Chapter 19

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I can't control my pheromone anymore. "Really? Then I'm leaving!" Fu Cheng pretended to go over the wall and leave. In fact, he had been observing Shen Yuyuan, waiting for him to tell him to stay.

    "Hey! I just said that I don't need you to see me. I didn't tell you to go. How can you go by yourself." Shen Yuyuan is a spoiled little young master, but he is unpleasant, but he likes it tightly.

    "Since Taotao won't let me go, don't go, do you want to play basketball?" Fu Cheng took the lead in pulling Shen Yuyuan towards the playground before waiting for Shen Yuyuan to speak.

    Gu Jiachen and a person whom Shen Yuyuan didn’t know was also playing basketball on the basketball court. They were all dressed in casual clothes. Fu Chengyue wore a sweater, black pants and a pair of sneakers. He was totally indistinguishable from being a 26-year-old. , It's like a college student returning to his alma mater.

.I don’t know why Fu Chengyue felt that Shen Yuyuan would definitely play basketball. How could it be possible that a young master like him who refused to admit defeat could not play basketball.

    Sure enough, the more Fu Cheng guessed right, Shen Yuyuan’s basketball is really good, and he can play better than he has seen many alphas. This is very rare. Omega’s physical strength is generally very poor. Shen Yuyuan has played for so long. Aside from breathing a little, there is no impressing situation.

    Gu Jiachen deliberately created opportunities for the two of them, and dragged his friends to buy water together, letting them fight first.

    As a result, it has been half an hour and I haven't seen Gu Jiachen come back. Shen Yuyuan is still wondering. Did Gu Jiachen buy water and lose it? In fact, he and the other person had already left, leaving Fu Chengyue here alone.

    "Your good friend is gone.".Shen Yuyuan scored another ball, his physical strength began to weaken, he supported his waist and panted for a while, and wanted to hit it again.

    "Stop playing basketball, you can see how tired you are. The lunch break has passed. It's time for class in the afternoon. What is the first class?" Fu Chengyue hugged the basketball with one hand and threw the basketball back. The equipment room came back to find Shen Yuyuan.

    "English class." Shen Yuyuan dodged Fu Chengyue's sight. Actually, the first class was math class. Shen Yuyuan lied to Fu Chengyue. If he told him it was math class, Fu Chengyue would definitely let him go back soon. of.

    "Hurry up and go back to class.".Fu Chengyue planned to send Shen Yuyuan back, but he did not expect that something bad happened when he was close to Shen Yuyuan. Fu Chengyue is an alpha who has grown up for several years with a high pheromone concentration. He just finished playing basketball and sweated all over his body. , Pheromone went out a bit by himself, and Fu Chengyue also forgot that there was a small omega.

    Shen Yuyuan started to react as soon as he smelled Fu Chengyue's pheromone. Fu Chengyue stepped back two steps and immediately applied the gland sticker, but it was already too late. Shen Yuyuan had already reacted.

    Shen Yuyuan was unsteady and wanted to sit on the ground. Fu Cheng stepped forward to support Shen Yuyuan. The sweet peach scent had begun to flow out, sweet and soft, just like a child desperately drilling into his arms now.

.Fu Chengyue suddenly felt troubled. This is the school. The morning break is over, and the first class of physical education is about to come. This is seen, and it has little effect on Fu Chengyue, but what about Shen Yuyuan, he It's an omega, still reading.

    Fu Cheng had no choice but to call Gu Jiachen with his mobile phone and ask him to come back quickly.

    "Hey! Mr. Fu, why call me when he is free! Shouldn't you flirt with your little taro balls?" Gu Jiachen was sitting in the car and was about to go fooling around, but he didn't expect Fu Cheng to call him more.

    "You're coming back soon. Something happened. Shen Yuyuan heard that my pheromone might be forced into estrus." Fu Cheng Yue took Shen Yuyuan to make a call, his attention was on the phone, but he didn't expect Shen Yuyuan to come over and smell Fu Chengyue's glands. , Licking the gland with the tip of his tongue, Fu Chengyue trembled all over, the feeling was really terrible.

.Before Gu Jiachen had time to ask, Fu Cheng had already hung up the phone, and Shen Yuyuan stuck to him, and Fu Cheng had no choice but to hang up and watch Shen Yuyuan.

    Gu Jiachen turned around immediately, he was afraid that Shen Yuyuan's pheromone would stimulate Fu Cheng even more, and it would be bad if something happened.

    "Little taro balls, can you collect your own pheromone?" Fu Cheng felt that he could no longer control himself, and went to the equipment room to lock the door with Shen Yuyuan in his arms.

    "Wu can't, I can't control it, Fu Cheng Yue you bite me." Shen Yuyuan nuzzled into Fu Chengyue's arms, hugged him, lowered his head to reveal the white and clean glands, wanting Fu Cheng to take a bite more .

    As soon as Shen Yuyuan's estrus came, he couldn't take care of anything else. He desperately wanted to get close to Fu Chengyue, he wanted to smell Fu Chengyue's pheromone, and he wanted to bite his glands with alpha.

    "Hey, you can't bite.".The more Fu Cheng could not bite Shen Yuyuan while he was unconscious, in case he regretted it later, the glands could not be bitten casually. If a powerful alpha like Fu Chengyue was bitten, after biting Shen Yuyuan, no matter what he or anything else. Alpha together will have an impact, unless that person's pheromone can surpass Fu Chengyue.

    Shen Yuyuan raised his head and looked at Fu Chengyue with wet eyes, tears were about to flow out of his eye sockets, his whole body was too soft, and he was completely out of the usual arrogant appearance.

    "Fu Chengyue, bite me." With a cry in his voice, Shen Yuyuan stretched his neck in front of Fu Chengyue, fingers tightly clutching his clothes. The more at this time, the more Shen Yuyuan relied on Fu Chengyue, which seemed to be The nature of omega.

.The more Fu Cheng was hooked by Shen Yuyuan, his body had already reacted. The pheromone was not under his control and wanted to entangle Shen Yuyuan's pheromone, and the glands almost couldn't stick to it.

    "Hey, you remember don't regret it, there is no room for regret." Fu Chengyue hugged Shen Yuyuan from behind, opened his mouth and bit down. The tiger teeth on both sides pierced Shen Yuyuan's skin, and the pheromone was intertwined with Shen Yuyuan. .

    Shen Yuyuan's brain was blank, all his senses were gathered on the glands, his body was trembling slightly, and he wanted to struggle. The more he was hugged by Fu Cheng, he couldn't move. Tears fell down his cheeks, making him a little fragile.

    Gu Jiachen used some relationships to get the school to cancel the afternoon physical education class to help Fu Cheng solve the mess. What is this! .Gu Jiachen stood at the door and smelled the strong pheromone smell inside. The alpha pheromone was wrapped in omega, which was too possessive. When Gu Jiachen approached, Fu Chengyue’s pheromone was still attacking him, and Gu Jiachen could only stand a little further away. .

    The more Fu Cheng loosened his teeth, holding onto the blood bead, licking little by little, feeling the person in his arms trembling, and hugged Shen Yuyuan again.

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