Chapter 63

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After Shen Yuyuan finished the class, Fu Cheng took the other person and went directly to the company. Shen Yuyuan didn't go home, and asked Shen Yushu to tell his family that he was with Shen Yushu.

    When Shen Yushu thinks about it now, she regrets it. She shouldn't have supported the two people being together at the beginning. You can see how this happened after the two people were together, and he was mad at him.

    It is not the first time that Shen Yuyuan has gone to Fu Chengyue's company. The last time he went, he had already aroused everyone's curiosity. This time he directly followed Fu Chengyue in.

    Fu Cheng Yue took Shen Yuyuan's hand, and didn't notice that the eyes they looked at him and Shen Yuyuan were all those of the people eating melons, and their eyes were about to pierce both of them.

    Shen Yuyuan noticed that they were looking at themselves, and raised his hand to greet them with a smile. Shen Yuyuan's small face was so obedient and delicate, and a smile made their hearts smile.

."Help, the boss's little omega is too cute, it's too cute, but a cute little boy!"

    "Good match! Good match!"

    "Little 〇 is so cute, I want to send tea^"

    "Don't stop me, I'll deliver it, let me deliver tea."

    When Shen Yuyuan just sat down, someone came to deliver tea outside, and came in with coffee and tea. I didn't know what Shen Yuyuan liked, so they all brought a cup.

    "Thank you sister."

    Shen Yuyuan sat on the sofa obediently and looked at the secretary's sister who came to deliver water. The little face was so good that it was completely unbearable. The secretary's sister covered her chest, and she was going to be cute for help. Such an omega is true. Does it exist?

    "No thanks, you can call me whatever you need, sisters are out there.".The secretary's sister's maternal instincts are so great that she can't wait to hug Shen Yuyuan and kiss her several times.

    Fu Cheng coughed twice. He didn't understand the dogishness of his secretary, so he liked these cute omegas. All celebrities like cute little omegas.

    "Don't stand here, buy me some small cakes, milk tea, and some snacks." Fu Cheng Yue found that there were no snacks in his office, and asked the secretary to go out and buy some back.

    "Okay, I'll go shopping right away." The secretary sister went shopping right away. The more Fu Cheng felt that this person was more active in buying things for Shen Yuyuan than for himself. He just went out without paying the money just now. NS.

    The more Fu Cheng had just finished thinking about the secretary's sister, she had already come in and smiled at Fu Cheng.

    "Mr. Fu, I haven't given any money yet.The secretary sister ran too fast just now and forgot to ask for money.

    "I'll send you a WeChat message." Fu Cheng Yue was amused by the secretary's sister, took the mobile phone to send money to the secretary's sister, and watched her run out to buy things.

    "You secretary is really cute." Shen Yuyuan was amused. He thought that Fu Chengyue and the secretary were serious, but he didn't expect to get along so harmoniously.

    "They have relatively good personalities." The more Fu Cheng thought that Shen Yuyuan should have met them last time, but the last time there was Fu Zhicong that stinky boy, the process might not be so beautiful.

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