Chapter 28

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Shen Yushu glanced at Shen Yuyuan, and didn't know whether this child was considered lucky or unlucky by Fu Cheng. Fu Chengyue was a scheming old man who could not see through anything. Yuanyuan was so innocent. Cheng Yue was taken less than two moves in front of him.

    Shen Yuyuan couldn't sleep at night, so he secretly sent more news to Fu Cheng, and confidently told Fu Cheng that he couldn't sleep and asked Fu Cheng to chat with him.

    "Kid, you see what time it is and you are not going to bed."

    As soon as Fu Cheng came out of the shower, he saw the message Shen Yuyuan had sent him, and he could only imagine what Shen Yuyuan's expression over there was.

    Shen Yuyuan glanced at the time. It was after eleven o'clock. He had slept later than this before. He only went to bed after twelve o'clock. It was not too late.

    "I don't care, I can't sleep." Shen Yuyuan didn't care, he couldn't sleep, he had to be coaxed to sleep.

.Fu Chengyue called Shen Yuyuan. The moment Shen Yuyuan saw the call, his cell phone could not be held steady, his heart beating faster, and the blush quietly climbed up to the tips of Shen Yuyuan's ears.

    Shen Yuyuan coughed twice and answered the phone. He heard the breathing of Fu Chengyue on the other side. Fu Chengyue hadn't spoken yet, and Shen Yuyuan had already blushed first.

    "The kid can't sleep! So what do you want to do?" Fu Chengyue stood on the balcony, his voice full of doting, which could be heard by anyone who knew how.

    "You coax me, coax me to sleep." Shen Yuyuan squeezed the tips of his ears and forced himself to calm down. Don't be so shy. Why is he so shy in front of Fu Chengyue!

    "Then how do you want to coax.".The more Fu Cheng listened to Shen Yuyuan's voice, he was very moved. If before, Fu Cheng would never have guessed that he would be moved by a small omega, an omega who was only 18 years old, or a young master of the Shen family.

    "Tell me a story, tell me about your past." Shen Yuyuan wanted to inquire about Fu Chengyue's past, but he was embarrassed to say it. Now that it is all right, let Fu Chengyue tell him the story openly.

    "Before I talked about it, Xiao Yuyuan must not remember it. I saw you when you were younger, and I even hugged it." The reason Fu Chengyue was able to recognize Shen Yuyuan at a glance at school before was because of Shen Yuyuan's impression of a black head. Very deep.

    At that time, the elders of the Shen family called out Shen Yuyuan. The younger Shen Yuyuan was exquisite like a doll, exquisite and soft, and was spoiled and spoiled since childhood.

.Fu Chengyue had just been in high school at that time, and Shen Yuyuan was only eight or nine years old. At that time, because Shen Yuyuan was so behaved, he couldn't help teasing him and gave him a hug.

    The next time I saw Shen Yuyuan, it was already time for Shen Yuyuan to study in junior high school. Shen Yuyuan, a junior high school student, was slender and slender. He inherited all the good genes of his little father perfectly. At the age of fourteen or five years old, he can see how he will be able to. How beautiful it is.

    Now the facial features are longer and more open, and he guessed right, it is indeed the longer and more beautiful.

    "Really? No, you can't hug me." Shen Yuyuan felt that if Fu Cheng hugged him more, he would definitely not be able to remember, and Shen Yuyuan would not be able to remember a good-looking person.

    "Really, if you don't believe me, go and ask your sister, she knows." As Fu Cheng teased Shen Yuyuan, Shen Yushu was watching.

.Shen Yuyuan was dubious, planning to ask her sister tomorrow if it was like this.

    "The little taro balls grew so big as soon as they were dazzling." Fu Chengyue suddenly wanted to see the little Shen Yuyuan, he must be very cute, small, soft, like a small glutinous rice, it must feel very good when it is pinched. .

    "Don't say how old you are, huh, I ask you, are you the only child in your family?" Shen Yuyuan didn't want to admit that the more Fu Cheng was so much older than him, the more Fu Cheng was eight years older than him. Moreover, Fu Chengyue knew everything about him, but he didn't know about Fu Chengyue.

    "No, I have a brother alpha, who is almost five years old now." Fu Chengyue really didn't want to mention his brother. It would be really bad if it weren't for Shen Yuyuan's question.

    "So young, didn't the auntie be very old when he gave birth to him.".Shen Yuyuan didn't expect Fu Cheng to have such a younger brother.

    "Hmm, my younger brother was born at forty-three years old. As a result, he was upset when he was born." The more Fu Cheng mentioned his younger brother, he was upset, no matter how bad he was.

    Shen Yuyuan wanted to know what Fu Chengyue's younger brother looked like, so he wanted Fu Chengyue to show him his brother's photo.

    "My younger brother and you look like you!" Shen Yuyuan's eyes widened when he saw the photo. This is too much like Fu Chengyue, how can it be so similar! It was simply carved out of a mold, and those who didn't know thought it was Fu Chengyue's son.

    "A lot of people say that." The more Fu Cheng touched the glands unconsciously, feeling a little hot, and chatting with Shen Yuyuan did not respond, and did not think about other places.

.Shen Yuyuan took Fu Cheng and said a lot more, feeling a little sleepy after twelve o'clock in the conversation, and just wanted to say good night, but Fu Chengyue suddenly became quiet.

    "Fu Chengyue? Why aren't you talking anymore?" Shen Yuyuan shouted, Fu Chengyue suddenly felt a little strange, didn't he just talk well? Why suddenly there is no sound now.

    "I'm okay, Xiao Yuyuan, my susceptibility period is here, you sleep well by yourself, I hang up." Fu Cheng hung up the phone more uncomfortably, frowning as he felt his glands getting hotter and hotter.

    Fu Chengyue feels uncomfortable every susceptible period, because there is no omega by his side, if other alphas have already found omega at the age of Fu Chengyue, pheromone can be used to appease him, but the more Fu Cheng has no omega, once Harder than once.

.Shen Yuyuan was a little flustered when he heard that Fu Cheng was getting more and more susceptible. In Shen Yuyuan’s impression, he had seen Song Muyi and Shen Yushu’s susceptibility period. Both of them were very uncomfortable. .

    Shen Yuyuan didn’t know what Fu Cheng’s more susceptible period was, but he didn’t need to guess it. He must be uncomfortable. Shen Yuyuan was lying on the bed, tossing over and over again and couldn’t sleep. He kept thinking that Fu Cheng was getting more susceptible. The upper eyes are how Fu Cheng feels more uncomfortable.

    Shen Yuyuan simply got up from the bed, put on his clothes, packed up his things, and ran away. It was midnight and he was not safe with an omega. Although Shen Yuyuan was not afraid of it, he had a lesson, but he ran back and rang Shen Yushu's. door.

    "Little ancestor, see for yourself what time it is, and what are you looking for me to do so late." Shen Yushu was sleeping soundly, and was awakened by the knock on the door.

."Fu Chengyue's susceptibility period has come, sister, can you send me over?"

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