Chapter 47

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"Why look at me like this, I'm just a male in the first sex, but an omega in the second sex. Others will let you, and I won't." Shen Yuyuan is not an easy person, he won't have any pity. Min Yu's heart.

    Shen Yuyuan has been spoiled for growing up since he was a child. He is an alpha and an omega. People in the family let him go and tell Shen Yuyuan that if someone bullies him, he doesn't need to let him go. Just bully him and go back.

    "I don't have such a stinky mouth like yours, and you can tell such disgusting things. Here, the way to get back is to get beaten, so don't mess with me. My business has nothing to do with you. What do you care about being so lenient?"

    Shen Yuyuan really doesn't know what's going on with these people, shouldn't he take care of himself? Want to take care of other people's affairs?

    "Shen Yuyuan, are you not afraid of me telling the teacher? Don't think that you are the young master of the Shen family.".The woman was angry and anxious, but she didn't dare to do anything. She knew she couldn't beat Shen Yuyuan, and she knew what she couldn't do with Shen Yuyuan.

    "Are you still a primary school student? Tell the teacher that you really think you are quite young." Shen Yuyuan laughed, not paying attention to her threat at all.

    Yes, he is the young master of the Shen family, so you don't need to be afraid of anything, this is his capital! Why is it embarrassing to admit this? He still feels that this status is very satisfactory to him.

    Shen Yuyuan didn't want to talk to her more, he left quickly, and he had to go back to the classroom, so he didn't have time to argue with them.

    "Have it been recorded?" The girl on the left saw her movement, and the girl next to her nodded. The person in front didn't record it, but it was all recorded at the back.

.Shen Yuyuan did not pay attention to this, and did not notice the movements of the two people. When Lao Zhou asked Shen Yuyuan to go to the office, Shen Yuyuan's eyelids twitched.

    "Shen Yuyuan, I'm not quite clear about the situation either. The director just asked me to call you, so let's go and have a look." Lao Zhou didn't know what had happened. The director called him, and they just passed by. , The situation has not been clarified yet.

    "Okay." Actually, Shen Yuyuan almost knew what had happened. It was estimated that the two girls had told him. It was true that they were elementary school students, so they turned around and reported him to the director.

    Before Shen Yuyuan entered the office, he heard a girl crying inside. The voice was so familiar that he knew who it was without having to go in.

    "Director, we didn't say anything! .He came up to beat people, and we were really, very innocent. "The girl was crying and sad. What I didn't know was that she was bullied.

    "People are here too. You two talk to each other." The director was quarreled and his head hurts. However, the parents of girls are not forgiving. I am afraid they are all over now, and the parents of girls are not good. , The family is also a little bit related.

    But Shen Yuyuan is different. Shen Yuyuan is the young master of the Shen family. According to his status, of course it is Shen Yuyuan who is more difficult to provoke, but he is not very easy to suppress.

    "Director, we didn't say anything. It was Shen Yuyuan who didn't forgive people, and he hit them when he came." The girl cried and accused Shen Yuyuan, the palm prints on her face were very clear.

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