. I gave it away and didn't come back.

.Shen Yuyuan pulled Fu Cheng Yuefa away from the passenger seat and went up, patted the bag he took out. Here are the pens for his ID card, so he took this out and followed Fu Cheng to live with him.

    Fu Chengyue thought that Shen Yuyuan was really going to drive himself away, but he didn't expect that he would go with him.

    "I'm good to you. I didn't even say to go by myself. I have to take you with me. Let's go to your house. Get up early tomorrow and take me to the exam."

    Shen Yuyuan fastened his seat belts, and looked at Fu Chengyue who opened the car door and didn't move, and waved to him.

    "Aren't you afraid that your little dad will say you?" Fu Cheng got into the car, dumbfounded, started the car and drove away, taking advantage of Shen Xiaodd's failure to find out, this must not be let them know, Fu Chengyue was also very Want to take away Shen Yuyuan.

."Don't be afraid, he just has loud thunder and little rain. Just say a few words and it will be fine." Shen Yuyuan wanted Fu Chengyue to send him the college entrance examination yesterday, but Shen Xiaoda kept watching, and today he didn't sit down to Fu Chengyue. Car car.

    Fu Chengyue hit the steering wheel with one hand and shook his head helplessly as he listened to the playful voice in Shen Yuyuan's voice. It seemed that he had found a kid who loves trouble.

    When Xiao Dad Shen and the others found out, Shen Yuyuan had gone to Fu Chengyue's apartment. Xiao Dad Shen was still talking about how Shen Yuyuan had sent someone away and hadn't come back for a long time. He went out to see who else was there.

    After calling to ask, Shen Yuyuan passed in a daze, pretending to have a bad signal, and Xiao Dad didn't need to guess. He knew that Shen Yuyuan was definitely at Fu Chengyue's house now.

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