Chapter 10

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How can there be such a perfect little o! Shen Yuyuan was already a little impatient before they could speak, and he gave a tut, and the leader's alpha immediately reacted.

    "But you are an omega... okay, okay." Alpha immediately changed his face and agreed.

    He just suddenly thought that when those alphas wanted to take advantage of people's dangers, they were talking about Shen Yuyuan's own omega, how to resist, Shen Yuyuan directly told him that the omega resisted like this by action.

    Shen Yuyuan took off his jacket and handed it to Nie Shaoyu. The white shirt lined Shen Yuyuan with a cool temperament, especially when there was no expression on his face, she was a lively and cold beauty.

.Shen Yuyuan moved his wrists and ankles and walked into the court. This made the alpha on the court a little uncomfortable. They had never played with omega before.

    Everyone seems to have become gentler in unison, probably because of the nature of alpha. They are always a little gentler towards omega, and they also converge pheromone.

    Shen Yuyuan could feel that their offense was weakening, obviously they were letting him. Shen Yuyuan didn't want to speak either. The slender figure shuttled in the alpha. Shen Yuyuan's speed was very fast. Under such circumstances, they could barely touch the ball. After Shen Yuyuan took a few shots, they knew that they underestimated the omega, and they all played with their own strength.

.Nie Shaoyu hugged Shen Yuyuan's clothes, his eyes were staring, Shen Yuyuan is so handsome, Shen Yuyuan is in good shape, Shen Yuyuan's pheromone smells so good, Shen Yuyuan is good with everything.

    Shen Yuyuan is like a butterfly, more like a swan, dancing among the crowds. Nie Shaoyu can't find a word that can describe Shen Yuyuan. Shen Yuyuan is really wonderful.

    Undoubtedly, they let Shen Yuyuan be an omega in the first half and didn't take him seriously, so Shen Yuyuan's score was much higher than that of the other team.

    "Remember not to underestimate the omega next time." Shen Yuyuan rolled the ball on his finger, then threw it away, proudly like a little sun, the sunlight reflected in his eyes, like broken stars.

.At this moment, Shen Yuyuan left a seed in the hearts of many people. Such a bright, delicate and energetic omega might never be encountered again.

    Nie Shaoyu handed the school uniform to Shen Yuyuan, staring at him, she knew for the first time that omega could be so handsome, and that there would be no alpha when the omega was so handsome.

    "Are you handsome?" Shen Yuyuan deliberately asked again, he wanted to hear a satisfactory answer.

    "Handsome!" Nie Shaoyu now feels that no one is better than Shen Yuyuan, and Shen Yuyuan is now number one in her heart!

    "What about Fu Chengyue?" Shen Yuyuan suddenly thought of the alpha with deep facial features, gentle eyes, strong arms, and very fragrant pheromones.

.Nie Shaoyu was stunned, she thought about it in her mind, and compared Shen Yuyuan and Fu Chengyue. Suddenly she was speechless. The two of them are different in handsomeness. Shen Yuyuan is full of vigor and bright handsome, Fu Chengyue He is restrained, steady and handsome, how can it be compared.

    Shen Yuyuan was upset, the smile on his face disappeared immediately, pursing his lips, and walking forward by himself, it was still no better than the smelly alpha.

    Shen Yuyuan went to the toilet to wash his face, lowered his head, and the back of his neck was exposed. Nie Shaoyu who followed was spotted by Nie Shaoyu, who had a large rash on the glands.

    "Shen Yuyuan, do your glands hurt?"

    Shen Yuyuan wiped the water off his face, and he didn't understand why Nie Shaoyu asked him if his glands hurt. After touching the glands, he didn't feel anything at all.

    "What's wrong?".Shen Yuyuan couldn't see it, so he asked Nie Shaoyu to take a photo of him. The dense glands in the photo were all small red rashes, which looked terrifying.

    "Hurry up and ask Lao Zhou for a vacation to take a look." Nie Shaoyu was a little worried whether he was allergic to inhibitors!

    No matter what, Shen Yuyuan was also an 18-year-old high school student. Seeing his glands so scared, he immediately asked Lao Zhou for leave, called his sister, and sat obediently at the school gate waiting for Shen Yushu to pick him up.

    Shen Yushu took Shen Yuyuan to the hospital for a gland check and a full body check. This worries Shen Yushu. When he went to school this morning, he was fine. How long has it been since then, why is it so suddenly?

    The doctor brought in Shen Yuyuan and Shen Yushu with the physical examination report. He thought Shen Yushu was Shen Yuyuan or an omega, and directly explained to Shen Yushu.

."This kid has just passed the estrus period. Was it the inhibitor you gave him during the estrus period? Your pheromone was mixed with the inhibitor and his body was not adapted to it. It is easy to understand that there was an antibody reaction. In fact, it's nothing. The inhibitor has worked, but if you want the rash to go down, you have to use pheromone to soothe him more."

    The doctor has encountered this situation before. It's no surprise that you don't need to prescribe any medicine, you need a little alpha pheromone.

    "Then what if there is no pheromone soothing?" Shen Yushu didn't expect this reason, and asked the doctor with a dark face.

    "Then miss the best pheromone soothing period, this rash may stay forever." The doctor doesn't understand that the alpha is right next to him? Isn't that a question for nothing?

.Shen Yuyuan walked out of the doctor's office holding the list and looked at his sister stupidly.

    "Hey, for this, Fu Cheng is getting cheaper, and I will call Fu Cheng over now." Shen Yushu couldn't help but scolded her, really mad at her. I didn't think that Fu Cheng would be better off. Will agree and call him directly.

    Shen Yuyuan sat on a chair in the corridor and watched what his sister was talking to Fu Cheng Yue. It was too far away and he couldn't hear clearly. Maybe he was explaining the reason for his rash.

    Shen Yushu hung up the phone and walked over, squeezing Shen Yuyuan's small face: "Get up, I will send you to Fu Chengyue's company.".

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