Chapter 61

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Gu Jiachen hadn't finished saying a word, and tears had already fallen drop by drop, vying to be desperate.

    He was not with Yin Yan, he didn't know what happened at that time, he didn't know what the family said to him, he even blamed himself now, why didn't he protect Yin Yan.

    Gu Jiachen was afraid, afraid that Yin Yan would never want him again, he was afraid that Yin Yan had already left.

    When I was with Yin Yan, I said yes, I would treat Yin Yan well and would not be separated from him because of family reasons. Now that I am fine, there is nothing left. He is a liar on Yin Yan's side.

    He deceived his feelings, promised that he could not be done, and nothing would be done. In the end, he watched his family helplessly and bruised him all over his body. Gu Jiachen really hated his own powerlessness.

.He couldn't do anything, like a waste. Before, he felt that he was the caregiver of his family, and no one could take him. But now he finds that his family will hurt him the most.

    "Try it." Fu Chengyue didn't say anything. He handed the phone to Gu Jiachen and asked him to try to call Yin Yan. Maybe the kid was also very soft-hearted.

    Gu Jiachen used Fu Chengyue's cell phone to call Yin Yan as if grabbing the last straw, but he said that the cell phone was turned off. Please call again later.

    "I said, he doesn't want me anymore." Gu Jiachen returned the phone to Fu Chengyue, as if he had lost his life.

.If I told Gu Jiachen before that there was someone who would eat him to death in a few months and make him toss and turn to miss him. Gu Jiachen would definitely not believe it. Now he believes it. Gu Jiachen hates him now. The way, I miss Yin Yan to the heart is hurting.

    "How long have you been detained?" Fu Cheng felt that according to Yin Yan's personality, he might be more decisive in what he did.

    "It's been two days, and I haven't been out." Gu Jiachen looked at the ground with a dry throat.

    "Gu Jiachen, do you know Yin Yan? What do you think Yin Yan would do if he was insulted by your family."

    The more Fu Cheng couldn't be sure whether his guess was correct, it might just be his guess.

    "He will definitely go far, so that I will never see him again, he will definitely be, he will leave.".Gu Jiachen felt that this was what Yin Yan could do. He would definitely go far and never come back.

    Fu Chengyue drove the car and went to see at the address given by Jiachen Care. Gu Jiachen said that he hadn't asked Fu Chengyue for anything. This time he begged him to help him see if Yin Yan was still there.

    Fu Cheng reached the downstairs of Yin Yan's house, went up to the fifth floor, rang the doorbell, stood at the door for a long time, and kept ringing the doorbell until the neighbors next to him couldn't stand the door.

    "Young man, there is no one here, so don't press it." The neighbor kindly reminded them that everyone was asleep at night, and the doorbell suddenly rang surprised them all.

    "Are the people here gone?" Fu Cheng Yue felt as if he had been infected by Gu Jiachen, his throat seemed to be blocked by something and he couldn't speak.

."I'm gone. I left two days ago. The moving company I found urgently left. The kid was quite obedient and sensible. He gave us everything he couldn't move."

    Neighbors can also be regarded as watching Yin Yan grow up. There are no adults in the family, and the kind people around will take care of them a little bit more. They moved out suddenly, and they didn’t say one reason. They just said that there was something else, so they took his younger brother. gone.

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